
Long Preview of Best Love Shown at Press Conference — 18 Comments

  1. Thank you for your treat but I prefer not watching it because I want to keep hope . I am not fond at all of such a skinny GHJ ; I am already absolutely scared by the pics and by the BTS preview . It won’t be a pleasure for me if I am concerned for the actress and not for the character ! I don’t know even if I’ll be able to watch the drama : such a skinny person reminds me of awfull things . I read that YEH was about to act in this drama ; it would have been better .
    I saw GHJ in Thank you ; she looked like a normal person and was a very good actress . What has happened to her ?

    • I don’t think GHJ is much skinnier than she has always been. Watching her from her ROYOW days up through Sang Doo up until Pasta (her last drama), she’s always been the tall, super-skinny model figure.

      When she plays homey characters they tend to dress her in less fitted clothes, which perhaps covers more her skin and bones. Her cheeks are her usual round look, and she has a healthy glow. I think she’s perfectly fine, health-wise.

    • I think she has been always like this… You can feel the skinniness more in her photoshoots for magazines. I feel like I will end up liking her character (in turn her.. may be) as the show progresses since it is not poor dumb lead like every other k drama, something different for a change!

  2. Ohh noo not the guy from PK! He sure did a bad work… hated that …. 🙁

    *Want to see the trailer but also don’t want to be so spoiled. Oh who cares I love spoiler lol XD thanks for posting!

  3. thanks for the warning. I guess cause the preview is 9 minutes long and they didn’t really want to ‘spoil’ anything they decided to make it choppy. That way people will have to watch the drama to find out that the drama is really about.
    Can’t wait. so many dramas so little time.

  4. No idea what they’re saying, but Cha Seung Won made me laugh the entire time. Gotta love the Hong Sisters and their bickering couples. Too bad we didn’t get to see much of Yoon Kye Sang.

  5. I’m a spoiler addict, so of course i watched it. I really wish i could understand korean 🙁

    But still, from the looks of it, this is going to be amazing.

    • Me too! I eat ’em up like candy! Yay for spoilers!

      I didn’t understand much, but so far, it looks like it’s going to live up to my expectations. Is it May yet? Wake me up when it gets here.

  6. The part where GHJ doing “spy works” in hospital with the music – that is so Stephen Chow. Makes me expecting something totally different from this drama (instead of a rom-com it’s more like a crazy comedy, which i don’t mind at all)

  7. I was grinning from ear to ear though I didn’t understand anything, thank you. I guess I know what kdrama you going to recap/review. Yay! ^_^

  8. Another treat from ockoala! Love you!
    Best Love is premiering this week. It’s finally here. Cannot wait.

  9. the scene where gong hyo jin’s character meets yoon kye sang’s character in a bar(?) is hilarious! can’t wait for the drama tomorrow!

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