
Yoo Seung Ho Stars in MV for New Song from Superstar K Winner Heo Gak — 12 Comments

  1. woah! even before you mentioned Song Joong Ki as the eldest brother, I was thinking of the same! that would be the coolest, perfect casting!

  2. Omg if if those four were in a show together I’d be watching and rewatching episodes for the all the pretty…and the story of course 😛
    Heh can’t wait for the MV!

  3. YES. YES. YESYESYESYESYESYESYES!!! Song Joong-ki, Jung Il-woo, Kim Soo-hyun, and Yoo Seung-ho in the same drama? Forget my ovaries exploding, I’m pretty sure I’d just spontaneously combust. And if Yoo Ah-in was the offbeat cousin or the bastard son? That would be so epic. It wouldn’t even matter if the drama sucked, I’d still love it, just for teh pretteh.

  4. Song Jong Ki, Jung Il Woo, Kim Soo Hyun, and Yoo Seung Ho? giggles giggles. giggles. I almost would have loved to seen a Jibeuro-aged Yoo Seung Ho play little bro to the other three. He was sooooo adorable then (his character not so).

  5. Yes that would be fantastic with those hunks in a drama together. So Ji Sub and Yoo Seung Ho had a CF together so it would be fun if they’re together in a drama. Btw, is Jibeuro another title of Love
    Yes that would be fantastic! Btw, is Jibeuro the original title of Love Letter or another drama? There are two things I would never forget about that drama; the adorable young Yoo Seung Ho and the ending that really pissed me off. I was hoping that So Ae and Ji Jin Hee will end together because Jo Hyun Jae became a priest

    Yes, that would be fantastic if our hopes will push through. The young ones will be enough, throwing in those A-lister ahjussis will be a dream.
    Btw, is Jibeuro the original title of Love Letter or is it another drama. Ther are two things I would never forget about that drama; the adorable young Yoo Seung Ho and the ending that really pissed me off because I was hoping So Ae and Ji Jin Hee will end together since Jo Hyun Jae became a priest but did’nt.


  6. I am wondering, if you call him seksei does that make it less illegal?

    Seriously, how can this boy man not be 30 already? I would feel a whole lot better about the fact that I added his name to my “list,” and he would then become an “ACOAYM.” Right?

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