
Drunken to Love You Episode 6 Recap — 45 Comments

  1. How did that happen? Can’t put the piece together… anyway yea I know, that’s kinda irritating. >( And we have to wait next week. Double irritation. >(

  2. yayy thankyou koala! i’ve been waiting for you to post this just so I can comment. For once am so thankful for my half-decent chinese proficiency and hence no need for subs- I swear I haven’t livestreamed a drama in years. I’ve got it bad for DTLY.

    there have been suggestions that this ‘boating’ of JX and XR would lead to a plot point of her getting preggers.
    i can’t locate the clip now but in one of the initial trailers, there was a clip where JX was seen picking out books at a one of those cafe-bookstores, books on pregnancy. and also a short clip where his assistant telling him that he found a prgm that could do a stitch of XR and JX’s faces to get an idea of how their baby would look, cue ugliest baby picture ever, and JX looking somewhat torn between incredulity and touched.

    but the thing abt this boating scene is that it was one between two consensual adults who had acknowledged their emotions with each other. It wasn’t done in a moment of folly (even if one of them was drunk) JX from his reaction the morning after obviously was aware that he had done the deed with XR, hence bewilderment when he found AW next to him. I just wonder how AW is gonna explain away her presence when JX obviously remembers stuff from the night before, and whether he’s gonna believe her lies. I would think he did not, seeing how he found the button and was actually asking XR about it. Even if the production team is selling this like the next FTLY, which I loved as well don’t get me wrong, this drama is on a whole new level when it comes to writing abt the relationship development between the two leads. while FTLY had the much-publicised bed scene as a mistake between the couple, DTLY is one where the two people may be befuddled by the moment but still fully aware of what they’re getting into. Hence the dynamics the morning after the deed would be drama-gold whether or not AW comes to spoil the show. arghh I like Tiffany Hsu but goshhh testament to her acting that I wanna tear her hair out now.

    And i hope those fan speculations abt XR getting preggers is true. It would be so poignant that two people who have issues about abandonment and being alone to actually start a family together. But i do hope they dun play the guy forcing the girl to be with him just cos of responsibility trope. Cos I think JX and XR have more issues to delve into than just that- their characters have sufficient complexity to deal with a pregnancy without resorting to the overdramatic and cliche. I think what I really love about this drama is that I can see JX and XR as real people. XR holding down a normal job, a smart sassy woman in her own right, while JX has a successful career of his own, while both having their own emotional hang-ups. (ooh look no son of rich old man running a conglomerate) But in order for this story arc to be fulfilled the way I hope, this can only occur in the latter half of the drama. Seeing how ep5 only takes us to day7 of marriage, I can be hopeful? Two months of pregnancy to discovery and hiding from JX for a bit, we can hit the halfway mark plus a bit more right? did they ever announce the number of episodes for this yet?

      • really? i would be surprised by this. normally tw-dramas are in the late-teens or early twenties in the number of episodes.

      • I saw it said 13 at viki as well, but it kinda surprised since all the other websites I’ve seen doesn’t even mention how many episodes it has, viki is the only place where it says 13. I just feel like reading the future spoilers, it seems like it could be more episodes…

  3. Thanks so much epi 6 its a great episode… they are making their own memories as husband and wife and urgh! the episode ending sucks! I want more but we still wait for 6 days for the next ep

  4. I dunno what to say *sigh* this drama kills me. Can’t wait to the next cup (7) hope avril will be diSmissed on screen for the one whole episode, for make such scene *hah!*

  5. I see i’m not the only one who was like with a WTF reaction!
    When the episode ended I was like WTF?! O_O??!
    I almost threw my laptop in the air!
    That Avril annoys the bejesus out of me x_x. She told Xiau Ru not to be selfish when, it looks to me that the only one being selfish here is her.
    How many times does one have to say they’re through for her to understand?!

    And it seems that in the next episode there’s going to be more trouble o.o.
    Can’t believe i have to wait an entire week to watch it, and next week i’ll be going on holiday as well and won’t be able to watch DTLY until july. Aaaah i’m going to go crazy T_T.

  6. i bet XR snuck out early out of guilt/shame/leading lady complex and then Avril snuck in to the room later and saw JX there all nekkid and alone in bed, and wanting to get into his bed again (figuratively speaking) got into bed with him (literally speaking) in the vacant side left by XR!

    i hope the papparazzo doesn’t catch them in bed together! 🙁

  7. oh Ockoala, I am with you on this one. Head banger – I just knew that Avril was going to wake up with JX and that they were going to flashback in the next episode to let us know Avril convinced XR (or maybe XR let her on her own accord) for Avril to take her place. (It’s just the trend of flashbacks in the series and also SETTV just does that to us all the time – blah). But seeing as JX and XR are legally married, Avril has no right!! I really don’t like Avril now either! And the angst in the next episode and the “scandal” etc… urgh… I really hope that Avril doesn’t out JX in the press conference. Is there a need to (realistically, not for the sake of the drama)? Anyways… JX – jia you… show XR that you are for real and a 100 times better than YX. I think YX was quite caring about XR before the whole psycho Peggy mess up. I like series that focus more on how the guy “chases” the girl instead of the ones who are all confused and can’t decided between the 2 ladies.

    Poor JX… his issues with abandonment… I hope XR can help him overcome that. JX’s mom’s gonna come back right? There’s someone playing his mom right? I was hoping that she would before the divorce so that she can find out that she has a DIL. I’d be interested in seeing that so that not all the angst etc is focused on Avril & Yi Xian.

    I watched this last night and am so glad that my 2nd love LTM airs on M-T so as to distract me. Rickie is kinda adorable, but the whole Sandy/Avril comparison… eh… I don’t know.

  8. Thank you so much! Not only for the recap but for hating that WHORE FROM HELL TANG AI WEI!
    I disliked her strongly since around ep 2 or 3 but now? Wow… I really have no words.
    I absolutely love JX and XR and they just get better and better! The confession was the best thing EVER! Its true Avril must’ve convinced XR to bait and switch with her which also makes me wonder if they slept together at all… Although to me the sex really isn’t the important thing. Its more about what led up to it and the fact that JX believes they did. For he didn’t seem remorseful, just a little insecure and uncertain, which I’m thinking most people are after such leading events.

    Either way, I’m getting to the point, I hate that I started watching live. From now on, no matter how wonderful, I’m waiting a few weeks at least cause the evil crazy that DTLY has made my life CANNOT be repeated!

  9. Thank you for recap.ugh..why?after all the confession and hot make out then avril show up?then what?she gonna claimed that it is her he’s been sleeping with?or is she going bitching saying I let go you screw her one time but I had it all in hand,that XR wont be around anymore so you can come back to me!oh I wish JX would just blow at her and chased XR or that rickie tell JX that he saw Avril sneak in and forced XR to leave.I know this wont happen as I heard that in next ep avril have her glorry bitch time but you know what?that only makes JX hate her more and thinks he had wasting his time with her and love XR even more.

  10. Rickie is handsome, but is acting isn’t. He overdid it. When he had the flashback of him and Sandy breaking up it annoyed me so much. He without any motion screaming ”Don’t go Sandyyyy” ”he is a married man, Sandyyy” and bleh.

    • i agree. i think he can’t act and has a weird accent T^T
      its a kinda cool accent, but it just doesn’t work. he sounds like a…. an australian trying to learn chinese.

  11. He was drunk, but he’s going to remember the button… *crosses fingers*

    Yep, that was actually a surprising twist. They went through with it, but the next morning is super confusing. What a messed up relationship they have (Avril and Jie Xiu). She walked away from him, and now she’s all, if I can’t play with him, no one can! I guess the Avril/Xiao Ru dialogue will be revealed in the next episode. Whatever it is, it’s going to be pretty messed up. Or… maybe we find out that she really did push him off. Or that… hahahaha… he passed out.

    It’s so true- why I’m loving this couple is that their love is growing so normally and naturally, it’s like a marriage arranged by fate. If your husband/wife is good person, sincere, and also good to you… How could you not fall in love? ^^

    I also hope she won’t be pregnant… but, if she were to be, at least the real reason to be together for them is not a baby but that they are already in love. I’m sick of that recycled plot point. xD

    Please be a fighter, Xiao Ru! Don’t whimp out on us now!!!

  12. “KOALA HULK OUT. IS SO ANGRY. KOALA SMASH FURNITURE. WTF, Avril Tang?!?! Are you kidding me?”
    lol, this was how i felt as well. i can’t wait for the next episode.
    I’m guessing Avril will reveal her relationship with JX to the media so that she can get with him again. Thanks for the recap! (:

  13. Oh chingu! You weren’t the only one whose blood pressure skyrocketed at the end of the ep. As a matter of fact, I’m STILL feeling it rising (I’ve JUST finished watching it) and omg, alsdjlsdfhgdklfghksjf!

    Count me in the I-really-really-don’t-like-Avril camp now, too. The nerve of that woman? She’s always put herself and her career before Jie Xiu and now that he actually has someone who cares for him deeply, she wants to claim him back? WTFF?

    And btw, have I hallucinated seeing Xiao Ru talking about a new life in the preview for the next ep? I just…idk. I’m torn about a possible baby twist. I kinda don’t want it tbh. Why can’t we have an ep about the OTP and only the OTP? ^^

    • I’ve heard rumors for weeks now about XR getting pregnant, but I don’t think so. The preview discussion of a “new life” refers to her moving out and moving on from JX. But I still worried about a potential pregnancy twist, which would be redundant in this drama alone, and also borrowing directly from FTLY.

      Avril = Go Die The F*ck Now.

      • I really hope they won’t go down the baby-path. Fingers crossed!

        Then again, do you really think that XR/JX went all the way? Cos…IDK. Uhm, for some reason I keep thinking they made out some, then JX passed out or something and then Avril showed up and somehow (HOW? HOWWWW? Is XR that easily convinced?) managed to guilt trip XR enough so they could switch places. I mean, WHO could be so shameless as to ask someone who’s post-coital to leave the bed? I mean…does Avril has no sense of shame and/or pride? Still, lasdkfjklsfghdlkfhgksfhds. ACK! ACK! ACKACKACK!

        Totally addicted to this drama, omg! I should have waited until it aired all the eps so I could marathon it. One ep per week is not enough! *flaps hands helplessly* I totally blame you for this addiction, okay?

  14. I tried to stop myself from fast forwarding on the parts where I can’t see any of the OTP throughout this episode as I’m impatiently waiting for The Scene.

    And this Avril is just so pathetic – she keeps asking XR not to be selfish when Avril herself is just a role model of what selfishness means. Blah. I expect to see more ridiculously selfish acts from her in the next episode and I’m ready to curse. Yeah, her breaking up with JX is not announced; but were they ever announced as being together?? Errrh. I just hope they won’t use this (Avril doing selfish acts and making ridiculous requests) as the only trick to keep our OTP apart because it is just lame, lame and lame. And hope they don’t use the baby to tie them together. Lame a thousand times.

    Re the baby rumors – someone at Baidu bar made a screen dump of the MV where JX read a book about raising baby. But I think the crew shot the MV separately so I’m still being positive that there won’t be any baby element for this drama. I don’t think our OTP needs a baby as a booster to know what they meant to each other (as they already do by episode 6). Just gimme more JX-XR screen time. Like 99.9%.

  15. I’m glad I’m not the only one who wanted to yank Avril’s hair out of her shameless head. Acckkk..totally ruined the episode for me. What the fudge was that?!!!

    *breathe in, breather out..*

    Okay..let’s talk about THE SCENE. Rawr. I think the confession (albeit drunken one) leading to it was soooo sweet and hot too. I totally noticed that Joseph Chang was red all over his face..hahaha. Affected much? And yess…I’m so falling for this guy now. He just kinda grew on me. Did you guys notice how hot he looked in the preview, looking all angsty in that leather jacket? Sigh. I’m in big trouble.

  16. Koala you always make me laugh! LOL I love your recaps!!!! I do hate Avril now. Can I join the club? Plus, thanks to you I am officially “drunken addicted to this drama”. I used to say I am not watching cause of Rainie but she improve 100%. Thanks thanks! Ohhh can it be Sunday already? (And, I used to hate Sunday cause its work week the next day)

      • YES she improved a lot huh? She use to over acted in a lot of drama. I used to force myself to watch her but I always needs up not finishing every drama she is acting. I kinda prefer the normal not over the top drama but this one she has mature quite a bit.

  17. Grrrrrrr… Avril! She shud just go bang herself on the wall! )&)(&# How dare she come in between our beloved OTP?!!!

    Can’t wait for Ep 7, I saw tears in JX’s eyes when Avril announced that “person’s name”. I’m curious to know whether he was tearing for XR. I sure hope so!

  18. Thanks so much for the recap!!
    So it looks like pretty much everyone has gotten high blood pressure from watching Cup 6 – me included O_O I haven’t really found a TW drama in a while that has me all worked up like this but I’m completely, hopeless drunkenly addicted to this drama now!!! Ugh..thank goodness for all the Kdramas all week otherwise I’d be tearing my hair out waiting for Sunday to get here …

    I seem to remember seeing a clip somewhere of XR throwing JX off of her while they were having a their makeout session (which was SO.HOT. *fans self and imagines self in XR’s place*)…but whether she’s just throwing him off to flip them around or throwing them him off to stop who knows. I’m hoping for the 1st option though haha..From the very end, I feel sure that JX was still pretty sober and so I feel that he’ll remember his tryst with XR very clearly despite whatever nonsense Avril sprouts and independent of him finding that button.

    Ugh..I wish I knew Mandarin so I wouldn’t have to wait for subs..

      • their viki page has “Airtime: 1 every Sunday, 100% subbed by Monday.”
        AND I JUST LOOOOVE THE SUBBERS. theyre so fasssssst. they deserve a prize for fastest, bestest, awesomest subbers ever. on earth. in the galaxy. everywhere.

  19. thanks koala for the awesome recap! loving this drama even more because of you.. 🙂
    i hate the fact that they have to ruin the ending like that.. 🙁
    can’t wait for next episode 🙂

  20. Thks koala for the recap..

    im so glad tt im not the only 1 who wanna beat up Avril at the end of the episode…n there is a moment tt i really dun get is how Avril still in the possessed on the room card…i blief the cleaner had told her to rtn to them within 1 hour….yet she still able to sneak in the room n i really wanted to know how she can convince Xiao Ru to change the place…n something just lingering on my mind is wont she scream or make a big fuss whn she actually saw them making out….so it is really unreasonable at all that she still able to xchange the place with Xiao Ru…

    Like u all i really cant wait for next episode…n really glad tt so far there is not dragging yet ( hope it wont happen) as per other taiwanese drama…

    bravo for ur great job…thank you….

  21. I think Xiao Ru already left (after they sleep together) when Avril barging inside their room, Jie Xie was alone sleeping and she took advantage of the situation. Or When Avril goes inside the room she met Xiao Ru when she was going to the bathroom or something, and they talked a lot, which Avril knew that they had slept together, but I think somehow Avril pushed her way in and convince Xiao Ru that Jie Xiu is belong to her and blame Xiao Ru for what happen between them and tell her to go while she will be accompany Jie Xiu after she’s gone.

  22. Brilliant recap,Koala.U really do have an amazing flair for reviews …ur choice of words is always spot on and observations,ribtickling as well.Which part of the world r u from by the way,Australia?
    JJ’s observations r also very astute n interesting.Really,this is not only a playground for DTLY addicts,but also a platform to ‘drink’ in the excellent exchanges in english. I’m positively hooked,heady with excitement,drunken with anticipation for the next episode n recap.

  23. That’s one-stupid-bitter-move.. Avril.. I mean, they’re over right??! she’s an actress, theres an image she needs to protect in order for her to stay at the limelight. But hey, Jie Xiu and Xiao Ru are already married, legally, and now slowly performing their legal rights. And theres this bitch who ruined their moment! sigh.. then lets get back to the “fated to love you” plot.. at episode 7..

    I can’t believe that the bed scene here in episode 6 is their first taping day! wow! that would be so awkward right? I applaud Rainie and Joseph in portraying their characters very brilliant indeed!

    I can’t believe that i am going to watch over 4 kdramas and 1 tdrama for the next 2 months! yay! this. (*began to worship the dramagods*)

  24. O yah i forgot to mention …the acapella scene was breathtaking,a refeshing n delightful change from the predictable and done-to-death methods of wooing the object of desire we often see in dramas…r those guys professional?they sounded real good.
    tot i could invite them to sing at my wedding!

  25. eeeepPPS i just realised something.. if u watch the preview video below

    We’re all eager to know what AW will say at the conference to clear up the picture scandal. but if u look closely starting from the 0.06 mark, the pictures published do not show the face of the male protagonist (!!!) which the reporter keeps insisting is SJX. Could it be that just as AW is about to confess, Rickie jumps in to attempt to save her, and in the process jumpstart their own rumours? Curious.. curious indeed… I can’t wait for Sunday!!

    • my guess is…AW will turn to her selfish mode again. remember what her assistant told her that their boss wanted her to have scandal with Rickie?
      btw koala, i love the screencaps…brilliant! a picture can tell million of words! lolz

  26. The bed scene was pretty disappointingly tame- it looked way better in the previews. I think DTLY has officially started to bore me, I frankly can’t find it in myself to care about Avril or the main girl or whoever he slept with. Drama drama…

  27. I can give you my recipe for la-mian if you want to give it a shotIngredients:cake or patsry flour 200g extra flourbaking soda 1gSalt 2g120g warm waterIngredient background:The flour in this recipe is the key to get the dough stretchable. all purpose flour has too much gluten so it will be too tight to stretch , while cake and patsry flour is lower in gluten.Gluten level varies in countries and brand so I suggest you look carefully at protein levels.finding one around around 10% is perfect.Some mix flours to get these levels just rightBaking soda is the substitute for lye water instructionmix all ingredients together Knead until smooth 10 minthen when you knead it, do all that fancy spinning stuff the pro’s do. ( this way you can get a feel for the dough)At first you will notice it snapping off , then eventually you can pull the whole dough in full arms lengths.This is the time to start stretchingyou can put some flour on the table to cover your dough so it does not stick when you are pullingThis is when you have to learn by advice is to go fast ,gentle and be aware of how gravity effects it.keep folding until desired thickness ( I managed to do 5 folds)tips:if you find the dough getting tighter , you can let it relax for awhile.To my understanding the wetter the dough the more stretchable it is , but it is also a lot harder to handle.Don’t add too much baking soda otherwise the gluten will tighten and make it impossible to stretch.Good luck and expect a lot of failure!

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