
Kim So Eun and Jung Il Woo for 10 Asia — 11 Comments

  1. They look cute together =)
    Just Kim So Eun’s knees look kinda irritating, my opinion so no offense 😉

  2. I’m packing leaving tom!!!! stole a peak here…Missed Koala Bear!!!! 😉 I love her dress, yup I’m dying my hair a little bit lighter than her…her knees are dark because she always kneel…yup ask me about beauty I know 😉 It’s good to be aware of things than be a victim of ignorance my motto 😉 I hate packing I need a truck so how do I bring my books my partners in crime!!!! that’s why I was thinking of joining the peace corp for a year maybe I can live with 2 pair of jeans alone and top….Koala Bear I wanna bring you with me 🙁 kaja!!!! paliyeh!!! araso?

  3. Yeah, he needs another lead role asap. Loved him RoI and he can carry a drama with his charisma, his charm and his acting skills!

  4. thank you koala!….I was on such a Kim So Eun high in the earlier half of 2009 just like with Jung So Min last year but didnt see her in a thing in 2010 and seriously miss her…..I hope she would do the Baek Dong Soo drama with Ji Chang Wook and Yoo Seung Ho…please dramagods! Please!

  5. Me too!!! Kim So eun unnie should have a drama aas soon as possible I totally miss her so much! Hope that she’ll do in a kinda melodrama with any actors!

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