
Lee Min Ho Holds First of a Series of Fan Meetings in China — 24 Comments

  1. In the first pictures it looks like he’s dressed in character as Yoo-sung from City Hunter. He always wore something similar, with the black face mask, when he was beating up the bad guys.

    I was just thinking the other day how it’s strange we haven’t heard more about Lee Min-ho and Park Min-young in the media, what with her kissing another guy so recently. Usually the media’s all up in that, asking questions and “reporting” news of the couple.

  2. Thanks for the pictures. Love them and Minho 🙂
    You should watch City Hunter. Just forget that it’s an adaptation of our beloved manga and it will turn into awesome Kdrama 🙂

  3. CITY HUNTER in da house!!!!! omgggggggg **Hyperventilating** HE LOOKS MIGHT FINE!!! I’m so glad that he took some time off to rest and do other kinda smaller stuff like CF’S and Modeling. He looks so relax, approachable, goofy and just having a good time.

    I NEED City Hunter Season 2!!! **prays to all drama gods**…..

    thanks koala for the pics made my friday!!

    • ME TOO! ockoala, I haven’t read the original manga so I can’t speak for that, but if you watch it based on what it is alone and don’t consider it an adaptation, it’s really well done. Cinematography is amazing, chemistry is good, acting is amazing, and story is tight…Plus, I’m a sucker for vigilante-type superhero films so I loved it. And well, it’s LMH. What more can I say?

  4. “Pants that tight is not good for your circulation.”

    At least there’s a bulge in /his/ pants when they’re that tight, unlike when SHINee wears skinny jeans…not that I was looking. *shifty eyes*

  5. More like stripper cop. (Do you watch Castle, by any chance? That stripper cop episode made my week.)

    And bawww, he’s adorable even when he’s doing questionable MJ pelvic thrusts!

    • I don’t want to see him doing anything that can even remotely be described as “thrusting”.

      I need to watch more Castle, but I’m still on the Nathan Fillion = Mal4ever mode (Browncoat I am), so haven’t quite gotten the hang of him as anyone NOT named Mal just yet.

      When I watch Ringer I’m always like “just kick his ass Buffy, oops, Siobhan, errr….no Brigette”.

      • Nathan Fillion is actually subject to a lot of retroactive recognition from me. I watched him as Castle (who I love to pieces), then as Mal (who I am a bit scared of, honestly), and then I saw him in Waitress, which is pretty amazing movie and in which he is a giant asshole but with redeeming qualities. (Maybe.) He’s also the only reason I played Halo: ODST. Damn good game, too, even if XBox Live is a terrible place to be if you’re a female.

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