Video Preview for Episode 7 of Best Love

How refreshing is it for me to watch two people talk about why they like or can’t like each other, and perhaps try to work through their emotional bottlenecks together. Ae Jung really is the only person Jin can talk to about his confusion and feelings, but she’s also becoming perhaps his one true confidante. She wants nothing from him, and he will discover that the way to her heart isn’t being Dokko Jin the movie star but by showing her the vulnerability of Dokko Jin the man who found his first love at 37. I cannot wait for episode 7 of Best Love.

Episode 7 preview:


Video Preview for Episode 7 of Best Love — 28 Comments

  1. i keep refreshing cause i know you’ll share this. and i wanna know what you think of this.
    one of the things i love about episode 5 is that Jin makes AJ his confident, so sweet!!!
    and this preview is so exciting i’m really dying to watch episode 7, i’m already swooning!!!!

  2. awww the back hug or almost back hug reminds me of jo guk and mirae’s in city hall.
    am so excited for ep 7. CSW <3 so far had 2 great leading ladies with explosive chemistry – KSA and GHJ. ME = LOVE LOVE LOVE

    • I too immediately thought about THE best backhug ever, on the hill over Inju City. ^^

      @ Ockoala
      Thanks for spoiling us with preview and recaps (btw I’ve been refreshing your blog so many times today for DTLY’s but no pressure, hey. 🙂 )

      • right? it was the best one I’ve seen so far so yeay HIGH FIVE! hahaaa I’m too hitched to City Hall. I might need a 3rd marathon for City Hall soon. lol

  3. I freaking LOVE this drama. Characters, plot, directing, acting…what isn’t perfect? I even kinda like SeRi (only when she’s with PilJoo, where she acts like a normal being – the ramen scene was so funny). I don’t think I’ve ever been in this state waiting for subs. And to think I was planning to hold off and marathon it…not a chance, lol.

    Thanks for this, ockoala!

  4. OH MY GOD!!! I can’t wait!! I can’t wait!! I can’t wait!! XD

    At first, I like Lie to Me than Best Love but now, I love this drama mooooooore!! Hong sisters are damn great writers. 🙂

  5. DK: I’m willing to be a laughing stock for you, sincerely use this and I will be grateful.
    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! Fainted~ I cant wait to watch next epi

  6. Yayyy cant wait! now that 49 days is over :'( lie to me and best love is my new addiction just hope you will put the recaps up really quickly thank you 😀

  7. Thanks Ockoala!

    Right – they show us this preview and then – dugeun dugeun – THEY EXPECT US TO WAIT!!!!!!

    COME ON!! 😛
    Be still my heart!

  8. OMG is he trying to make her wear his heart-monitor-watch???? Swooning.
    I’ve been thinking about this. Smart move, way better than Ding-dong’s pororo lie-detector. Although any woman’s heart will go dugeun-dugeun within THAT close proximity with Cha Seung-won.

    CSW+GHJ+Hongs Sister is indeed kdrama made in heaven. Oh man, I’m glad we get BEST LOVE rather than The Discovery of Affection.

    Thank’s for sharing ockoala, cant’ wait!!

    • i agree with you. as much as i love the pororo detector the watch is more efective and it’s moooooore significative, cause it’s so valuable to jin. swooning <3333333. love the back hug too!!!!

  9. great thanks to Hong sisters… if it were not because of you, I wouldn’t have known how great and cute an actor CSW is~! Now, I’m watching Cityhall, I need to see him more!

  10. Best Love couldn’t have come at a better time in my KDrama-world….cuz it helps alleviate my 49 Days-withdrawals!!!!

  11. I admit I’m not in love with the show or anything as of now though I am totally invested in it ….the one thing I’ve really come to appreciate though is that the Hong’s certainly have matured a lot in their writing with this drama, it’s also refreshing to have some really good actors for second leads

  12. ahh…passing through and i squealed in delight over the preview for episode 7!!!

    Can’t wait for the episode airing tonight… 🙂

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