
Zenkai Girl Episode 11 Recap — 17 Comments

  1. I also loved this show. It was completely owned by the kids; wise beyond their years, they taught the adults about love! So the moral is; listen to your inner child and basic instincts! I agree, a follow-up story (even a movie) would be great!

  2. This show was just what I needed. I was in Tokyo when this show was just starting and there were adverts EVERYWHERE for it, but I couldn’t figure out the name because of the stupid kanji. I kind of forgot about it, and then when you started recapping, I knew I had to give it a show. And I’m so glad I did.

    Yeah the show doesn’t stand up to scrutiny and I probably won’t rewatch this show much, if at all, but it made me so happy right NOW and that’s the important thing. I loved tuning in every week to see Wakaba figure out her mess of a life, and how Shota (or Sad Dad as my friends and I called him) was going to fit into that.

    My biggest squabble with the finale is Shindo. The actor played the character in such a way that I always thought he had ulterior motives. I kept waiting for his true self to come out, but for him to turn out to be a good guy was weird to me. He was always so shifty in his speaking and acting that I couldn’t buy his interest in Wakaba.

  3. I LOVE your banner!

    I really liked the drama, even if it was frustrating for the OTP to finally to get together. Thank you for the recaps!

  4. Thanks for recapping ZG…
    Btw, do you have any recommendation for J dorama?
    I have nothing to watch while waiting for Nankyoku Tairiko.

    • are you looking for a new dorama or an old one?

      If you’re into family story with gut wrenching ending, I would recommend Summer Snow. It’s an old series though. I also like Proposal Daisakusen, quite funny & lovely love stories. And of course I love Gokusen 1 & 2.

      And I bet ms. K would recommend Nobuta Wo Produce πŸ™‚

  5. thank you! I enjoyed watching the drama. If it wasn’t for your recaps, and my recent trip to Japan ( I watched Ryo being all adorable on a Japan variety show) this would still be on my ever growing To-watch list! This definitely reignited my Ryo love <3

    • have not seen any of Ryo nor Gakki’s films before…not until somebody suggested to watch ZG, i’m glad i did plus the recap…what is there to ask for?

      thanks MS. KOALA….a million thanks.

  6. Awww…thank you. that is such a lovely way to put it…”a drama that seems so random at first blush, but put together it meshes into this wonderful little bite of deliciousness that is both satisfying and rewarding.”

    Yes, indeed. I was beaming from ear to ear, feeling that all is well in the world because finally..FINALLY..two people who are meant for each other has gotten together at last. πŸ˜€

    As for Ryo and Gakki..ah, such a beautiful OTP. Ryo finally had the courage to call her “Gakki” during the filming of the finale and she answered by saying..”What, Nikki?” .Gah….I almost died of the cute. I never would have thought of calling Bitchy-Devil-May-Care Ryo-chan “Nikki” but somehow it seems fitting here, especially seeing how awkward and bumbling he was around Gakki. πŸ˜‰

  7. i think the reason why wakaba choose to not to stay in a big firm, is that she remembered why she took this path. she saw her father struggling with bad people, and she learn how to fight with those kinds of people, now she is protecting people similar to his father:D and this makes it more satisfying for her:D

  8. I just finished watching IS ~Otoko Demo Onna Demo Nai Sei and was hoping to find a more lighthearted jdrama to watch since I’ve pretty much immersed in kdrama, cdrama and twdrama lands. This sounds like just the ticket and yes, I’ve read all your recaps and have been utterly spoiled. I love it. (shhhh- I’m a whore for spoilers)

  9. Young Wakaba scolding Adult Wakaba? Soo cute! I never really liked the actress but I realized her depth and appreciated her here. While Zenkai Girl can be boring, it capitalizes on its great characterizations so it’s all very fulfilling in the end. Thanks for the recaps koala! πŸ™‚

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