
Man of Honor Episode 13 Recap — 21 Comments

  1. Thank you so much ockoala unni! Got nervous for awhile there. I thought it’s another crap ep that you wouldn’t waste time recapping it. Kumawo!

  2. Finally! he found out. I don’t know if I should be worried or happy. I’m worried that YoungKwang might purposely stay away from Jae In because of guilt by his father’s wrong doings and I’m happy that he doesn’t have to suffer from stress thinking JaeIn is his sister.
    Give us a happy ending!!

  3. glad as ever for your recap koala.. i have been waiting for this since ep. 13 raw came know i don’t like watching raw episodes without reading your recap first. it gives me idea what that episode is all about.. thank you very much.. more power and take care..

  4. Thanks for the recap! I don’t understand why Young-kwang’s mom is keeping Jae-in’s identity a secret though – what do you think her reasons are? Maybe to protect her family? It just doesn’t make sense!

  5. Thanks for another great recap! And Yay for forward plot movement! Finally, someone who should know the secret of JI’s identity, actually knows! I, too, am so disappointed in YK’s mom. I had such faith in her. Even when she was venting all her hurt and anger on JI I couldn’t hate her for it. I knew when she found out the truth, then every word she uttered would just rebound back on her, and add to the guilt she would feel, so I really expected her to do the right thing.instead she became a knowing accomplice int he whole deception. Like you said, it was extremely selfish.
    As for the rest of the episode, the OTP were sweet, IW was adorable, but Choi, not so
    much. Not sure what the point of having her show up at the house was. IC was as
    unfathomable as always, and IW’s dad as annoyingly hateful as usual.

  6. Yesss…..Thanks for the recap ockoala… I love to see how this drama going now.. making it very interesting now.. thank God Young Kwang now find the truth about Jae in identity.. can’t wait for episode 14..

  7. Thank you for the recap. I was puzzled too by YG’s mum’s deed, but I believe she must have other plans. Next, I guess YG will help JI to get back what had been stolen fr her for years. Can’t wait for tonight………

  8. I am glad that YK has figured it out… Hope the plot continues to advance forward and JI three wishes do come true!

    In this Thanksgiving’s eve, thank you, ockoala, for your hard work and this episode’s recap!! Don’t know what I would do without it since I can’t download this episode, and I am away from home! ~*.*~ Have a happy thanksgiving, everyone!!!

  9. I’m glad that you’re happy with MOH Ockoala unni. Even me, i’m happy with this drama right now…. (I’m hoping that you wont get tired recapping MOH till it reach the end)…. DAEBAK!!!

  10. I hope JI finds out the truth soon. I hate that YK-JI’s relationship continues to be taunted and tainted because of the stupid fauxcest!!! Thanks for the recap, ockoala..

  11. Just had the time to read everything… I couldn’t believe Mum. Why would she not reveal everything now? She’s like her husband then, which I don’t believe since she couldn’t believe that her husband did what he did to Jae In. So it’s just not her. We’re being dragged by this birth secret really. I am just so glad Young Kwang finally knows. I just wonder what he’d do now that he knows. Be aloof to Jae In, pushing her closer to In Woo? Nah, I don’t think he’d stay aloof for long. But I don’t think he’d be able to tell the truth either…

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