
Upcoming Photo Book with Mike He Drops Some Teaser Pictures — 48 Comments

    • Just to say, I like the fact that he is so normal looking … not overly muscled, not too thin (current trend in male celebs which I hate), not too fat …. just NORMAL and, you know, NICE.

  1. @__@

    Ms Koala I normally don’t comment and I’m not familiar with Taiwanese stars photoshoots.
    Err….doesn’t this look like that Japanese mag that has half naked celebrities…but way tackier looking.It’s not even a brief with a famous underwear brand.Not that I care but these photos totally destroyed my impression of him from Sunny Happiness.Plus I watched that drama only based on the fact you like it a lot.
    Ow…that is one not so nice lot of photos.

    • I don’t have any problems with the pictures (quite tasteful actually), just that I personally prefer Mike wearing suits. That’s all. 😀

      And Mike is a model-turned-actor. Before he, Joe, and Ethan became actors, they were top models, so there are tons of pictures of those three modeling underwear, swimsuits, walking down the catwalk, way more risque than this. Any model by training is naturally comfortable in his own skin, and Mike is for sure.

      I think these pictures are really lovely, capturing the laid back essense of the Summer in the South of France. I can almost smell the lavender.

      • Yea… but does he really need to go back to his roots. My mouth is still open while I’m typing this. I’m going to stop watching his drama for a while, because that image totally ______ my eyes.

        Mike why ohhhh why must you do that. This boy makes so much money I don’t understand why.

      • I totally agree with you Koala, he looks smashing in suits. He doesn’t really need to draw our attention with this kind of photos … Is he dating someone currently?


    Excuse me, I’m going to be saving these photos onto my computer so I can stare at them all day.

  3. It feels like Christmas in September. Do you know the exact day of its release? Because I want this photo book, I want it bad. *grabby*

    But y’know what would be an even better photo book (though I know you love Zai Zai x infinity)? One with Daito Shunsuke and Feng Feng. I would go insane for that. I’d probably kiss it and sleep with it, too. Whoops, too much information. The heat’s getting to me. 😛

    • ^%&$^%#$& a photo book with my Feng Feng and Shunshuke. Oh hells yeah! That’s like winning the lottery, finding the fountain of youth, Christmas come early all rolled into one. *_______* I’m already seeing stars!

      This book comes out Sept 21 – exactly 2 weeks just like I said. Tee hee, oh boy, you naughty little minx~

      • hehe, not entirely impossible to see Shunsuke half naked I would say. Place my bet with An An magazine, which did an almost naked photo shooting session with Mukai Osamu.

      • Are you kidding me? AnAn already got its grubby hands on my Shunsuke. He’s done a small AnAn spread (it’s on tumblr and if you just google it). Same AnAn shit. I hate it, hence I won’t post about it.

        Haaaaate almost all AnAn spreads. Only one that actually worked was Jin’s and it’s because Jinny is so damn sleazy. And I adore him for it. Pi’s was just ridiculous. Ugh. Mukai’s needed to be burned. I did not need to see any of my guys 9/10th naked.

    • Mmmmm…I like that idea. Now Mark needs to do one, too. ^__^

      Though I think I’m not a tighy-whities kind of girl. I like boxers better. Or at least another color. Anything but white.

  4. Mike He….Rrrghhhhh…Mama Mia!!!! Délicieuse!!!! Hottie like this….I can’t keep my eyes out from his sight…He is gorgeous!!! Thank you ockoala for posting his pictures 😉

  5. Yeah, dearest, you just made my Mike He year and I HAVE his nearly nekkid runway/undie pics from the past years ……. still, heaven to me, thanks, OCKOALA!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. He looks so young in these pics! I never liked him in the suits in SH because I thought they aged him. He looks so … curvy in the completely naked one, lol, not that I’m complaining.

    Also, I just cannot wrap my head around a Mike / Ella pairing. I just don’t like her very much.

  7. wow! never seen him to these type of photo shoot…

    Hearing you guys talk about suits, I think Mike in jeans and jacket and devil-lish smile is my fav ^_^

    My favorite is still the first one with him some-what gruff looking ^_^

  8. Ok – so the first photo – I thought he was channeling Jay Chou there for a moment until I took a closer look (yes, I know they look nothing alike… just the style). Anyhow – I’m not a huge Mike fan since I have to keep the fandom of those younger than me to a controllable number. But it’s hard not to have followed his entire career basically if you follow tw-entertainment. So I know about his modeling days and his drama with Ariel – the first one before Love Contract – I don’t even remember the name of it. I’m happy with how his acting has progressed and while I also like him much better in clothes (esp in suits since he really rarely wore them as I could recall), I’m sure this book will be a smashing success with those kind of photos and all 😉

    • Seventh Grade??? I’ve only ever seen short, unsubtitled bits of it, so no real clear impression of Mike and Ariel together until I watched Love Contract, which I liked, oddly enough.

  9. omo thanks for this early Christmas present madam K… love it…. he’s so hot and sexy but not trashy….. want to have a painting size of these pics… gosh he’s so good enough to eat!!! back to ogling now… RAWR!!!

  10. Boy needs to stay dressed. It’s a rare day when the sight of naked man-candy does nothing for me. Here, it’s happened – maybe because I’m spoiled watching Siwon hoist his tee-shirts to reveal his ab-pack, or maybe it’s just because I’m still laughing (in a horrified way) from viewing Mike He’s latest “dramatic” turn in Love Keeps Going and just can’t appreciate anything about him, including his lack of muscle definition. He can model all the Fruit-of-the-Loom briefs he wants but it’ll take a lot more than that to erase how truly awful he (and to be fair, ALL of his fellow actors) was in LKG. Let’s hope that his next project is successful.

  11. WHERE can i purchase his photobook? Any advance ordering, queue or something? I just have to have it.

    His naked butt doesn’t lessen my love for him. The question is, did it increase? haha

  12. The first two pictures are lovely. The third one makes me uncomfortable. You know, not in a “I suddenly have the urge to have long, candle-lit dinners and long walks on the beach with my hand” sort of way, but in a “Who the hell is this guy and why is he trying to out-do Demi Moore’s Striptease pose?” kind of way. It’s all very tastefully done and I would normally be all over this sort of thing, but in this case…

    I can’t begin to articulate why that picture makes me so uncomfortable. Is it because he looks so adolescent? Maybe it’s all that thigh? I don’t know, and I’m sure I don’t want to stare at it any longer.

  13. mike he is freaking hot. oh my dear, he’s sexy and his photos are absolutely jaw-dropping! not tacky at all. i love mike he more. he looks good in anything, with or without suit. 😉

  14. This is what Europe does to people– makes them get all nekkid…haha I kid, just jk 😉

    Not my favorite photos, but I don’t mind the skin. Women show a lot more than this or are a lot more provocative (while wearing more clothes mind you) all the time. I find the artistic aspects of the photos more problematic– the exposure, tint/coloring and general concept, if there is one. That green sky makes it look like a nuclear dawn. Idk, these photos don’t seem particularly beautiful or intriguing…

  15. maybe.. its the color … black would and a little less cover would be really much more it… than white…. reminds me of kiddies in playgroups…. and their diaper shorts… sorry. 😀 still like him more in Sunny Happiness! 🙂 🙂

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