
Paradise Kiss Opens to Good Reviews and Solid Box-office in Japan — 26 Comments

  1. I’ve been waiting to hear about the release of this movie šŸ™‚ I first saw Mukai Osamu in Seigi no Mikata. I never finished the drama, but he’s been on my radar ever since. Can’t wait until I can watch this! I haven’t read Paradise Kiss either, but just might pick it up after my finals. I need to watch Buzzer Beat too for Yamapi.

    Thanks for the gorgeous pictures of Mukai Osamu!! <3
    and Sorry for rambling on about non-Paradise Kiss related stuff…lolol

    • Have you seen Atashinchi no Danshi? ^^ He’s in that, too, and the whole drama is just super adorable, I’ve watched it numerous times! Maki-chan is awesome, too =D

    • Nooo, the ending was just PERFECT! That drama was so packed with character and vibrance that it’s hard to believe it’s only four volumes. Anyway, I just love the tight storyline (hint to Nana: long meandering repetitive storylines do not work) and the artwork and especially the ending. I would hate it if they changed that.

    • They changed the ending?!? o___O

      What? So we’re talking fangirl wishes type of rainbows and unicorns ending? That would piss me off.

      The ending of ParaKiss was puuuuuurfect.

      Poignant, honest, real, and above all else, utterly unforgettable. Like the love between George and Yukari.

  2. Thanks. Love this one very very much, and the fact that the anime version was only 12-episode long as well. The story didn’t drag.

  3. i lurrrrrrrve parakiss i read the manga years ago,own the anime and watch it like 3 times a year, i never get tired of it and im sooooooooooooo excited for this movie!

  4. I don’t care i they changed it from the manga…I still badly want to watch this movie XD I’m really curious bout what they changed…:D

  5. I only saw snippets of the anime…it looks very pretty…I didn’t have time to watch the whole thing but…but…she didn’t end up with the main guy??? And Mukai Osamu..oh loved him since Atashinchi no danshi…and hotaru no hikari…glad to see he’s getting the fame he deserves. I always felt he was kinda underrated… Keiko what can I say, I actually saw her in Sailormoon the live action…LOL…yeah I actually watched that…and she’s real pretty. And was really sweet and charming in Buzzer Beat with Yamapi….but I still thought she’s a little awkward actingwise but she did kisses scenes better than most.. šŸ˜› will definitely hunt this down…

    • I actually didn’t finish hotaru no hikari cuz i knew he wasn’t gonna get the girl!! Yea started whatching him since Atashinchi no danshi, and its its not about his looks, but something about him is so naturally cool without any pretentions!!! I really like Keiko I think she looks sweet
      I think the choice of the mains characters of this movie is reaaly good!!

  6. as long as ockoala likes it i’ll take it as a recommendation from her.. it’s because i had the feeling that we both had the same taste with regards to series and movies like the lie to me and sunny happiness :)..thanks for this post

  7. I want to cry, I love this, and Im waiting for it. I love both j-lead actors. Manga, anime and now movie… cant wait to watch!!!!!!!!!

  8. hehe first time commenting on this site though i have been reading your stellar recaps :]
    I love how your site encompasses all dramas from other countries and not just Korea :]

    Anyways back to the actual subject.
    I hope this movie is as amazing as the manga though many live actions tend to fall short of the original, i was a bit miffed that George’s hair in the movie is not blue, but since I have this hugeeee crush on Mukai Osamu, I guess I’ll be lenient :]
    I do wonder how Kitagawa Keiko will be as Yukari, I hope she’s able to portray those feelings and I say this is one of my favorite works by Yazawa Ai, and I loved Nana too, I’m hoping the next chapter will be released soon! I need to know what happens!
    It was the first work I read by the mangaka so it has a dear place in my heart <3
    I totally agree with you, I'm super excited about the fashion porn that's going to be in this movie!! i wish i could fly to Japan and see it even though I probably won't understand what they are saying, I guess I'll just drag a translator along or one of my Japanese friends while they cower in fear at the discovery of how strong my fangirlism is hehe I don't think they're prepared to see that :p

    Anyways, I digress… thank you so much for this post! <3

  9. ooh!! and only last night was i wondering what’s happened with this movie as i remember it coming out earlier this month… and i had secretly hoped that there would be a post in AKP about how the movie is faring – and lo and behold there is one!!! YAY!!

    Koala you are the best!!! your timing is impeccable! THANKYOU!! =)

    cant wait to see this movie!

  10. Mukai Osamu-kun.. remember him as a wee ‘un (well not really, he was young but still smokin) in Nodame Cantabile. Now he’s all grown-up! But damn they should’ve gone with the blue hair (he probably would’ve rocked it too). Oh George.

  11. OMG I remember when she was Sailor Mars on the live action Sailor Moon sentai!!!!! (So sue me, I have a soft spot for Sailor Moon since I saw the cartoons as a kid. :-P)

  12. Oh! ParaKiss! It’s the once Ai Yazawa manga I liked, though I’ve read most of what she’s got out there. I do agree–the ending was perfect; the story was all about wakening to the wide, wide world and gaining self-awareness and, ultimately, about not letting life get away from you. The ending was perfect in that regard–so perfect, in fact, that I’ve been driven to write fic.

    I spent most of the duration of the manga wanting to kick George in the head, though. It is too bad they didn’t do the blue hair thing.

  13. nana is so overrated and drawn out haha. plus there isnt a real point in the story. it lacks direction
    paradise kiss is my fave ive read most of yazawa’s works but only one i own and reread 100+ times is parakiss

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