
Inborn Pair with Annie Chen and Chris Wang is Off to a Delightful Start — 23 Comments

  1. Hah! Been looking forward to this. Can’t believe it can be a live shoot and be a daily. Wow…will the cast need any sleep. It started yesterday right? I mean you stated it starts 13th Dec and it’s already 14th Dec today. However can’t seem to find it on sugoideas. Does anyone know where it can be watched/downloaded? I don’t need subs thank god. Seriously I love arranged marriage plots so looking forward to this.

  2. Thanks for the heads up. I think I’ll bank a couple episodes before starting it.

    Btw, for those searching for it try looking at youtube with its chinese name.

  3. Omg, watched the first ep..I got hooke just watching 5minutes in… I TOTALLY LOVE THIS.. IT IS SOO HILARIOUS..and it has so many familiar Taiwanese actor and actresses which makes it much easier to watch..The two leads are SOO CUTE together.. the bickering is just fun fun!!

    I TOTALLY LOVE Kun da’s character as the little brother of Chris Wang… his actions are priceless!!! 🙂

  4. OMG, hooked!

    Also, the actor who plays the little brother was Lu Bu in KO3!!! Also, I normally find the OP/ED or eye catch before commercials annoying but I think the design is so slick that I’d still like them even after a couple of episodes.

    • I read form some comments on the show’s Facebook page that it’s rumored to have 80 episodes. Not sure how true that is though.

  5. Ms Koala, have you been watching this?
    It’s quite good, like you said.

    But I really don’t know how I can last through 80 eps, even though it’s on 5-day a week.

    Annie & Chris are such a great on-screen pairing! Love their chemistry…so refreshing!

  6. Love, love this drama, characters are awesome and the plot is wonderful. I got my BF hooked on this TV drama. I can watch it over and over. Love it???

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