
49 Days Episode 16 Recap — 31 Comments

  1. Thank youuu!!!

    I cried so much last night when I watched Yi Soo died and now I am crying again reading your recap. It was just unbearable to see (and read) *sniff*

    Can’t wait for next week 😀

  2. Thank you so much, ockoala! You made my day yet again! 🙂 JIW kills me with his performance, and that last pic of him totally reminds me of his Iljimae. <3 This drama is like a roller-coaster ride with no discernible end in sight, and my, what a ride!! Now, how to last until next week is the question.

  3. Thanks for the recap and your opinion of the drama..Its fun to know what is your thoughts..Can’t wait for next week .Thanks again

  4. When I watched Secret Garden I sort of lost interest after episode 13-ish.
    But I agree with you Koala-ssi – The latter half of 49 Days is fascinating and completely riveting to watch. Rarely are Kdramas able to keep upping the suspense and make us chew our nails with this expression 0.0

    It’s really a fresh change to watch 49 Days being able to continue churning out steam Yunno, at the point where most Kdramas tend to be lukewarm and meh-ish.

    Thanks for the recaps BTW 🙂

  5. after watching this episode..
    I think the next tear is going to come from MINHO….!!!
    that would be so EPIC
    cause even though all the MinHo and InJung planning and sinister plots was to get JiHyun’s family money, the end result is that he really did fall for JiHyun..
    that would be so EPIC and twisted.. and very in your face for INJUNG…

    But then I also think that the 3rd tear will also come from InJung…

    what say you..?

      • my money on Min-ho too, but I doubt it In-jung will shed a single tear for Ji-hyun, and it would be awesome if Min-ho’s happens to be a the last tear she desperately needs on her last day..

      • @ omo & me

        I really think MinHo would be one of the tears..
        as for injung, I was just hoping she would be cause that would really make her more human than the BITCH that she is turning out to be…

    • I don’t think IJ will be one of the tears, for the simple reason that the tear has to be a pure tear. Even if IJ suddenly develops a conscience and starts thinking like a , you know, rational human being; any tears she shed would be tinged by guilt. That is, if she could even feel guilt or remorse. Personally, I think she’s hopeless. MH, on the other hand, I still hold out a tiny sliver of hope for.

    • In Jung and Min Ho’s tears will be tainted with guilt, somehow, don’t you think?

      I’m guessing that it’s going to be Seo Wo next and and the final one’s from Yi Kyung, since she can see and feel Ji Hyun’s presence and all now…

  6. My goodness, this is sooooo good. I haven’t seen the episodes but I cried reading your recap especially when I read how Yi Soo worked so hard to buy the ring and how happy he was looking at it, how he died *sniff* *sniff* how his last thoughts were of his happy days with his beloved YiKyung * sniff*. Somehow I don’t want this drama to end yet. I really want Yi Kyung and Yisoo to be happy. I think JH will come back to life and live happily with Kang. But who knows. I really want YiKyung to find happiness. I hope Kang and YiKyung will become close.

  7. thank you soooo much. i was dying for the recap since I watched the episode without subs this morning. now it made so much more sense for the other half of the conversations that I didn’t understand. you’re the best

  8. wow…thanks for the recap…yes i agree that this drama made me feel anxious and impatient waiting for Wednesdays and Thursdays to arrive.(in fact, i wished its wenesday and thursday everyday!!!hahaha) This is the only drama that gives me the urge to watch it online while it still Aires in Korea. It keeps me thinking what will happen next?and to think that the actors/actresses are my favorites since their former shows….today, after watching this, I feel like I want to time travel and watch it ahead of time..hahaha…keep it up!!

  9. the scene where Scheduler turned away because he can’t approach her, and then in came Han Kang… symbolism? will Kang replace Scheduler later on?

    • Hhhmmm….I hadn’t thought of that. It could be. The great thing about this drama is that it really does keep you guessing. With most of the dramas out there we’d be able to see the end game by now, and it would just be a matter of finishing things; but with this drama I really don’t know how everything is going to end. I’m not certain that JH will get her 3 tears, or that we’ll get a happily ever after, or who’s going to end up with who. Only 4 more episodes and I’m still wondering how the writer is going to wrap everything up….how fun, for a change!

  10. the scene where Scheduler turned away because he can’t approach her, and then in came Han Kang… symbolism? will Kang replace Yi Soo later on?

  11. I would’ve never thought I’m saying this. I’m finally 100% can’t take my eyes off show whereas I’ve spent the previous 15 eps some way or the other not fully engaged. This tops my best 49 ep yet!

    I’m screaming at the IncredibleKang to palipali drive and chase that taxi down and speed up his already impossibly superhuman analytical skills.

  12. ockoala ur comment on JH was all true n accurate regarding whether she get 3tears or giving her 2nd chance to finish d uncomplete task she has.

    Its true dat its not totally Y faults to cause d incident snc if not she wont kn d real color of Minho n Injung.Im glad dat she nw kns Kang’s feelings 4 her so it wil b gr8 if she rem’ber him aftr getting d tears n bak to life.Even if she didnt get d tears also d ending wiont b a sad ending snc during these 49days alloted to her she came across so many things which she wont hv if she was alive so either way i’l go wid wateva d writer has in store with d 4 remaining eps.

  13. I’m with you on this. First, I love Ji-hyun too. Talking second chance which involving waking up from vegetable stage, getting the love of your life, not to mention fixing all the problems in life, but the most important thing, figuring out who you really are. We saw that she’s maturing probably for the first time in her fairytale life. I agree with you, if she doesn’t get her tears, she still gonna go to the afterlife with some kinda ease. Knowing Kang-ah will fix all the problems, dad’s fine, Min-ho’s evil plan is disclosed and maybe a love declaration which involving some kissing with Hang-kang before her tear pendant breaks. But, if she gets her tears and gets together with her Kang-ahh, I’m happy for her (If I were her, I’d be a nun and devoted the rest of my life to humanity).

    What about Yi-kyung? Abandoned from the age of 5, the love of her life who literally her whole life died. The thing that happens to her is the thing I’m most afraid, having a bad conversation with your love one and the next thing you know they’re gone. Ji-hyun is fighting death but Yi-kyung “died” five years ago with Yi-soo. I know that Yi-kyung and Yi-soo need their closure and proper goodbye, but damn I want to see her get her own happiness in the end of the story. Her chance for once in life, they said life can be unfair, but I was told that it will find some kinda equilibrium some how, so if there’s a queue of second chance, this girl should be first on the list, and no, I don’t want that doctor be a part of it.

  14. i guess the 2nd tear will be from min ho…. and, 3rd will be from in jung… i’m doubt abt min ho but i’m sure abt in jung… ji hyun needs a PURE tears, and in jung PURELY hate ji hyun…

  15. tnx for the recap. i don’t watch k dramas anymore, but i’m really curious about 49 days, i’ve been reading your recap since day 1 so keep it coming!
    and for 49 days, pardon me, but i would have love it even more if it was a book lol (thats headache for others but i love the smell and story of books.)

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