
Written and Video Preview for Episode 14 of Man of Honor — 15 Comments

  1. MoH ep13 really brought my focus back.. seriously the last 4 were nice and cute, BUT it was starting to get boring everywhere else outside the OTP. can’t wait for your recap!

  2. Thank you for the preview. Episode 13 was a breath of fresh air after the last episodes. I guess JI will (hopefully!) learn the truth about herself at the end of the episode 14. The part where the president comes with his men seemed like the ending scene to me. Maybe he will address her and storm the place etc. 15 & 16 will be intense, I can’t wait.

  3. Am so looking forward for your recap..just finished watching the raw ep 13..and YG looks adorable so jealous of IW..can’t wait for ep14..looks like the plot is picking up..Yey!

  4. Umm…so I came to watch the preview and it suddenly hits me that In Woo is the dude Jangwoo from WGM with Eunjung…#fanfail

    WooJung couple is cute though…yay for “birth secrets” coming out

  5. hi ockoala…looking forward for your ep 14 recap…just finished watching the raw ep, and omo, YK can’t get his hands off JI…hahaha…and what a villain-IW’s dad…he’s gonna be pretending to be nice to JI and use her for his own gain…can’t stand him…and why would JI discover her true identity thru him…wuahhh…I wanted JI to hear the truth for YK himself so she would not feel so bad or upset… ;-(
    but still, at least YK now knows that they are not siblings and can show his true emotions openly..
    am so addicted to this drama-I don’t even know why.. 😀 thanks again for doing the recap. looking forward for next week .

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