
Zenkai Girl Episode 3 Recap — 21 Comments

  1. Yeah…definitely watched the first three episodes this evening because of your recaps. It was on my list to get to, but you pushed me over the edge. AND I’M SO HAPPY ABOUT IT. It’s about time Ryo gets to be the proper lead in a quality drama that isn’t the saddest thing the world has ever known.

    I don’t think I’ve seen the actress before, but she’s wonderful. There’s something about her frankness (and home wardrobe) that reminds me of Nakama Yukie in Gokusen. I’ve still got a little time before bed so onto episode 4! Huzzah!

  2. squeeee! u decided to recap zenkai girl!! thank you so much! now i re-read about my fave part of the episodes!
    i think what makes this drama so winning is that while it’s a love story somewhat, it doesn’t go round and round in circles like some kdramas do just focusing on the OTP and why they can/cannot/shouldnot be together… jdramas do the whole, life isn’t just about loving the other person till the death, but there is also a life to live, a life to learn about… and through that becoming that better person for him/her… and when it’s done well as in the case here, it’s just such a winsome journey for the viewer… gahHH i can’t express how much i ADORE this little jdorama.. ryo as a baby daddy and gaki as the go-getter but softie at heart who just doesnt realise it yet….. and the KIDS! my maternal instinct is rearing its head… kekeke…

  3. I’m loving this drama right now… as in really, really, really loving it!! ^^ Thanks for the recaps Koala! ^^

    I love how fast the story is going yet still manages to impart the story well with the right amount of humor and romance. Yui and Ryo have unbelievable chemistry. They look super cute together that right now, I want them to be in love for real! lol XD

  4. soo gld u are recapping this.its an awesum drama.usually not a fan of jap drama as they do not relli focus on romance that much but this one is soo cute loving both the leads and the babies.soooc ute

  5. The cuteness and talent of the kids in this series is almost too overwhelming. I can’t decide who I like more! I think it may be the young Wakaba. I break into a huge grin every time she comes on screen and throws her hands up in victory. She is so incredibly charming.

    Why are so many of my favorites on only once a week? This one needs to be a twice-a-weeker and run for oh, the next 50 years or so. Am I really asking to much when I want to see them get married, have babies and watch those babies grow up?

  6. I love this drama more and more!! And thanks again for your recaps and thought~ 😀

    Sorry, but do you know total how much episode this drama? Just curious

  7. This is so much my very favorite-ist trope of all time: the couple that starts out not liking each other and bickers their way into love. It gets me every time, and this is the poster drama for that trope. ^_^

  8. Ooohhh ockoala! Are you a mind-reader? Oh, yes, you are a wish-giving fairy, you said. And you just granted us this sweetest, albeit unspoken, wish: a caring and loving recap/review of “Zenkai Girl”. YEY!

    Im already on episode 6 but will definitely come back here for your recaps. Keep working on that magic…as all your wishes are just waiting to be granted as well. 🙂

    Just like PTB, this j-drama makes us care for not just the main characters but for the supporting cast, too, in fact the whole ensemble. Its funny-ironic that while in PTB sometimes the oldies steal the show from the main leads because of their adorable childishness, in ZK it’s the young ones who does it with their more mature quips and schemes.

    The drama gods have been very good to us lately…. 🙂

  9. and just when i was wondering when will unnie start to recap this beautiful drama as i was watching it in the past 3 days:D yeah keep on these recaps:D

    this drama is amazing, so i started to compare k-dramas and j-dramas yet found that -generally speaking- although the acting and the overall drama gives the feeling of a manga in j-dramas, it always feels so sincere, i mean the feelings are really sincere that always touch the hearts of audience:))) but in k-dramas although they give us the life of the characters in a very real way, feelings sometimes dont touch my heart…

    I started to think Aragaki Yui is the most beautiful actress out there in Japan though it’s my first time watching her:D and Nishikido Ryo (i started watching this drama after unnie’s post about him and Yamapi, LOL) how can a character be vulnerable as his! I cant help but pitying him sometimes in the drama and his feelings are just pure. Hinata-chan is my dream daughter with her attitude:D and little Wakaba is such a strong child!!! and my heart is broken after the last episode….

    along with liar game, this drama gave me the motivation to study for JLPT N2 just when i have started to forget japanese:D LOL *back to kanji study*

  10. So I’ve been following Zenkai Girl almost compulsively since it came out, and it was the apple of my eye, until…… the aggravating nonsense that was episode 9… *sigh*

    Your wonderful post on episode 3 brought back some really good memories, thanks koala 🙂 I love the eloquence you put into everything.

  11. koala, thank you for starting to recap zenkai girl.

    i have watched a couple of jdoramas before but this the first one that i anticipate with weekly, hoping the days past quickly so i can have a dosage of ryo. i watch the raw version even without understanding the dialogue.

    while i have watched the latest (ep.9), i still enjoy your take on this drama and will look forward to more from our favorite koala.

  12. im loving this already…it’s so cute and refreshing…reminds me why I prefer jdoramas over kdramas
    thanks ms koala for introducing me to this great show~~~

    love nishikido ryo’s puppy dog eyes…you just want to hug him in every scene…

  13. I’m in love with this show. but omgoodness, after reading your recap I had to watch and so I did and finished it in a night. haha. can’t wait for the next recap and episode 10.

  14. aah lovely recap!!! thanks!!!

    really like this show, ryo is awesome and the kids are toooo adorable!! like they walked right out of a manga ^^

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