
Love Rain Releases New Stills of Leads Jang Geun Seok and Yoona — 18 Comments

  1. Seukie looks so adorable… I want to miniaturise him and put him in my pocket~~ For some reason, this whole movie is giving a Coffee Prince vibe from the stills… But since the lead actress is Yoona and the extended cast aren’t big names, I’m apprehensive about saying that sentence. I really hope I’m proven wrong though, and everyone and everything pulls together, cast and storyline included. I love Seukie too much to have him experience a meh drama ^u^

  2. I love the bowl haircut! (Admittedly, I am a big fan of 1970s fashion in general – hooray for vintage stores). I like JGS and the director (yes, I am unfashionable enough to unabashedly love the seasons’ dramas) and the premise sounds up my alley but every time I think about Yoona, my enthusiasm goes does the drain.

    Oh well, maybe she’ll surprise me.

    I can see why JGS gets typecast though – he’s got the boho artist vibe down cold.

    And no Chang Hwe ever, please! For one, I hated Emo Prince. For another, he was a dead ringer for a (female) cousin of mine in that look, and that was very disturbing.

    • For a moment I thought you meant that you hated Yoona so much you would drive into her repeatedly for 16 hours straight.. then I read the rest of the sentence =3

      Also, the way I see it, there are only so many boho artist roles out there that JGS can do, after that it’s back to brooding hero… so imma enjoy JGS-boho-ness while it’s there ^u^

  3. Too effeminate. Not selling the ” I love women” story anymore. Yoona who? Actually not too many are selling the I like girls.

  4. I actually like his hair. Haha. Compared to the permed hair he had during M3.
    And how can one picture be that good? Even if it’s just a still, I can see the emotions from him.
    And yeah, a change of character type in his future dramas would be welcome. Really.
    Speaking of future dramas, I wonder if he would try doing another sageuk. Oohhh…exciting. Haha.

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