I hate recapping even episodes of Lie to Me, because it’s a stark reminder that another long week of waiting is ahead. Unlike the ending to episode 8, which was truly an outstanding cliffhanger moment that spawned so many conjectures of what’s to come, episode 10 is less climactic. The drama is now all about the how and not the if. We worried last week that Ki Joon was indecisive between two women, and he immediately proved us wrong. What’s left in LTM is exploring how Ah Jung and Ki Joon can be together, and how that will affect everyone around them.
I don’t think the writing for this drama is truly horrendous by any measure. What’s derivative and pedestrian are most of the situations the writer creates, even if how it gets moved forward does take me by surprise. I find the fanbase for this drama appears to be stabilizing to a nice contingent of folks who’ve really grown attached to the OTP. Based on the trajectory, I’m fingers-crossed the rest of the drama won’t go crazytown on us, even if it does continue to recycle plots from other dramas. Hey, if it works, might as well let Kang Ji Hwan and Yoon Eun Hye put a new spin on it, and give us fan-service galore. I’m not upset that drama can’t reach its potential, because I’m thoroughly enjoying myself with what I’ve been given.
Episode 10 Recap:
Ki Joon walks up behind Ah Jung and grabs her hand, taking her away. He presses the elevator and they step in, barely missing Sang Hee, who rushes out of the other elevator. Sang Hee heads to the lounge but can’t find Ah Jung anywhere. Poor blind date dude is on the phone with Ah Jung, hearing that she’s not coming back due to an emergency. Yes, it’s the “my super hot fake husband is massively jealous and dragged me away” type of emergency. The best kind there is.
Ki Joon and Ah Jung are still holding hands in the elevator when the door opens to reveal Manager Park and two other hotel employees waiting to get on. Everyone’s eyes widen to see this tableau. Ah Jung tries to pull her hand out of Ki Joon’s, but he holds on tight, telling his subordinates to take the next elevator.
When the door closes, Manager Park has a wide-eyed stare, but the other two are totally blown away. One hurries to grab his phone to spread the news, and the other does a little giddy dance at seeing their handsome hotel president in swoony moment. Yes, that would totally be me, too, if I saw our OTP in the elevator holding hands.
Ah Jung and Ki Joon get out of the car by the banks of the Han River. He immediately yells at her – why does she keep using matchmaking dates or work as an excuse to keep showing up in front of him? Didn’t she say each time it would be the last time they met? She asks him to simply ignore her and not care, but he says that she’s making him care! She says she didn’t mean to, telling him she won’t show up in front of him anymore, and walks away angry.
She’s muttering to herself about why Ki Joon had to drag her out in such a way to lead people to misunderstand, when he could have just said the same thing to her back at the hotel. Suddenly an errant soccer ball hits Ah Jung in the head. Oh god, I know this is like the stupidest plot moment ever, but it’s totally funny in life sucks sort of way. Imagine you are having the worst day ever, and then it’s made all the worse when bird poop lands on your head just as you’re about to enter the sanctuary of your own home. Yeah, it’s called piling on.
Ki Joon walks over and asks if she’s okay? She’s not, as Ah Jung is already crying from the combination of physical pain and emotional angst. She finally blurts out “I like you.” She gets up and cries to Ki Joon “I like you, so please don’t like her.” You go girl, be brave and tell him how you really feel! Ki Joon looks taken aback that she’s finally confessed her own feelings. He tells her to just say it like that and not to hold it inside. He wants to know how she really feels.
Ah Jung turns the question back on Ki Joon, asking him what his real heart is? Ki Joon reminds her that he told her that he likes her. That is how he really feels. She asks him to like only her then, and not to make her hurt anymore. Ki Joon says it’s only about not hurting someone who has done nothing wrong (i.e. Yoon Joo), that is all there is.
Ah Jung realizes that Ki Joon is still taking responsibility for what happened in the past, when he dumped Yoon Joo for Sang Hee sake. Ki Joon asks her what else can he do? He asks Ah Jung: “Can you still like the me who is like this? Is that the extent of how much you like me?” Ah Jung can’t handle this discussion anymore. She thinks that she’s gone crazy, and tells Ki Joon to pretend that he didn’t hear what she just said.
Ah Jung walks away and sits down at a bench, her tears continuing to fall. Ki Joon stands at the river bank deep in thought. I love that they told each other exactly how they feel. Ki Joon likes Ah Jung but can’t bear to hurt Yoon Joo. Ah Jung likes Ki Joon, but she’s not going to be a doormat and allow him to leave the Yoon Joo issue unresolved. They are at an impasse, but at least they are not denying their feelings at all.
Yoon Joo looks at pictures of her and Ki Joon. She thinks back to what Ki Joon telling her that they can’t start over because he likes another woman. That doesn’t appear to fly over so well with her.
Ah Jung comes home to find her dad looking through old photos and talking to her mom about how their daughter seems so tired lately. He asks how the date went, and she says fine. Dad invites Ah Jung to drink with him. I really love their father-daughter interactions. Dad reminisces about the young Ah Jung, asking why she’s not seeing some old friends anymore. Ah Jung says everyone is busy, but doing well.
They look at a picture of Ah Jung with her mom. Dad thinks all girls want their mother around when they get married. Ah Jung says her dad has done a great job as both parents, and she wants to take care of her dad forever. Ah Jung goes to sleep because she has to head to the resort tomorrow.
Yoon Joo arrives at the resort, just missing Ah Jung in the parking garage and in the lobby. Yoon Joo asks to see Manager Park. Ah Jung passes by Manager Park, who is polite and doesn’t mention the scene she saw last night. Yoon Joo asks Manager Park what is going on with Ki Joon and Ah Jung? Manager Park says she may be friends with Ki Joon, they don’t talk about their personal lives.
Yoon Joo thinks maybe the hotel work is stressing Ki Joon out and he needs some comfort. No Yoon Joo, a man who needs comfort gets a prostitute, not a new girlfriend. Manager Park asks Yoon Joo to consider that Ki Joon cares for her, but whether that affection is love or something else, Yoon Joo must make the realization. Yoon Joo is chastened, and notes that she once thought Manager Park was on her side. No, Manager Park is a Jedi, not a Sith Lord.
Manager Park says that she did hope they could make it work, but right now Ki Joon is very exhausted. Manager Park asks Yoon Joo to not just see the Ki Joon from three years ago, she needs to look at the Ki Joon of today. Yoon Joo grudgingly notes it’s clear why Ki Joon is scared of Manager Park. Manager Park tries to walk Yoon Joo out so that she doesn’t run into Ah Jung, but the ladies all run into each other in the lobby. Yoon Joo politely says hello, and Ah Jung returns the greeting.
Ki Joon gets a call from Manager Park, who immediately yells at him. She drops to banmal and tells him that she doesn’t care about his love life or personal woes, he just has to do it outside of work. He wonders why she’s so forceful all of a sudden, and she reminds him that she saw him holding hands with a woman at the work place.
Manager Park reminds Ki Joon that being too considerate is also hurtful, and Ki Joon has done enough already. She tells him to make a clean break and resolve everything. Yay Manager Park, you are way too awesome. Unleash the Force on Ki Joon’s waffly ass.
Ki Joon goes to see Yoon Joo at her house. Yoon Joo asks if Ah Jung likes Ki Joon as well, and he quietly says yes. Yoon Joo thinks that must make Ki Joon happy, since Ah Jung is quite attractive. She’s tried to understand Ki Joon, and she can’t understand why Ki Joon would like Ah Jung. Her conclusion is that because they have been apart for three years, of course Ki Joon can be shaken.
Ki Joon tells her that he is not merely shaken. He says “I like that person” in a clear, firm, and final way. Yoon Joo, please preserve the last bit of your dignity and accept he doesn’t like you anymore. But Yoon Joo refuses to accept it, saying Ki Joon is merely being shaken because she’s not around. She thinks Ki Joon is so strange to her. While she didn’t change, how did Ki Joon change? Ki Joon calmly tells her that he will wait until she can manage her feelings.
Ah Jung is at work and Sang Hee calls her out to lunch. He’s at the resort and wants to treat her. Ah Jung walks out to find Sang Hee waiting for her with a toy monkey stuffed animal that’s wearing a diaper. He thinks the monkey looks just like her. Sang Hee thinks Ah Jung is being a workaholic these days. He teases her and makes her laugh.
She takes the toy and says it’s very cute. Sang Hee asks how the matchmaking date went? Sang Hee thinks the guy doesn’t satisfy Ah Jung. She gets up to head back to work, pretending to be insulted by him. He grabs her hand and apologizes, and she finally turns around with a smile, telling him she doesn’t get insulted so easily and was just teasing him. She thanks him for the toy and heads back to work.
Yoon Joo takes out her old engagement ring and puts it on. She needs to get a life, preferably one halfway around the world from Ki Joon. I say this in all honesty, to borrow a line of dialogue from the awesome Jie Xiu to Xiao Ru in Drunken to Love You: “Someone who wallows in the past can never reach the future. How do you know you can’t get over it if you’ve never tried?” Amen to that, Jie Xiu.
Yoon Joo meets with Aunt, who apologizes for what happened that day. Aunt also feels bad to Ah Jung, who was also really hurt. Yoon Joo says she wants to get married as soon as possible. Aunt asks if she’s talked with Ki Joon, and that he also wants to marry her? Yes, thank you for remaining sane in this conversation, Aunt. Yoon Joo says they’ve waited three years, and can’t wait anymore. I also can’t wait to never see your face anymore, Yoon Joo. The thought brings me tears of happiness. Aunt wants to say more but doesn’t.
After Yoon Joo leaves, Aunt thinks back to what happened at the lunch. After Ki Joon ran out after Yoon Joo, Ah Jung ran after Ki Joon. Aunt wonders what is really going on? She asks for information to be gathered on Ah Jung. Aunt goes to meet with Ki Joon at the office, telling him that she saw Yoon Joo. Aunt tells Ki Joon that she apologized to Yoon Joo, who asks that they get married as quickly as possible. Aunt suddenly says “Gong Ah Jung seems like a very lovely person”, and she pointedly watches Ki Joon’s reaction. Ki Joon doesn’t say anything.
Ah Jung is having lunch with her co-workers, and everyone is warned to do their best and not cause any trouble. They discuss another co-worker who just quit because she got involved in a love triangle and someone complained. After lunch, Ah Jung is told that someone is here to see her. She heads to the lobby to see Yoon Joo waiting for her.
They head outside to talk. Ah Jung tells her to hurry up and get to the point since she has to head back to work. Suddenly Ah Jung sees Yoon Joo wearing an engagement ring as she purposely holds up a cup of coffee. Yoon Joo tells Ah Jung that she and Ki Joon are getting married. Ah Jung looks shocked, and asks why she’s telling this to her? Yoon Joo says she thought Ah Jung should know, since Ki Joon told her that Ah Jung liked him. Oh you deadly viper woman, how I hate you.
Ah Jung walks back to work but ends up calling Ki Joon. She lights into him before he even has a chance to speak. She reminds him that she asked that he forget what she said, so why did he have to tell Yoon Joo? Was he trying to gloat? She asks if they are happy now? Ah Jung scream at him and then hangs up. We see Ki Joon in a meeting and he couldn’t explain himself if he wanted to.
Ah Jung gets frustrated at work and her two co-workers suggest eating out tonight. Ah Jung agrees and they head out. Outside the office, Ki Joon is waiting for her. He asks to talk with her, but she ignores him and stalks off. At the restaurant, Ah Jung is eating with her co-workers and wondering why it’s so empty in the restaurant?
Ki Joon sits behind her and speaks up, explaining that he booked the entire restaurant today. The two co-workers wonder if he’ll pay for their meal, and he notes that civil servants can’t even accept a free meal. He nevertheless offers to pay, and the two guys toast Ki Joon. He asks if it’s hard working with “her” and Ah Jung turns around and gives him the evil eye while she gulps down her drink. Ki Joon smiles at her and eats. Ah Jung starts to drink directly from the bottle.
Ah Jung gets drunk and staggers off with Ki Joon following her. The two co-workers wonder just exactly what their relationship is? They wonder if the rumor about the secret marriage is true? Ah Jung almost trips and Ki Joon helps her up. She brushes him off, saying he really is a piece of work. Just because she likes him, why’d he have to discuss it with Yoon Joo?
Ki Joon says that it’s a misunderstanding. Ah Jung doesn’t want to listen to his excuses and jumps in a taxi, but not before dropping her cell phone, which Ki Joon picks up. Ki Joon is waiting for her at the cherry blossom lane, asking why it took her so long to get back. She asks why he’s here, and he hands her back her phone.
Ah Jung keeps walking and Ki Joon walks up next to her, saying he wants to walk her home. She tells him to bugger off when she’s still civil. He asks her if she knows what his nickname is? It’s Hyun Ki Joon 5-item Set. He explains what the five items are: handsome, sense of responsibility, manners, sensibility, and courtesy.
Ah Jung stares at him like he’s the self-absorbed ass that he appears to be. Ki Joon says that walking a drunk woman home is simply his manners, sense of responsibility, and courtesy at work. Ah Jung says why is a perfect man speaking about a person behind their back. Ki Joon says he’s never done that. He looks at her and calls her “Ah Jung-ah”.
This intimacy rattles her and she runs away, telling him not to call her that. [Explanation: Normally Ki Joon calls Ah Jung “Gong Ah Jung-shhi” which is a very formal (or jeondaemal) way to address another person. It’s like addressing someone as Ms. Jane Smith. So when he switched to a less-formal (banmal) way to address her, calling her “Ah Jung-ah”, it’s like taking away the address and the last name, and just calling someone Jane. This indicates that Ki Joon is being overly familiar with Ah Jung, and has a much closer relationship with her].
Ki Joon throws in a few more “Ah Jung-ahs” for good measure, smiling as he watches Ah Jung scurry away. Sang Hee sees this exchange and looks stunned. The next day, he’s on a swing, remembering some moments between him and Ah Jung. He tells himself that it can’t be like this again.
So Ran is having a gab session with the friends. She wants to discuss a secret, and they all suspect it has to do with Ah Jung. So Ran plays coy, and the other friends think she’s telling a lie again. They head out to go shopping, buying friendship rings for everyone. So Ran buys one for Ah Jung, saying that she feels sorry for her.
Ah Jung lays outside in the yard. She keeps repeating “Ah Jung-ah” and thinking back to Ki Joon dropping to banmal with her. She turns on her phone and sits up in shock. The background of her phone is a selca picture of Ki Joon, holding up two fingers in the dorky victory pose. She realizes that he also shot a video for her.
In the video, Ki Joon says “Ah Jung-ah, are you awake? Why did you drink so much? Remember to drink some hangover soup.” Ah Jung yells at the video of Ki Joon, wondering who gave him permission to call her Ah Jung-ah. But she ends up playing the video over and over again, smiling as she listens to the part where he calls her Ah Jung-ah.
Park Hoon tells Ki Joon that the Shanghai Chairman has sent the documents and mentioned coming for a visit soon. Yoon Joo calls Ki Joon to meet tonight and he agrees. So Ran and the girls model their couple rings, vowing they will always be friends. So Ran thanks them for hanging out with her before she leaves the country. So Ran leaves early to give Ah Jung the ring she bought for her.
Ae Kyung and Ah Jung’s dad are having lunch. Ae Kyung wonders if maybe she should just get married. He tells her to go ahead, and she wonders what she saw in him before. Ae Kyung asks if Ah Jung is planning to date? Ah Jung’s dad asks Ae Kyung if she has a man, otherwise why all this talk about getting married.
Ah Jung sleeps outside, and Jae Bum walks up to her which freaks her out. He sits down and asks whether it’s true that she’s not married to Hyun Ki Joon? She says yes, and apologizes to him. He say don’t worry, he’ll take care of things for her. He worries that Ki Joon will get upset at her, and she can’t handle it herself. He takes her hand and makes her promise to discuss things with him.
She pulls her hand away, but he keeps grabbing it. He asks why she was such an idiot. She pulls his hand away and they end up falling back on the table. Ah Jung sees So Ran and pushes Jae Bum away and quickly gets up. She gets up and explains to So Ran that it’s just a misunderstanding, she fell backwards is all. So Ran drops the gift and says that she was coming to clear things up with Ah Jung, but that’s not necessary anymore.
So Ran rushes out with tears in her eyes, and Jae Bum chases after her. Ah Jung opens the ring box to find a friendship ring inside. At home, Jae Bum tells So Ran that he can’t ignore Ah Jung’s situation. She got into the mess because of him. Now Jae Bum can’t discount Ah Jung’s sincerity. So Ran asks why kind of sincerity involves telling a lie. Jae Bum screams at So Ran for mocking Ah Jung, asking her if she knows what sincerity is, since So Ran has never treated Jae Bum with sincerity.
At Yoon Joo’s house, she pretends to be busy but asks Ki Joon if Ah Jung spoke with him. She confesses that she was being immature and regretted it right away, wanting to apologize. Ki Joon asks Yoon Joo not to talking to Ah Jung directly anymore, just talk with him. Yoon Joo asks if he’s worried about what she’ll do to Ah Jung?
Yoon Joo confesses that what she wanted to tell Ah Jung was for her to get away from her man. But she didn’t say it, she ended up lying that she was getting married to Ki Joon. Yoon Joo wonders what will happen if she never gets over Ki Joon? Can he wait? Can Ah Jung wait that long? Yoon Joo says that Ki Joon is being very hurtful. Ki Joon tells Yoon Joo that they need some time (apart) right now.
Sang Hee is painting in his studio, but he’s so upset he can’t sketch. Suk Bong comes and drinks with Sang Hee. To Sang Hee, he has been doing penance for the last three years after falling in love with his brother’s fiancée and breaking up his love. When he first got back, he was afraid to see them in person. Sang Hee wonders why every time the woman he likes, ends up liking his brother. Oh Sang Hee, why don’t you just ask big brother for dating tips.
Suk Bong is confused, asking if this means Sang Hee likes someone right now. Suk Bong thinks it’s insanity for brothers to fight over the same woman. Sang Hee says he tried hard to push Yoon Joo out of his heart, and get Yoon Joo and Ki Joon back together. But now Ki Joon has pushed Yoon Joo away. Sang Hee refuses to explain who the woman in question is, only repeating that Ki Joon now also likes the woman he likes. Sang Hee is torn because he knows it’s wrong and he can’t confess his feelings. He tosses his canvas in anger and chokes back sobs.
That night, Ki Joon is back at the house of drinking (formerly known as the house of kissing), doing shots to drown his woes. The next day, Ah Jung is at the resort with her co-workers, who can’t believe the event is finally here. Ki Joon and his retinue walk into the dining room, and he doesn’t look at Ah Jung. Her co-workers ask her what their relationship is, and she says nothing. Ki Joon sits down and gives a little smile in Ah Jung’s direction.
The ministry employees are outside welcoming all the VIP guests. Ah Jung is at the banquet hall checking the final preparations. She’s nervous and takes a deep breath to calm herself. Her co-worker tells her to go outside and get some air to relax herself. Ah Jung gets into the elevator only to see Ki Joon and Manager Park. Ki Joon watches Ah Jung walk outside to calm herself. He tells Manager Park that Ah Jung must be very nervous, and asks her to help Ah Jung in any way possible.
Ah Jung is practicing her speech outside when she sees the Shanghai Chairman at the resort. She calls Ki Joon and tells him that the Chairman is here. Ki Joon thinks she’s mistaken since he’s not scheduled to be here. She’s certain she’s not mistaken. Ki Joon rushes back to the resort. Ah Jung is freaking out, and Ki Joon tells her to calm down.
Ah Jung says that her co-workers can’t meet the Chairman, otherwise she’s going to need to write a resignation letter soon. Ki Joon tells her that he’ll handle it. He’ll get the Chairman out of here. Ah Jung gets call back to the meeting. Ki Joon smiles, telling her not to be nervous, and do a good job. I love how the drama is really playing up their professional sides, especially allowing Ki Joon to see how capable and successful Ah Jung is as a civil servant.
Ah Jung gives the opening speech at the UN international tourism convention to a room full of foreign dignitaries. Ki Joon has his staff armed with pictures of the Chairman, fanning out in the resort to look for him. Ah Jung finishes her speech and does a great job. Ki Joon is also running through the resort looking for the Chairman himself.
The Chairman is located on the second floor lounge, and Ki Joon runs up to waylay him. Ah Jung and the Minister walk out of the conference room and run right into the Chairman, who knows the Minister. Ah Jung tries to hide behind another co-worker. The Chairman recognizes her and tells the Minister that Ah Jung is the wife of President Hyun Ki Joon.
The Minister says this is the first time he’s heard of this, and asks Ah Jung if she’s really married. Ah Jung thinks back to Ki Joon saying that the Chairman is very important to his career. She tells the Minister that she’s married to Ki Joon.
Ki Joon arrives on the scene to hear Ah Jung continue the lie. He walks up to the Minister and the Chairman, and announces that they are not married.
Thoughts of Mine:
I thought this episode was considerably more low-key, and as a result probably left folks less satisfied or chafing at the bit for the next fix. I found the episode much better on re-watch, because this episode was primarily about exposition and putting the reality of what’s happening out in the open for everyone. I really like everyone’s reactions, because even the most far-fetched and extreme reactions are immediately put into context and dealt with.
Yoon Joo is playing the victim card a little too enthusiastically. It’s not like Ah Jung up and swooped in, taking her current fiancée away from her. They’ve ended their relationship for the past three years, and Ki Joon is actually behaving like the rational and mature person by moving on and allowing himself to honestly love again. I feel like Yoon Joo came back from Paris with a singleminded belief that she can get back together with Ki Joon because three years was enough time for Sang Hee to move one. But she refused to consider the possibility that either Sang Hee didn’t move on, or Ki Joon did.
I’m giving Ki Joon a lot of rope to handle the Yoon Joo situation, because he never leads her on with any hope between them, and he’s completely honest with Ah Jung about liking her but needing time to deal with Yoon Joo. I think Ki Joon really needn’t coddle Yoon Joo’s sensibilities this way. If he was fine dumping her three years ago and bidding her adieu as she swanned off to Paris, then I don’t get his guilt now. Breaking their engagement was, IMO, much more hurtful than telling her they can’t get back together. And yet he did it back then.
I love Ah Jung’s perspective on not getting herself further into the Ki Joon-Yoon Joo unresolved mess. It’s not like she doesn’t like Ki Joon, or can’t accept his decision on how to deal with Yoon Joo. But no new girlfriend wants her boyfriend to have an ex lurking around who pops up from time to time to inflict some emotional daggers.
I really have nothing to say about Sang Hee, and that’s because there is nothing to discuss. His liking Ah Jung to the extent he rages and drinks about losing her to Ki Joon is never going to be convincing to me. Period. So Ran and Jae Bum, on the other hand, are totally believable in their issues. It’s so complicated between them. I don’t believe Jae Bum likes Ah Jung, at least not in that way. He appears to need validation and Ah Jung lying because she couldn’t get over losing Jae Bum gives him the feeling that he matters to someone. So Ran needs to understand that she’s probably also to blame for how her marriage has unraveled.
Ki Joon and Ah Jung’s attraction and feelings for each other, however genuine and undeniable, is nevertheless in its infancy. Ki Joon actually needs to properly woo his lady, and they need to spend time together in ways that don’t involve ending in steamy make-out sessions or crying recriminations at the river bank. With the lie now out in the open with respect to both sides (Ah Jung to So Ran, Ki Joon to the Chairman), it allows the OTP to truly begin with a clean slate.
It must be clear to everyone that Ki Joon denying he was married to Ah Jung was not a bad thing. I’ve heard people upset, because it appeared that he was contradicting Ah Jung. He was, but that was because Ah Jung’s continued pretense about their fake marriage was for the Chairman’s benefit, but would end up flushing her career down the toilet. So instead Ki Joon traded his career for hers.
Remember that this Shanghai deal is vital to Ki Joon, his career is on the line as everyone wants to see whether he can succeed. The only reason he agreed to the pretend marriage to Ah Jung was because the deal was that important to him. For him to confess to the Chairman that Ah Jung was not married to him means that the Chairman is going to feel massively deceived and likely end their business arrangement. And Ki Joon appears to understand that risk, and took it, because otherwise Ah Jung just lied to her boss.
While it’s clearly noble idiocy at work for both of them, confirming or denying the marriage in front of the Minister and the Chairman, I like where this development takes the story. It allows the lie to fully get exposed and thrown away as a plot device. Ki Joon needs to win the Chairman’s business the proper way, and Ah Jung needs to have no further fear that her charade would endanger her career. This has to be done, and for it to happen in such a dramatic way to show us how much Ki Joon and Ah Jung care for each other’s well being was just icing on the cake.
And, no, I don’t think Ki Joon is going to claim that magically he and Ah Jung are not married but planning to get married. I think he’s going to take the full weight of the responsibility for this lie, and tell the Chairman that he asked Ah Jung to pretend to be his wife so that he could win the Shanghai deal. Ki Joon isn’t going to resolve one lie with another about a nonexistent engagement, or at least I’m hoping the writer doesn’t go there. I need Ah Jung to realize how sincere Ki Joon is about his feelings for her through this (and many of his other) gestures, so they can take yet another step forward in their relationship.
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View Comments
first to comment...yehey!!!! anyway, thanks madame koala for taking the time out to give us this despite your hectic personal life...you're truly AWESOME... muwahh
for those addicts like me...check out this yt site.. unsubbed episode 10 is already available and she promised to upload the subbed versions anytime today...
why in Indonesia can't watch LTM in You Tube example like this one http:/www.youtube.com/user/its Huyen#p/u/o/hi5kYECz9aU, what must i do.....?.....please tell me....how to solve it, so make me uppset..become angry
im indonesian too..why dont u watch it from dramacrazy???
byk iklannya c,,tp lmyn koq,,drpd mysoju,,kdg2 ga bsa loading,,hehe
i really dunno why you can't view the link i gave you. anyway, here's another yt raw video...i hope this time it works...
SBS blocked it due to copyright issues. i can watch it yesterday but denied access today.
you can try at http://www.aveoh.net...it's faster than dramacrazy
@ tytoo, makasi infox, alx lo mo liat yg agak panjang pasti g bisa katax ma SBS d blok gitu....
@ Mizweng, thank u, u r great friend....
@ Meichan, thank u a lot.......
fighting girl watch LTM...! wkwkwkkk...i'm happy right now....fighting all of u...gumawo!!!!!!
you're welcome eka...always happy to help... :D
Thank you so much for recapping this series which has become my addiction along with Best Love at the moment. Thanks
english subbed that is...enjoy!!!
wooo:D thanks:D
""Yes, it’s the “my fake husband is massively jealous and dragged me away” type of emergency. The best kind there is."" LOL :DDD love you unnie!!!
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ thank you so much! i love your recapps and commentary <3
thanks for the recap!!! have seen it twice with no eng subs....trying to figure out what is going on??? this is such a good rom com.
thank you for the speedy recap :)
Uh. Oh, it makes more sense now that I have read your thought Ms Koala. :) I was still a bit pissed off with the slow development of things. Sigh.
But YEH and KJW, why are you so cute together???????
I hope this drama will get better for the next one.
Coz I am totally in LTM since eps 1.