
Kim Tae Hee and Song Seung Heon Visit Taiwan to Promote My Princess — 45 Comments

  1. gorgeous couple !
    I do wonder if It seems just to me that he has lost weight ?
    or maybe it is because of his hair style that his face looks bonny for me …
    any way ,i can’t picture their baby …would be beautiful !!
    thanks ockoala ….

  2. This is the first time that I really like KTH with her costar. I mean KTH and SSH on paper was just so perfect and then it turned out so great in the drama too. ๐Ÿ™‚ She’s soo beautiful… and I love her natural look. Both of them look nice. Yippee! Promoting in TW! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m sure that it will do well there.

  3. Oh laawwd that’s a lot of pretty. They look like they belong atop a wedding cake. Yay for the HeonHee shippers – really happy for you!! HwanHye-aahhh, where are you? *sniff* *tear* Please universe, let there be a droplet of anything – need not be personal in nature, professional business will do as long as the names KJH & YEH are included together in a string of words.

    • Oh coffeebot, I share your tears for our HwanHye. Miss them like crazy! Good thing there are other pairs to ship – HeonHee looks fantabulous!

  4. Finally!
    I’ve been waiting for this post since yesterday. All the time,I was just crazy waiting for updates on twitter…hehe.
    And as much as the Heonhee couple drove me crazy months ago,so was the excitement I felt browsing their photos as they were departing from Korea to Taipei. So did you girls think it was sort of a promotional strategy wearing matching outfits with SSH and KTH’s plain white tops over black jeans?
    Nevertheless,they’ll always be one of the greatest OTPs ever!!

    • I’m also wondering whether the matching outfits are pure coincidence or promotional effect or something else…
      Unless it’s pure coincidence, they are definitely not shy about wearing similar colours, taking the same plane etc. unlike a lot of other drama OTPs.

  5. Oh one more thing. The Taiwanese must have been so lucky and rich enough to bring SSH and KTH together. LOL.
    Coz in Japan,the Heonhee couple just did a promotional video.
    Here in the Philippines (wherein My Princess was aired in just less than month after its airing on Korea), no special vids from the couple were aired. But I’m so sure how the local TV networks here bid high as much as they can to buy the rights of MP.

  6. Love them. They should date in real life, they are beautiful together

    Ockoala, have you forget our playful kiss kids?
    May be you don’t like them anymore.
    Anyway you are the best, love your website a lot

    • Yes, Ockoala… I was wondering about that too.
      Have you forgotten about wuri SeungJo and HaNi??
      Playful Kiss just had a fan meeting in Japan last Aug. 2 and it was a huge success! And may I add that Jung So Min and Kim Hyun Joong looked as gorgeous as ever!! And it seems that they’re closer than before! Hoping that you would post something about this recent fan meeting since this playground of yours has always been a happy happy fluffy playground for PKissers… ๐Ÿ™‚

      I know I digress since this is totally off topic in this post…

      But also thank you for posting about SSH and KTH’s promotion of My Princess in Taiwan. I also love these two. Gorgeous together and the chemistry is there~ <3

  7. Thanks Koala!
    Right after watching My Princess, I felt the beginnings of couple shipping for SSH and KTH… but alas, wasn’t that strong for me (unlike for HwanHye, I’m near crazy about them).

    Someone in the EunHwan bar in Baidu mentioned this MP promo event yesterday. Out of curiosity, I went to check out the HeonHee bar and got really caught up in reading about them!

    HeonHee looks sooooooooo good together. I would be really happy too if they do get together. And yes, don’t they look GREAT after their flight and in their matching outfits too!

    Now I wish we get something like this from our HwanHye…

  8. I will forever prefer this short haircut on Song Seung Hun, he just looks so good with it.

    As for Kim Tae Hee, if only all of us normal people could look that refreshed after a plane trip, the world is not fair, not fair at all.

  9. Thank’s koala.
    when I go to the MP I have not found your blog.
    I really miss MP.I miss seeing the two of them acting KTH and SSh.SSH is very cool with new hair,KTH image of a princess is not missing from her very pretty

  10. wow!! they really look good together… btw, I’ve seen MP but i can’t seem to remember what episode was the scene in the 3:21-22 mark in the promo vid… =(

  11. who they perfectly matched their clothes, from the airport to the press con….they look so amazing…I sure missed KTH’s cute MP dresses

  12. SSH looks awesome as usual, did he lose weight? i think he had smoother and bigger cheeks during MP. He looks all thin and toned up in these pics.

    KTHs dress looks good, she can pass off as mid twenties even though in her thirties.

  13. wait ,looking at the pictures above, from the moment they landed in the airport to the one in black dress KTH seems to have cut her hair short or is it a wig that she has? And if so which is the wig ๐Ÿ™ , confused.

  14. I have mad love for this couple (my fave onscreen couple of the year still, not to pick a fight with HwanHye fans…)

    I wish they would do more promos together. They also have great offscreen presence though the only thing I’m not digging is SSH losing weight.

  15. I can’t think of any other couple as attractive as these two. Fingers crossed that they are dating… who knows they may be or may be not… nowadays these stars are very good at play hide and seek with their fans. Oh well, if they are dating quietly, we’ll leave them alone and hope they have babies soon to come… me daydreaming again… ha ha.

    Thanks koala for satisfying my appetite for. Of late, have been watching AIMH, So Close etc. etc. all my reruns just to get my fix of SSH.

  16. Definitely one of Koreas most beautiful couple…I loved MP and am planning to buy its DVD!!!
    they look so good together and they definitely had great chemistry!!!
    and i agree, they looked like a couple just in for their honeymoon!!!
    those lucky fans!!!

  17. i really miss my princess unforgettable ever…and kim tae hee she’s very beautiful i like her style ,hope to see her on t.v. w/her new projects..

  18. Me too! I’m always checking updates for these two beautiful people. I’m so happy seeing them again together! Hope they fall in love with each other!

  19. This is such a lovely post, Ms. Koala! Thanks so much for this! ๐Ÿ˜€ It was such a treat to see them again so close & cozy and the crazy shippers in us are very much unleashed once again. Oh, you might want to check out Day 2 and Day 3! Their intimate body contact certainly in the charity event doesn’t look like it was for fanservice. Right now, we honeys are relishing their sweet moments in Taiwan and at the same time, highly looking forward for their upcoming Japan promotion by the end of the month! *throws confetti* (hopefully the hallyu uproar there will be fixed soon)

    Komawoyo for your time and space!

  20. why would they visit a shitty country like Daiwan?

    i’ve been there before. it smell awful, like one giant open garbage dump. people are rude and have no class.

    gee, are they really that desperate

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