
Man of Honor Episode 15 Recap — 27 Comments

  1. “Okay, dude, why are you telling a lie that is so easily to refute? Are you a moron on top of being a psycho?” Yes…yes, he is. *Sigh* At this point I’m just hanging in there because of my love for this OTP. MOH is not so bad that I can just toss it away like 3-day-old fish, but neither is it so good that I can unequivocally enjoy it. I’ve realized that I want to like MOH more than I actually do like it! There are moments when it can still get to me, but those are mostly the YK/JI or JI/YK’s mom moments. Even though they brought back the homeless fairy godfather this episode, this drama has lost the whimsical charm I so enjoyed at first. I need them to get that back to help me overlook the gaping plot holes and ridiculous antics of IW’s dad.

  2. Just so ya know, I am loyally reading every one of your great recaps. I’m with you on this one… the 3 leads in this are so adorable it’s hard not to like this drama. It just needs to move forward more steadily and stop spinning in place for so long, and not so muich crazy man. I have hopes for more story movement now that – finally – her identity is out.

  3. Thanks for the recap…

    The one thing that bothered me with the plot… why didn’t Young Kwang’s mom immediately refute In Woo’s dad and tell Jae In that her mom is alive?

  4. thanks for the recap ockoala… Its a bit slow I suppose.. but again it is normal to have a plot like this, the confusion, the adaptation, Jae in still have to observe on what happen with her life before she can take another move.. and I can accept it.. You are right the kiss is not a passionate kiss, its a kiss where you put your heart into, and that is a lot better.. thats what I expected.. I wish someone can kiss me like that..

  5. Thank you ockoala for the recap!! ^^

    I am glad the plot is moving but again it has a huge dip within the subplot (IW’s dad’s lies) and we are going to be dragging along with it until the dark clouds disappear… This is driving me crazy! Argh~~!!

    Why is this taking on a different turn?

    I was looking for the kiss between YK and JI, but it not what I expected it to be since it’s their first kiss!! The silly turns just made me dizzy and I didn’t even enjoy the ride for this episode at all! What to do?!

  6. huh!! and I thought we’d have more than just this after the revelation…I agree with ya all that there’s not much movement (again!!) on the plot for this ep. I wish the writers would just move on to the romantic side of the story (but that just my wish eh!)…my hope that our OTP would continue falling in love with each other against all odds and insanity surrounding them is the only thing I am looking forward to….but still.. I would watch till the end becoz I just love YK and JI together..
    thanks again Ms O for the recap…

    • p.s. I agree with you Ms O on your side comment-about other people asking/requesting you to watch better show(s)…no offense to them but I’m guessing that’s what the blog header (I’ll talk about dramas if I want to) is for and this is your playground so you can recap any drama you want.. 😀 and I appreciate that you are still recapping MOH despite its loopholes. just ‘sayin’… ^_^ peace 0_0

  7. This is not a great episode, but I can live with it for the sake of YK and JI’s great chemistry. The kisss was not as passionate as expected, but it was their first kiss, so that was ok. I hope the next ep will be better, we can see fr YK and JI’s stolen moments tog. in the preview……well, this is K-drama, so I think dragging is inevitable, moreover it’s 24 ep altogether, so we still have 9 ep to go, just be patient……..

  8. Your comment of ” I tend to get comments wondering why I’m watching this drama instead of another drama which is So Much Better. That’s like telling the guy sitting next to you on the plane that the book he is reading sucks and why doesn’t he read a great book you want to recommend. You may be right, but you’re obnoxious, and chances are that guy will avoid your recommended book like it carries the Ebola virus. Just sayin’.”

    I’m still laughing – you totally crack my shit up. Some folks just don’t get it, apparently.

    I’m enjoying MoH – I really don’t mind any of the silly plot points or the total EVIL of BadDaddy and his Cruella Deville wife. I look forward to seeing how far the writer can push the loony. It’s all good in a mindless way. Or maybe because I’m only watching 2 other dramas right now (and both have a THOUSAND in their titles) and MoH is a welcome relief to all the total angst of the other two.

    Thanks again for the recap! 🙂

      • PIE is just adorable – loved his face when he made his boo-boo admission in episode 9 – Gah!!!! Why so cute!!

      • me too… its like I wish LMH and PMY dont date each other and I want Pie and PMY to become couple in real life.. I’m just crazy I suppose… there is no way PMY would let LMH slip off her hand… LOL..

  9. I do love the scene where YK and Jae In finally make their kissing scene…
    Super duper like it ♥♥♥..
    Thanks for the recap.. Keep it up! I’m always excited with your recap about this drama…
    hehehehe.., so kilig… at least the end of this episode is so sweet…

  10. i like the story and thank you very much for recapping. havent gi through ep 15 yet, but will definately check the ‘kiss’. wan to compare CH kiss between LMH and PMY. which is hotter … 🙂

  11. Thanks again ockoala unnie! I really couldn’t understand Young Kwang’s mom why she never mentioned Jae In’s mom to Jae In. Now that the truth is out, she should have at least mentioned something about Jae In’s mom. About the kiss, it seems that Jae In didn’t kiss back as it didn’t look hot, or is it PMY who didn’t (hee, upon LMH’s instructions, I suppose aha ha).

    On an out of topic note, I just finished City Hall. So intense. Great acting from all the actors, and the characters (even the supporting ones) are so strong I was blown away. Got really tired about what they were going through but so overly joyed towards the end, especially about what happened years ago – that speed dial (number 5). I so love Mi Rae and Jo Gook, with their resilience (and love for each other), their relationship is the type that would last a lifetime! I fell in love with Jo Gook aha ha ha! Now I think I’d like to watch Best Love next because of Cha Seung Won, my goodness, or should I now start with Black and White? Decisions, decisions…

  12. I have dropped this (I’ll probably selectively watch it when it’s done) but I like reading your recaps to keep up to speed – they are delicious.

    ” I tend to get comments wondering why I’m watching this drama instead of another drama which is So Much Better. ”

    LOL. Really? I used to get that a lot when I’d post about actors (I remember making a gushing Liu Shi Shi post and someone coming in and saying how loathsome she was and why don’t I make a post about some other actress whose name escapes me). But to do this about a drama takes it a step further. WTF

  13. You should see the kissing scene bts for ep 15, YK and JI kissed so many times, fr more intense to soft kiss, I guess the director finally chose a softer version, so actually it wasn’t the actors fault if they didn’t kiss passionately……….

  14. Thanks for recapping… I look forward every Wed/Thurs for it. …and I agree, this drama is over the top looney with characters, but I do love it because based on what you write… it turns out to be a comedic, and I can’t help but laugh out loud.

    Love the OTP’s they are just adorable.

  15. “I hereby nominate In Woo’s dad for a Razzie.”

    Can I get an amen?! Wow, I am currently at this part now, and I purposefully set out to find a recap blog of someone who also smelled some bad acting up in there. hahahhaha Thank you!

  16. so one thing i notice is folks sitting on cars, in real life you do not want to do that – there is a ton of dust to build a sand castle out of it.

  17. Prayers for the team have already started. Prayers asking for God to use all of the team as servants to reach into parts of the world that need hope and love. Prayers that God would reveal himself to all of you in powerful ways. Prayers for peace and protection from evil. Prayers for growth and transformation.

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