
Drunken to Love You Episode 14 Recap — 16 Comments

  1. I think Jie Xiu should just open a new consultancy firm, offering solutions to guys who are facing a hard time to get his girl. JX rocks in his problem-solving because whenever a new issue pops up, he solves it in such a time-efficient manner and so satisfying that it’s hard to find another comparable guy (in real world and dramaland).

    Sometimes plots are used to make situational changes in order to help solve an issue; not in DTLY – JX IS the ultimate solver for most issues. So his next task will probably be helping XR to find her mom…

    Please gimme more romantic moments of JX and XR. Mooooooo–RE!!

  2. Yeah I reckon the plot right now is all over the place.
    Why did Jack go to Yi Xian and Peggy’s wedding to reveal Xiao Ru and Jie Xiu’s fake marriage? WTF? Why would the reporter ruin someone else’s wedding to make this ‘big reveal’ about a fake marriage that’s not even really related to the actual wedding? Why would the guests at the wedding even care??? I’m pretty sure you can get sued and stuff for things like these. If he wanted, couldn’t he have just published everything and that would’ve had the same effect anyway.
    There are so many coincidences and random irrelevant scenes that it’s really getting on my nerves.

  3. Ah this drama only have less angst but I’m happy with it.the OTP is darn amazing and they don’t drag one conflict way to long except that avril.gaah now that bitch out of the its that daniel and samantha and XR real mom but still no confirmation how many episode left.they say it will end at ep 15 which is next week but looking at the unsolved matter it’s impossible to end it next week..perhaps in 18 episode.I want the wedding and the last ep just full just with them and babies..Recently dramas always end up with babies and see the dads being the one taking care of the babies I want to know what will be JX handling his and XR’s baby.

  4. Agree that DTLY has slacked a bit in the recent episodes and is no where near great now. But like you said, Jie Xiu is simply GOLD from beginning to end. Whatever he says to XR, does for XR, you cannot NOT love him. This man drives women crazy. He should not be allowed on the street haha.

  5. The next episode is going to cause an uproar !XIao GUI s wet n wild kiss makes our hero,SJX’ s long lip locking under the cherry tree appear tame n mild!(yikes,pretty ALIEN to see a ear ringed bloke kiss his unsuspecting,unreciprocating childhood sweetheart so passionately…it made my hair stand)n Samantha ripping the huge garish ring off XR s finger n ordering her to get out of her son’s life r new twists not many of us I understand how it has enough to run on for 4more episodes, help…it looks almost sure that that Omnipresent Ah San is going to turn out to be XR s mummy!!a tad contrived that s going to make the plot….but what the heck…the main draw is,has been n will always be the adorable OTP n I will abide by any angst,cliched or otherwise to prolong our time spent watching them n basking in their love. Hey thanks for the yummy recap,ms koala.

  6. thank you very much’re such a savior…i’ve been waiting for your clean, clear and vivid recap for this episode 14…as usual, you’ve got a great recap…worth the wait…thanks again…episode 15…waiting!

  7. Finally.. I can read DTLY recap.. thank you ockoala.. I think next episode will have bittersweet moment for the couple.. I wish no more problem with them, I want to see them together and live happily ever after.. can’t wait..

  8. the cleaning lady who found the application the first time was the lady who is always around them, the jack-of-all-trade lady. You mean she’s the Mom?

  9. Ok sorry but really I’m comparing Taiwan writing style with Korean Dramas and the length seems to be self-defeating in terms of purpose just to keep audience hooked up it becomes really dragging…the longer it is the more loop holes emerging. Movie drama would have been a better approach I wonder when will Taiwan adapt to the new style…. 😉

  10. Don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it, but gosh, I love this drama! lol

    I do wish that Avril and Ricky would just go away. I get irritated just looking at her and that Ricky guy is a non-entity in my mind. Can we just focus on the deliciousness that is the OTP? Please?

    This drama needs to go on forever. I need to see babies born, etc! What am I going to do when this wraps? Help me! The withdrawls are not going to be pretty!

  11. Wish list – with all of you in hoping:
    – please fade all peripheral (esp if veering on brain-numbing embarassing nonsensical) characters away.
    STOP introducing new people.
    Like the WTF doctor – why??? I felt bad for this dude here. he was much better in Fated To Love You) and more stupid plots.
    Or Jack and anymore of his sleuthing (highly idiotic character that should have died an early death 10 episodes ago. i almost expect him to salivate sometimes).
    Avril and Ricki (’nuff of their woes already, please. Ricki in kendo get up ? what next? gawd. please dust these 2cobwebs away. nevermind their acting, they’re NOT eye candy enough for us to park out brains. they just take up precious JX-XR screen time).
    Daniel … move on already dude, with a new, less high-maintenance haircut suggestion. hint: makes for a fresh start!

    Yes, the periperal antics and overall plot flow is bordering on ridiculous. So is the heavy exaggerated acting (Jack for eg, her hotel gf sometimes – I feel their acting is bordering on the narcisstic sometimes = like it’s my 2 seconds worth of screen moment, and i have to fill it with my maximum drama capabilities!)

    It’s precisely this combination which makes Tdrama sometimes border on the totally inane when compared to Kdrama (as Bumble Bee Camaro’s wife mentioned). As a kid, I grew up on a very steady stream of Tmovies and Tdramas. And it’s eventually the heavy unneccesary yelling, ridiculous antics and predictable uncalled-for heavy drama that made my stomach churn, and turn away from anymore cringe-worthy T-fare for such a loooong time. And into HK -> K dramas (10 yrs and counting for Korean .. whoa).

    Even if equally sappy (bring it on) … at leasy wayyyy more realistic, tighter and more succinct flow, less brain-numbing stupidity. And better acting (and eye candy) most of the time.

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