
Protect the Boss Episode 15 Recap — 28 Comments

  1. omg it’s so true what you did say there unnie

    it’s the most annoying thing in the drama world that one thinks they should break up for the other party’s happiness!!!! why dont they get that they being together is what actually means happiness and if there is a problem they should -together- seek a solution that would be help to both sides… :(((((

  2. The noble idiot syndrome is full force in this episode … you’re right, the extension has not done it any good. But I can’t believe next week’s episodes are its last! Argh!

  3. Too many noble idiots… Sigh.. I wish for once a character would actually be built up as a noble idiot from the beginning – then it might actually be believable… Thank you for the recap! 🙂

  4. Thanks for the recap!!

    I’m a huge JYJ fan but I’ve got to say Jisung is sooo hot in this drama.
    I don’t mind the angst and noble idiocy thats going on in this episode. It still good in the eyes to watch all these characters. Ji hoon is definitely growing up and has to face all these company and relationship problems. Nothing really is simple in life.

    Love this drama. Thanks again for the recap its such a big help to understand watching without sub.

    • I agree with you Marlene. Although there is indeed a noble idiocy in the last two episodes, it feels natural for the character of Jisung ( who is hawt! in this drama) and NES. They both lack experience. ChaJiheon still needs to work on himself a lot, has a lot of insecurities, so it is not surprising for him to make this decision when facing this difficult situation. Perhaps, this will be a short break that will low him to think about things differently, and he will be able to mature fast. I am still looking forward to see what will happened next….

    • also agree with u..the drama still rawk it out!!! this is one of the best drama i ever see..well, it’s common to see an angst plot in korean drama but PTB handle it in a best way i think..PTB fever~~~~~

  5. I was in an awe with this episode because of the direction it took. I thought they were going to turned into little detectives, through disguises lead us out on stakeouts and amateur interrogation. That would have been hilarious knowing Ji Heon childlike ways . Going dramatic in this episode made me scream. I love this don’t make it sad! But never the less, I am an addict and will not take intervention on my Protect the Boss. I am totally in love with Eun Seol and Ji Heon’s laugh is infectious. Myung Ran, Moo Won, Na Yoon, papa, grandma and the entire supporting cast gets two thumps up from me! The preview to episode 16 will require my crying accessories. ~_~. Thanks for the recap. Great job!!

  6. That’s why I hate extention! Those unnecessary angst plot are being added in order to keep the drama running. Honestly, I rather they did the other way, such as show us ES life after she entered into their world (it meants after they get married), show us how MW and NY back together etc…rather than this I agreed with you Koala that it is still better than a lot of Kdramas but I really expect something different from this drama. Am I asking too much?

  7. Hi! I think it’s my first comment here!
    I might be the only one but I think everything makes sense, and that it’s not just the noble idiot syndrome.
    JH is breaking up with ES because he realizes that she doesn’t respect him (loves him yes, but doesn’t respect him as a grown up man) She is still full in “protection” mode, she’s a “mum” (I jumped when she took his chin in the elevator…that’s what a mum would do to make her young son look at her, not a lover during a fight…)
    And this is the same with his dad and everybody else (And actually, Moo Won told him something like he was not the kind that people can trust and get help from) .
    As he said he brought this on himself and has to fight himself to be recognized as a grown up. This whole mess is a big wake up call for him.
    I like this show! This is great!


  8. Thanks for the recap. I kinda expected this but didn’t really want it only cause it’s just like any other drama. I know that we’ve all discussed that NES and CJH would have to separate at some point in time… i don’t know… I just wish it didn’t pan out like this. Anyhow – I’m still looking forward to seeing the last 2 episodes despite these last 4 being – ehh… meh.

    JiHeon – I look forward to seeing the new new you post NES and see just how much you have grown as a man. 🙂 I’m sure the ending will be really cute for our OTP.

    I felt a little bit of my excitement for PTB drop slightly because I resisted TPM until episode 14 and then I took a peak at it and then it was over from there. I’m hooked! Thankfully I haven’t peaked at an episode of BBJX otherwise, I’d be a goner too since neither have finished airing. PTB – I still love you! Fighting until the end – it has still been a solid drama. I always enjoy the “thrill of the chase”.

  9. I’m not 100% sure about this, and I am definitely fallible, but I don’t think Ji-heon asked to break up – I think he said he wanted to take a break. Like I said, I’m not 100% sure about that, but he didn’t say the word “break up” or anything else I’ve ever heard people say when they’re breaking up with someone. I guess tomorrow we’ll know for sure; it seemed in the preview like Eun-seol was yelling at him, so maybe that was what he said. I’m just trying to hold onto any small thread of hope.

    I actually don’t think this last turn of events is so bad. Not quite as fun or funny, for sure, and I do miss the earlier tone of the drama, but I think it’s not so bad. I think they could have dealt with it in a lighter way, for sure, but the issues themselves are ones that I think need to be confronted and overcome before Ji-heon and Eun-seol can have a real relationship. He was right to be upset that she didn’t tell him (even though he’s mad at himself), and she was right that she’s stuck in a “take care of him” mindset and doesn’t really see him as an equal that way yet.

    But it would have been more fun if they hadn’t written things so downer~ish. Here’s hoping this next episode and next week’s take a turn for the more cheerful.

  10. Phew, thank goodness I’m not the only one NOT hating the whole angst-ridden development. I know…I too hope it could be written in a not-so-moron way as we all have higher expectation for this drama like Ms Koala mentioned. But since the conflict is actually essential for now, I’ll wait and see. Still enjoy this show thouhg! To some degree good acting helps save the show.

  11. arghhhhhhhh. why?

    i was totally looking forward for the office issues to have some kind of resolution already. this is why i SUPER detest extensions – the story veers off from the original story-line because of the addition of 2 extra episodes.

  12. Yeah,,, the break-up. 🙁 A necessary plot device for the extension, though compared to other dramas PTB is still holding its head up with a good storyline, nonetheless still lame. I still would have preferred if they had sticked with the earlier tempo of the drama and did not want an extension.

    Oh and this last episodes, Mu Won and Nayun are kinda warming up on me more than the two leads. I love looking at them.

  13. Sometimes it takes the past eps to understand the present. I finally watched eps 12-14 which in a way gives a gist as to what/where Ji Heon is going with this and I think ep 8 to have an idea as to Eun Seol thought process and ep 14 as to why she did what she did. I largely rely on recaps to state the rest.

    In the early part of ep 14 prior to couple time they had a somewhat serious talk as to what he would do. Ji Heon’s end answer is that he would seriously think about it and let her know when you think about it temporary distance from Eun Seol is needed here as it is a fact that he has become somewhat too dependent of her in ep 8 when she blew up – her question to him what would happen if she is not there. In order to grow at times being away from people you care about/love should help. Noble idiocy does not count here as it can be beneficial to the relationship in the long run. I don’t think Ji Heon is being noble here, he is just trying to find out where he really fits both personally & professionally that won’t happen being around Eun Seol all the time. This can be a hindrance.

    Eun Seol could not in all honesty tell Ji Heon because she promised secretary Jang & her professional role. She did ask Jang permission to tell Ji Heon but it was rejected. Plus what kind of person would she be if she did not keep her promises when she said that she would – the word “trust” comes to mind & it speaks of her character. Eun Seol was placed between a rock & a hard place she is not blameless but the situation put her there. Plus she has gotten to the point of protecting Ji Heon too much. She also needs to take a break in the relationship as well to learn to get out of that role as well as decide what to do next. This is what I think ep 16 will focus on.

    I hope there is not too long a break between them as I really enjoy their coupleship.

    I remember in Can You Hear My Heart our OTP characters Bong Woori & Cha Dong Ju. Bong Woori asked for a temp break up from her guy because she had to take care of a few things of course he did not like it much but it was better in the end for both of them. I think PTB is trying to do something similar.

    As for dad – the boy who cries wolf comes to mind which is his case as no one really believes him. What I want to know is why has there been no medical tests done to find out the cause of his problem, he has been to the hospital twice – isn’t that a sign enough. This is critical though it may seems small could be serious in the end.

    MW & NY couple are being reunited why- because if ever there was a 2nd lead that was not loved as much as the 1st it is this set which is highly supported by the fans. They are cute & just learning how to play together I am sure everyone is looking forward to kiss 2+.

    Looking forward to ep 16.

    • I wholeheartedly agree with you. I’m kinda surprised by the rants here about the extension ruining the drama. Can’t we be grateful that this is a damn good drama? Your point and EVERYONE’s point about JiHeon needing to grow up is FINALLY being addressed and I guess not everybody likes it. You’re right – NES has been like a mom protecting him and he has gotten comfortable with it. He’s mad at himself because, he now has to figure out how to grow up… and he can’t do that with NES constantly by his side AND he doesn’t like what he has to do, which is to LEAVE NES’s side and grow up. I’m kinda disappointed by how some fans can be fairweather and decide a drama is spiraling downwards when it’s no longer all fluff. I totally enjoyed the past couple of episodes. And I totallly think the humor is still intact and I enjoyed all the funny scenes without being down because the OTP has problems with their relationship. Earlier in this drama – people were complaining about growth and character development. It’s here, people. You can’t have growth in character when everything is hunky dory and comfy. You grow from situations that are difficult and you have to figure out how to deal and at times know what’s holding you back so you can overcome it.

      Anyway, I love the recaps and I just love PTB and wanted to share my thoughts that seem to be different from the majority in this blog.

  14. I am a big melodrama fan hence I love the ‘noble idiot’ trope. BUT. I love it in a melodrama or an angsty period/revenge epic. It seems startlingly out of place in a fluffy cheeky comedy.

    Oh well. At least, while it didn’t keep as wonderful as it was, it didn’t implode the way e.g. Bad Guy did. That’s the problem with liveshoots – you never know what you’ll get.

  15. Oh My Gosh! I am so angry!!!! The producer/writers JUST KILLED THIS DRAMA! They took PTB an the unbelievably quirky, unique K-Drama, placed it in a coffin, nailed it shut and buried it 12 feet in grave in the ground. I am so angry now! They totally ruined this drama. I fast forwarded through an unsubbed version, because from what I could tell, there was NO movement FORWARD. The last 2 episodes felt like fillers… like they were writing the story as they are filming with no idea where they are even go to take this. It moved along slow, the music was off and the actors seemed like they had no idea what the other person was going to say. I hope they can return to whatever the original plot development was and the original ending they had in mind before the extension, so that they can recover. SIGH…. but after seeing the previews for 16, It is highly unlikely that they will be able to fix this in the two last episodes. This is just SO SAD. WHY? WHY?

    • Sorry for the Rant. I’ll calm down now. I’m watching a fully subbed version now. After some thought maybe the writers can still recover. I just adored this drama, I’m going to hope for the best.

  16. Martan267 – “I wholeheartedly agree with you. I’m kinda surprised by the rants here about the extension ruining the drama. Can’t we be grateful that this is a damn good drama? Your point and EVERYONE’s point about JiHeon needing to grow up is FINALLY being addressed and I guess not everybody likes it. You’re right – NES has been like a mom protecting him and he has gotten comfortable with it. He’s mad at himself because, he now has to figure out how to grow up… and he can’t do that with NES constantly by his side AND he doesn’t like what he has to do, which is to LEAVE NES’s side and grow up. I’m kinda disappointed by how some fans can be fairweather and decide a drama is spiraling downwards when it’s no longer all fluff. I totally enjoyed the past couple of episodes. And I totallly think the humor is still intact and I enjoyed all the funny scenes without being down because the OTP has problems with their relationship. Earlier in this drama – people were complaining about growth and character development. It’s here, people. You can’t have growth in character when everything is hunky dory and comfy. You grow from situations that are difficult and you have to figure out how to deal and at times know what’s holding you back so you can overcome it.

    Anyway, I love the recaps and I just love PTB and wanted to share my thoughts that seem to be different from the majority in this blog.”

    Couldn’t agree with you more. Lol i’m getting more frustrated at people who are STILL insisting that the drama is turning into a “wreck” simply because of some well thought out angst. Seriously people, I’d like to know how you mature in life without ever feeling pain. Big sigh.


  17. Hi all…I’ve just finished watching this drama and I looveee it…Ji Sung is awesome

    For episode 15 there’s a song that I like played at the beginning..too bad the song is not included in the anyone here mind telling me the title of the song ??
    Really appreciate that and thx a lot before

    • I hope it’s not too late.. since u wrote this in 2012, and we’re now in 2013.. But I also fell in love with that song in episode 15 and it’s not in the soundtrack list for the drama either so I did a research and found it!!!! It’s called ” I can’t go ” by Brian Joo 🙂 hope this helps!

  18. Hmmm…from the first time I watched the drama, I just felt in love to mu won and na yoon. So, the angst didn’t influence me so much. I started loving Kdrama after watching PtB. My fave actor and actrees now are Jae joong and Ji hye. It’s my post here. Best greeting from Indonesia.

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