
Ouran High School Host Club Episode 8 Recap — 21 Comments

  1. Kyoya (and Mori) in badass police uniforms? Yes please! Now if only this had been one of those fan service episodes where they take some of their clothes off….

    I liked seeing Nekozawa’s entire face, if only because every time he makes his scary prediction face, it reminds me of Jang Geun Suk’s various Tae Kyung expressions.

    And d’awwwwww Kirimi is too cute.

  2. Thanks for the recap!!

    Tamaki is such a precious and loveable idiot. His reason behind the creation of the host club broke my heart, but it made me love him even more. For the amount of affection he gives out to others, and for the things he had to put up with, the boy deserves a lot of loving. oh…this episode totally wrecked all my earlier ship preference(s)… I still love the possibility of Haruhi and Kyouya (and my gawd, him in that police uniform is driving my hormones up the wall) and I have a soft spot for Haruhi and the Twins, but Tamaki and Haruhi make sense and he deserves to be loved by the one he loves…..sigh, for my sanity, I say they should just stay as one big happy family.

  3. I never really shipped any pair in the manga or the anime because Haruhi is awesome with everyone and because the mangaka does such a good job of just balancing out the story in terms of characters, romance and comedy.

    But in the live-action, even though I still don’t ship anyone, I just want to see Kyoya and Haruhi in the same shot together.

    Like you said, Ouran is such a little ray of sunshine.

  4. I loved the “No shadow!” “Yes Shadow!” “NO!NO!NO! No shadow!” “Oh my God!”. It was sooo cute and funny cauz they said it in english, it was my favorite part in the show!!!

  5. Oh my, this show is so refreshingly crazy and heartwarming! The episodes are over much too quickly! One thing I’ve noticed that impresses me is: compared to most dramas I’ve seen, this show has broken down ALL class barriers. The fascination the rich boys have with the everyday stuff of regular/poor folks is uplifting and hilarius! They love their Haruhi and accept her with no reservations – how lovely!

  6. A great episode! I had feared for this, as it was my most favourite episode of all, in the anime (the Tamaki meeting Kyouya he first time is second) but as usual, they did justice to it. The labour of having Nekozawa appear in every episode makes this episode even more special. I love Kirimi. She is almost perfect! And Nekozawa is very, very hawt! As hawt as I remember, because Nekozawa is the only character that is supposed to be as bishie as Tamaki (hence the due confusion of Kirimi) I would have loved it more if they put the anime ending-of Kirimi drawing Bezelnef on her Onichama portrait, a testament of how much she loves her brother and her acceptance of him. That alone brought tears to my eyes TT but i will not nitpick, i love this drama too much to say anything bad about it 🙂

    As for shipping, in the beginning i was for Mori-Haruhi, cuz, the manga has more moments for them than in the drama (And i like my men strong and silent lol) and for the life of me i could never fathom the fascination people had with Tamaki, i mean he’s over the top, hysterical and slapsticky lol But as the story moved along, by the time it was in Karuizawa, when Tamaki played the piano, it was the hook, line and sinker, and I was a bona fide Haruhi-Tamaki shipper. I dunno when and why but by the time i realised it i was already shipping them madly XP

    so, as much as I commend Yamamoto Yusuke for his Tamaki, i still need to see him playing the piano in Karuizawa, though a sample of him playing in this eps was quite good 🙂 Looking forward for the Karuizawa eps, with Haruhi-Hikaru date, and Tamaki is blonde!(LOVE IT!)

    Again, thank you for your great recaps. Reading them have always made my day X))

  7. I watched Daito Shunsuke’s other works but none of them made me ship him with heroine – even though she was THE OTP- like I ship Kyoya with Haruhi… the way DS looks at her tickles me so hard, makes me giddy and I jump around when I see scenes like the last scene when Kyoya wants to know what’s on her mind

    on the other hand she is the forbidden fruit twice : she is 16 and I think their agencies would be pretty strict about relationships … I have so much fun seeing another actor fanboying on my screen and I love to see his glances at Haruna (it makes me melt)

  8. i really enjoyed watched this episode..especially the last part when haruhi told that her given a scholarship from tamaki’s touched me to see the tamaki real’s family…it seems tamaki family hide the sad story..^_^

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