
SBS Releases Extended Preview for Lie to Me — 40 Comments

  1. My first time commenting in this site, but I always be your avid reader Koala. Thanks for the summary. It really intensified my anticipation of this drama.
    My favorite scene is the cherry blossom scene, so beautiful and magical.
    You’re right about these two actors. They really can do comedy but they’re also good at angsty moment. What do you think of their acting skill based on this preview ?

    • Thanks for delurking, santaiah.

      As for your question – the previews show that both leads are good, solid, doing what I know they can do with their eyes closed and hands tied behind their back. A rom-com should be a piece of cake for them, and so far they are doing everything just fine.

      The preview is yet early – I’m waiting to see if they can take their characters and elevate it to another level of intensity when the time comes. I have faith, both are my faves for a reason.

  2. omo, 7 recaps… “thanks” is all I’ve got to say!!! I can foresee awesome recaps coming and one good thing is that 49 days will end in 2 weeks’ time so hopefully you can get more sleep after that. THANK YOU!!!

    I do wonder if you are watching “can you hear my heart”. Am not expecting recaps (that would just be crazy) but if you do watch, I am interested to know your feeling about this drama! I guess the “revenge” part is nothing new to drama (not just k drama) but I find numerous pieces of this drama interesting – e.g. the chemistry between the brothers DJ anf JH, is just very refreshing to me (ironically the chemistry is stronger than the male and female lead LOL); I especially enjoy the moments with DJ himself enjoying the world around him, alone (like counting the fish scene, oh I love it). It gives a nice balance to the “noisy” scenes with WR’s family or even DJ’s mom.

  3. The best part of the preview in my opinion was at the beauty shop (hair salon?).
    It was when Ahjung faked her marriage on the phone so that Soran can hear her.
    She says, “What? you want some eel? Oh, you’ve must have been tired.”
    Eel, of course, is what Koreans eat for stamina~ especially sexual stamina.
    Her first love responds to her then by saying, “You guys are still newly weds.”

    Yoon Eunhye’s pronunciation and delivery in this preview the best I’ve seen so far. Her acting performance may be much improved as well.

    I’ve noticed two lines that were bit awkward in this preview~ a line for Park Ji Yoon and a line for Soran. Soran did well to deliver her awkward line, but Park Ji Yoon’s pronunciation and delivery wasn’t as good (for this awkward line). But I’d guess that it would sound more clear on TV and be more effective as well.

    Overall, the script lines, particularly the catchy, dorky and awkward lines that are part of romantic comedy dramas was written well, and the actors delivered it quite well. These lines are far better than the disastrous lines in Yoon Eunhye’s last drama. I still can’t get over the lines used in the first 3 episodes of MFL. I don’t know how good the story will be, but the punch lines in this drama is very good. I liked it.

    • I agree with Lea…I think YoonEunhye delivered it so well…her pronunciation n acting also improve a lot ….I’m sure she works hard for this…YEH hwaiting!!!

    • Thanks for your explanation, it help us a lot non Korean drama fans. And I’m glad that the script is doing good so far cause that what worrying me the most. Looking forward for your recap Koala and please take care of your health 🙂

  4. oh my god, chingu! Can you do it? Cos 7 recaps a week…that’s just insane! I’ll be cheering you on, of course, but please take care of yourself, yeah?

  5. the best part is at the salon as well when she picked up the phone and talked…oh god, i laugh the hell out of me…so funny…

    ockoala, please take care of urself…we r grateful

  6. I’m so so happy that you’re recapping this drama!!! So far, I’m loving it just by the previews and teasers alone….

    Can’t wait for the drama!!!! Weeeeeeeee………

  7. I’m so happy that u gonna recap LTM because u recapped much faster than dramabean. I never been so excited to watch a drama since coffee prince.

  8. Umm…does the beginning remind anyone of Mike He’s character in Sunny Happiness? Hotel chain chaebol with an ocd/germaphobia disorder nitpicking cleanliness all through the hotel?

  9. Oh, I forgot to say~ Thanks ockoala^^

    I also have a question for you. I hope you don’t mind me posting it here. If it is a problem, please delete it.

    It’s about Ariel Lin’s new drama.
    GTV had previously announced that her new drama was “Coffee Queen: I Might Not Love You.” But the writer is now saying it is not a Taiwanese version of Coffee Prince.
    So it’s strange. While the TV station is saying it is, the writer is saying it is not.
    I did read the character description, and yes it is different. But I wonder who is right. It would be exciting to see another version of Coffee Prince with different cultural background.

    • Ariel and Bolin’s new drama is just called I Might Not Love You. There will be no reference to Coffee Prince or any similarity. Supposedly it’s like a best friends get together somehow scenario. Not much news on it yet, currently in the midst of filming.

      • Yeah, that’s why it’s strange. Cause the TV station which will air I might said before the filming that “I Might” was Coffee Queen: I Might Not Love You. But they have taken off Coffee Queen part now. So I wondered if they just changed their plans.

  10. im really was bored with this prev! i like more the others!!
    but i will see it! !!!!!!!!!!!!1
    because the others prevs were hilarious to watch and because i believe!
    that tha scene with the cheries blossom are so beautiful that noting can make it bad!

  11. thank you thank you in advance for recapping this! we non-korean speaking fans are ever so grateful!

    pls take care of your health!

  12. I just hope it lives up to all the hype but I have a feeling I will end up watching he whole thing nonetheless. Loving the whole set up!!! Even the little bro is pretty good..

  13. Great ….i love the part KJH tries to explain his fiancee that they can’t marrage !!!
    I was about to cry !
    OH man , he is gonna creat incredible romantic scene in coming episodes !!!
    About YEH … speechlee !!! I have no word to say !!
    she is as good as i expected her to be .

  14. I already saw the previews in real episodes but only until 4, sadly!
    But the kiss I guess will be in number 5 or maybe 6? I think so, awwww! It’s soooo sweet I can’t really wait for monday right now! -_- EVERYTHING IS SO CHEESY! I actually cant stare at the part where they were about to kiss, I felt like my breath was all over my chest. Hahaha, I know! Hahaha, I just love being a teen! 😛

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