
Padam Padam Releases First Intriguing Teaser — 12 Comments

  1. wow! this is a freaken crazy teaser…it had a peaceful type music in the background while a whole bunch of things were going on and did i see her flip the camera off or what lol

  2. Dude, if this drama turns out anywhere near as good as this teaser makes it look, I’ll be a happy girl. It has a really different feel that I really, really like.

    Also, Angel Bummie is probably going to make an appearance in my dreams tonight, and I’m okay with that. :3

  3. wow looks like a teaser for a film. i like it. A. LOT. had to laugh at kim bum with the wings tho. did not expect him to turn out to be a real guardian angel.

  4. Darn…This show looks like it will be beautifully shot. And Kim Bum’s gorgeous eyes, cheekbones, and smile will be on full display. I can already foresee my heart-breaking. I’ts going be like the American Girls magazine all over again. I would pore over the magazine, but never convince my mom to spend $80+shipping on a doll. No matter how hard I stare a Kim Bum….. 🙂

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