
Office Girls Episode 11 Recap — 32 Comments

  1. ahhhh!!! i was so waiting for this recap! loving this drama more and more and it is so funny…I’m putting all the blame on you koala for making me so addicted to this drama!

    can’t wait for next week’s episode and continue on the qin qi xi and shen xing ren adventure!!!

  2. I dunno y i couldn’t make the viikii video work so ur recap is a big help THX 😀

    What I really wanted to say is I SO AGREE that I too want them to earn the house, and not depend on Zi Qi’s dad. More like I want Ren Xing to earn the house, cuz that will make her feel that she accomplished something in her life, and that all her hard work paid off!!

    And you are right, right when i was thinking I wish dramas (i was thinking about korean ones :P) would show a story where both leads are normal people, not always chaebol heirs or high school stars, its getting kinda old (at least for me :P) and this drama comes out. Yea he is from a rich family and all, but at this point we really forgot that fact and he turned into a normal person starting to work more seriously, has ambitious and has a crush on his co-worker. Both leads have their own weaknesses and aren’t the best catch, but the way they got closer feels so genuine!!! BTW I don’t watch much Taiwanese drama, but I don’t know y this one caught my attention 😉

  3. This episode is my happy pill for the rest of the week. Cranky, rewatch. Pissed rewatch. Long Wait for drinks. Watch. Simple. Effective. I think I look better with my perpetual goofy grin.

  4. Hehe u missed out sth impt ms koala, what got me in splints was when zi Qi asked Stallone ‘who do u like?’ and Stallone asked what he thought of Lele:
    Ziqi: you can’t be serious you like Shen Yu le??(teacher)
    Stunned Stallone goes into ultra gay mode
    And I dies

  5. Sigh. I’ve already watched it 2 times and was subbing it as well. I felt like I could burst I was so happy with ep 11.
    However it’s my happy pill this week. I love Zi Qi making his promises-he looked so serious.

    Boy we waited so long for those looks to transform into concrete actions. Can’t he get any cuter? Really? My cheeks already ached from grinning reading this recap. Thank you Ms Koala.

  6. Ooh and I loved it when ziqi chose water over wine since he knew what happened the last time round..or is it me just hallucinating?:)))

  7. my favorite part of this episode was the Harry Potter reference, as a die hard HP fan, that was just the sound of love in my ears…

    and i’m getting this strong urge to rewatch autumn’s concerto again

  8. I think his dad knows pretty much what’s going on.. There was a scene where he asked if Kai Er or Xing Ren was his son’s girlfriend. I think there will not be too much tension on that front. I am curious about Xing Ren’s reaction though.. She is the practical types who will freak out if her boyfriend turns out to be a chaebol. I also wonder if Zi Qi’s mother will make an appearance and be the villain since she has been mentioned before.

    • I can’t predict how Xing Ren will react once she finds out.
      I totally didn’t expect her to slap him after the kiss.
      Frozen shocked? Yes.
      Slap on the face? No.

      • the slap was not for him kissing her, it was just, she was so shock, she didnt know what to do, and its something to hide her embarrassment. and I love this reaction.
        I am so addicted to your recap Koala, Thanks so much

  9. Hi Koala! It’s been a while! I also like this drama for the reason of the Lead & Supporting cats delivery. On the spot!!!

    Towards the end, why do I have a suspicion that Ren Xi & Zi QI respective fathers could have been either best of friends or business partners (there were related reference to this earlier)..

  10. Thanks for the recap.
    I adore episode 11 to bits. I have rewatched it too many times already that I felt rather silly realizing that. Oh well… nothing beats a giddy, fluff high feeling.
    Let’s see whether the next episode can beat that one.
    I can tolerate a healthy dose of angst injected into the story line as long as it’s not something related to terminal illness.
    The right amount of drama added into the story can actually be a good thing especially with the number of episodes still remaining (is it really a total of 20 eps?) so not to make it draggy.
    I’m really begging the writers not to screw this one up. If they can continue the energy while balancing the fluffs and the angst, this easily can become THE drama for me.

  11. I luv luv luvvvvvvv this drama!

    Btw koala, do you have any other OG goodies? Like do you know if the cast appeared on any entertianment shows or BTS? I saw the stuff you posted for Bu Bu Jing xin and it would be awesome if i was able to see the OG cast somewhere else !

    • There are BTS episodes called Office Girls: Workplace Strategy (chinese translation). In one of the episodes they showed the cast celebrating Roy’s birthday which ended in a cake fight (filming of the scene where Roy fainted when fixing the electric outlet) and this week’s episode they showed the go-kart race! Extra BTS footage has also been shown on 完全娱乐 which also has cast interviews I think (haven’t been watching these as much since they’re trickier to find the cuts).

      I know 4 of cast – Alice, Roy, Patrick, Yao Yao went on 國光幫幫忙 recently. You could find two of the clips on settv’s youtube account. The episode have not aired yet. But it should be good since the cast has good camaraderie with one another.

  12. Love your choice of words AND screencaps!!!! Been staring at this page, every once in a while for the past hours, while sometime actually viewing this episode for the nth time. Please, somebody, help me gain my sanity back. I keep giggling, grinning, squealing like a schoolgirl. Darn me.

    • Forgot to mention that after seeing that information of yours, of Patrick Li’s career as a model, I did google his name. Boy oh boy. He was such a hunk, indeed!

      • @ bubujinxinaddict

        Yes, Mrs Koala mentionned that fact in a previous entry, adding that Patrick Li would often crack up jokes when she is in the middle of a dialogue with “Master”, ruining the takes. ^^

        Almost everytime Kai Er opens her mouth, I expect her to speak Korean, because she reminds me way too much of After School‘s Kahi, a kpop group member:

        Gah. Only City Hall and Bad family combined match my current OG addiction.

  13. It would be interesting to see XR’s reaction when she finds out about ZQ real identity. But what will be even more interesting is how LL and Stallone will react. LL has been ‘mean’ to ZQ and rightly so, because she is concerned of her friend. Stallone, though, is becoming on good terms with ZQ so he is goign to be pleasantly surprised. I’m looking forward to the revelation episode.

  14. Thanks for the recap! I squealed so much during this episode! I hope that the big reveal that Zi Qi is a rich chaebol doesn’t happen too soon. I love it whenever the girls talk abt how poor Zi Qi is and how he doesn’t have money. I hope Kai Er would really give up on Zi Qi. Because of her crappy past and unstable household, I do hope there is a well-off, nice, loving dude for her.

  15. Thank you for your recap! The funniest moment was when SXR slapped QZQ so hard accross the cheek! I so didn’t expect that and literally LOLed. Poor Zi Qi!

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