
The Moon that Embraces the Sun Episode 8 Recap — 46 Comments

  1. I’ve been waiting for the recap for a whole day…..thanks a bunch Mz. K…. even though i have read it from other blog, but yours are totally different and worth to be waiting for ..^^ this is not a bulls

    • Princess min hwa she is a cold hearted bicth because sehe know everything that was up to that her queen dowager had done to the wol, because that princess selfish could get married to brother of wol. I hope that princess die in this serie

  2. I actually like Han Ga-in’s performance ^^ I’m just enjoying this drama for what it is, but if one isn’t in the mood for an old-fashioned “Fated-To-Be-Together” love story, then The Moon that Embraces the Sun probably won’t be one’s cup of tea : )

    I just like the characters, so I can’t wait for everyone to get their problems resolved, one way or another : ) I keep thinking Jang-shil will end up having a think for Yang-myung, because he saved her, so she’s much younger than him. And then maybe Seol can be with someone, too? Preferable not Woon, because he really is stiff, but whatever, as long as she’s happy.

    • I like Han Ga In’s performance too. She has the youthful beauty that goes along well with her role. I’m enjoying how the story is going too. I don’t have to wrack my brain or grind my teeth. I like the adult cast specially Han Ga In & KSH…specially when they’re together.

  3. Yes, THANKS A MILLION ms Koala for the very quick and very apt recapping of ep8. I always wanted to read your recaps first before I would watch it with eng subs. I really really like the story I just hope that KSH and JIW as well as HGI would really do better in acting their role….

  4. Thank you, I’ve been refreshing your page for like ten times to see this haha! I agree I don’t like how Ga In is not showing enough chemistry with the guys, I’m guessing maybe that’s how Wol is suppose to be right now. Hopefully things get more lovely after this.

  5. Thanks koala for the recap!^^

    I’ve been checking your site every few minutes. Tbh, I wanted to read your and other commenters take about the acting. Like you, I’m already on board that drama till the end, but I seriously hope I’ll be able to feel HGI as yeon woo/wols’ emotions in the succeeding episodes. She didn’t hit it for me on this weeks episodes.

    With regards to Woon, I assume they would give the bulk of the longing to YM as JIW is the “bigger” actor (someone said YM doesn’t really have a big role in the novel), so I didn’t notice his lack of longing coz I wasn’t expecting one from him. BUt, I’ll keep an eye on it.

  6. Thank you so much for your recaps ms.koala,i’ve been waiting for your recaps. Your writing style is actually i’m waiting for. I think i like relationship between Hwon and Hyung sun.

  7. Woah.

    Way harsh on HGI. I’ve been finding her rather good in this actually, and have no problems with the chemistry between the actors, except for maybe the Princess and her crush of a husband, which feels mildly inverse-pedophiliac to me.

    In any case, a little unfair to blame the actress if the chemistry doesn’t work out, since it takes 2 to tango.

    • Yeah chemisry is about 2 persons but when he girl can’t even have chemistry wih the second guy something about her acing must be lacking, no?

      • I’m with you, it takes more than just a great chemistry, its called acting chops, and I prefer the latter, a good example for this is 49 days, 2 actress, 1 actor, same drama
        Jung Il-woo + Lee Yo Won = <3
        Jung Il-woo + Nam Gyu Ri = X

  8. I’ve seen just some parts of “Bad guy” and I couldn’t watch it because of HGI.
    Moon Sun is a second chance for her, but, as you said, I still cant feel her acting, it’s still stiffed. I would like to see in this role Moon Chae-won. It fits her better as age, moon-face, chemistry, acting.
    Wool has a role of a statue, he can not smile/act different because he is the king personal guard..
    The princess and Yeom indeed are boring :))

  9. oooh…since you mentioned KJW, can’t wait till he returns! I’m enjoying whatever I can with KSH since he’s only on TV land like once a year. Thanks for your recaps, ockoala.

  10. Thanks!

    I find it too simplistic to really appeal, but I do disagree a bit on Han Ga In. I thought she also had good chemistry with Kim Nam Gil in Bad Guy and Jae Hee in Witch Yoo Hee (horrible as that drama was). And she and KJW were burning together. So I don’t think the fault lies with her (nor do I think it lies with KSH – I didn’t think he had much chemistry with Suzy in DH but plenty with the girl in Will It Snow on Xmas). I think they are just incompatible.

    Re: Woon. Ahaahahhahahaaa. If only he were prettier, I could be more indulgent, but sadly, that is not so to me.

    On a purely personal note, I think this drama suffers in my eyes for not having any actors in the cast I love. I am OK with all of them (and will always have a fondness for JIW due to Return of Iljimae) but none of these actors elicit “OMG, I must watch this!” reaction when I hear they’ve been cast in something. And since the story is so lightweight, I think having an actor or actress I really love in one of the roles and thus rooting by default would have made quite a difference.

    • I absolutely agree with you!!!! 🙂 HGI can be just a little boring at times like in Super Rookie, but she’s a great actor.

  11. Thanks for your recaps. HGI is better than before, but I agree that she isn’t as good as the child actress. I keep on thinking of how awesome this drama would have been with a better actress like Moon Geun Young or Park Min Young (or a younger Ha Ji Won or Son Ye Jin). HGI looks good with KSH, so it isn’t really the age gap that’s the problem. As you said, she seems a bit detached. Likewise, JIW initially played his role with too much of his Flower Boy Ramen Shop character. He needs to channel more of his Iljimae character, which we did get a glimpse of in this episode. In the end, I’m hopeful that both will improve.
    I actually like the simple plot, though, since I don’t have a problem understanding the political motivations, though I also noticed that the delivery is not as smooth as, say, Tree with Deep Roots (but that’s also a higher IQ drama in general). After all, Hwon’s father-in-law is at odds with Hwon on how to govern and Hwon refuses to produce an heir with his queen.

  12. thanx for the recap.i enjoyed reading it.
    btw, i miss all the childhood actors n actresss..
    i think their acting was so good that even when the character has grown up i juz love to see a glimpse of their childhood scenes again..
    i like the keeps getting better but alas, i miss the young ones even more!!haha

  13. I’m not really impressed with HGI either and her bug eyes just… bug me >_<. But I wasn't impressed by young Yeonwoo either who paled in comparison to young Hwon. I also have a problem with this plot being too elementary so far but if I view this as a period romance instead of a period action, I think I can still dig it.

  14. That’s why I’m so baffled over her casting. She’s not a very strong actress and both JIW and KHS are far better actors. and even though she looks young, she does more remind me of the big sister and not a potential lover.
    Otherwise the set and music is wonderful.

  15. I love HGI 😀
    i think it’s because she’s still “Wol” who’s only a lowly shaman, she has to be polite & reserved in front of a king, and even if she feels an un-explained connection with him .. it’s way too daring if she lets her emotions out … so, i think so far, it’s a proper emotions for Wol ..

  16. Hi Koala unni,
    Thank you for the recap. As for me, I like this episode better. Jung ill Woo is better than Wednesday episode. KSH is awesome. Ha Ga In is getting better. I actually do not like the political part of the story. It is too much one minister power over others. I mean it seem that he even control his evil daughter too. They should at least tell us why they want to overtake the king other than power and money.. =P hrmm.. Woon is okay.. At least, his hair is lil bit better. I would rather watch him doing some action scenes and I would also like to see Seol have some action scenes too… I still like the music in this drama.. =D

  17. I’m deeply breathing, then Jung Il woo was bleeding….then I thought hmmm the rise and fall of these characters seems to savor every details….if it is said to be poetic then it should do so…..I wonder…. hmmmmm 😉

  18. Hello Commentators:
    How many are you interested in reading “The Moon That Embraces the Sun” Well, I found at Electric Ground.

    Just click on Electric Ground. Electric Ground can be found under the bolded Blogroll of just scroll down to the bottom where you see Blogroll, Currently Watching, and Where to Watch..

    Or you can go to Electric Ground internet address:

    Attn: Electric Ground’s Book Club is now in session … “The Moon That Embraces the Sun” here’s the internet address of Electric Ground’s Book Club:

    Finished reading the English translation of “The Moon That Embraces the Sun” Chapters 1 – Chapter 6 (brought to you by Electric Ground’s Book Club) after watching The Moon Embraces the Sun Raw Episode 7 on 25-JAN-2012.

    Enjoy reading “The Moon That Embraces the Sun”, watching the drama, and reading the recaps too (Thank you Ockoala).

    • i’ve read it. however, it takes too long before the author posts the next chapter. koala unnie is way faster in posting her recaps, i wonder if she still has time to spare in the real world.

      • haha can the author go ahead of the drama….electronic books cool….what else can we not do nowadays….

  19. {Han Ga In is a very detached actress in everything I’ve seen of her, with the exception of Bad Guy, which I credit to Kim Jae Wook for dragging her out of her natural state and getting a passionate performance out of her. Kim Soo Hyun is a precision actor and doesn’t have the kind of wildness Kim Jae Wook is capable of, hence he can’t help Han Ga In much in their scenes.}

    I’ve 2 issues to raise:

    1 – You actually rated HGI performance in Bad Guy as passionate? This sounds like a joke to me, it’s great that your heart & eyes were working, unfortunately I think your brain was turned off at the time. To me, apart from her scenes with Kim Jae Wook which were so adorable, she was detached and a bit awkward overall in Bad Guy.

    2 – So you mean Kim Jae Wook wildness has helped HGI performance? Methinks not. I’d to admit that their effortless chemistry was adorable, but IMO it’s because LOOK & age wise they’re compatible and their acting is on the same level. A better-written story and skilful directing contributes most. Overall, IMO actors themselves only play a small part in the chemistry department.

    Lastly, to me so far HGI acting has slightly improved since her Bad Guy days.
    Jung Il Woo + Kim Soo Hyun >3

  20. Although HGI’ s acting is a bit disappointing, the young actress playing YW was not any better. Don’t you think her acting was pale compared to young Hwon’s? I hope HGI will improve her acting when she is more into her role soon………..

  21. I don’t think it’s entirely Han Ga In’s fault that there is no chemistry between the Wol and Hwon characters. Sometimes chemistry doesn’t happen no matter how good or hard you act. I do agree that the older actors got shafted by how amazing the younger ones are. I even prefer Yeo Jin Gu as the Hwon much more than Kim Soo Hyun.

  22. Well I agree with Koala on the stiff acting by the older actors i.e the adult versions. I keep thinking something is missing – the bright energy from the kid actors has not been transported to the adult versions. What a pity.

    The alternative is to read recaps – the story is still good if not the acting!

  23. Interesting all the comments. Anyhow – here’s my take… Glad someone said something about Woon – oh my… I don’t think I have seen any royal guard as stiff as he is. Driving me a little batty cause I think sometimes he’s distracting in a scene. I agree that Yeom & the Princess’ storyline is a little random and unnecessary.

    I’m not really feeling the chemistry either between HGI and the 2 male leads, but it’s not that I won’t be able to feel it later. She’s definitely channeling that innocence part pretty well, but since I can’t tell if the sageuk dialogue is being said well, I’m probably can’t give the best review. There is something about the way she’s acting her with her eyes that doesn’t seem to gel with me. Otherwise, I do think look wise – her & KSH can match up. She does look young and I think she looks a lot younger than the Queen. There weren’t enough scenes with JIW & HGI for me to say they have zero chemistry. I liked JIW better in this episode… but I really didn’t think he was bad in the earlier one either. I hope he can better channel his longing for YW – sometimes first loves are hard to forget. And Wol hasn’t had any flashback memories of YM yet right? 🙁

    What in the heck with the FIL??? Is he crossing the Dowager Queen as well in his secret plans? Yikes. Frankly, I don’t feel much sympathy for the Queen either. She didn’t do anything to save YW early on… so now she’s suffering the consequences of that.

  24. Yep, I think you hit the nail on the head. The missing element is the lack of fire in some of the adult characters, and most apparent in the adult Yeon Woon. HGI is gorgeous, but I feel like I am staring at a beautiful doll most of the times. The standout scenes were Wol’s first time seeing Hwon in the village and the bathing scene, but other that those, she just look detached and stiff. What happened to young Yeon Woon’s sass? Is it because they have been filming the drama outside in the freezing cold?
    The young actress was so exquisite and had such screen presence, so she is a tough act to follow. *sigh* I must stop looking for the young girl in the adult Wol, otherwise I’ll end up not caring anymore. Let’s hope HGI can turn it up a few notches the next few episodes.

  25. HGI is doing good.I think thats how Wol should be: cold-emotionless-blank-kind-of-reaction; shes a shaman shes not entitled to any happy-cutesy-puppy-smiley-all-rainbow-face. Im reading the novel and thats how I imagine wol; HGI perfectly fits. I think that the reason HGi was given the role; shes detached.

    • I agree with you too. I think HGI is holding her own, although I can’t say that she’s giving more than required for the role. At this point in the story Wol is suppose to be passive, but still curious about Hwon and I think HGI is convincing. I also thought that the scene where she first saw Hwon in the streets was done beautifully and when the scene requires it, I have hope that HGI can deliver.

    • You’re making more sense than most people here. She’s playing this character with care. ‘Probably helps to read the book. 😉

  26. I enjoy watching The Moon…because its easy & relaxing to watch. That’s entertainment for me. I’m glad that its moving fast…that Hwon & YW have met & some recognition…although its puzzling them…its there…that is exciting without brain wracking or nerve wrecking.
    There’s strong chemistry since the first moment Han Ga In/YW look at Hwon/KSH, in tears subconsciously “recognizing” him; their closeness when they met face to face gazing at each other as if there is familiarity & Hwon longing that she’s her YW it was exciting to watch. Although YW is brainwashed not to meet or soicalize with other people she response well & witty to Hwon’s fierce. In ep 8 where she’s quietly gazes lovingly at the sleeping/dreaming Hwon, touching his forehead & her reaction to her flashing memories & a warm touching moment.

    HGI’s innocent looking beauty in her white talisman robe was mesmerising. She has convinced me that she’s the beautiful intelligent,witty & spunky YW. YW might have amnesia but she’s subconsciously being herself. No wonder the familarity is confusing them. With HGI’s youthful beauty & captivating scenes with KSH…their chemistry is exciting to watch. They look so good together with their good looks & performance complimenting each other.
    I wonder if Seol will have a chance with Yeom. The princess is cute but her greed for Yeom has partly contibuted to the love tragedy of YW & Hwon. So I’m hesitant to like her.
    Hwon’s relationship with HS is cute.
    I can accept Woon’s character…he’s a trained military man & a top notch. at that. As the king’s bodyguard he must behave discretely & reserve. It seems that’s how they portray royal bodyguards.
    But what is really exciting is what’s next as Hwon demands for answer while he’s on top of YW/Wol…trapped with his kingly body & demanding charm! Can’t wait!
    Thank you.

  27. I really liked HaGaIn in Witch Yoo Hee… which i know some other people will say she was bad, but I thought her detached look worked well with the cold hearted bitch she was supposed to be. But it doesn’t seem to work very much in this drama. Maybe it’s because of the age difference that makes it awkward for her to feel any chemistry with KSH. she’s just not very expressive with her eyes or anything. When she gets up to look at Hwon, all she did was stare and tears came out. I feel like she didn’t act like she was YeonWoo seeing Hwon rather just another actress trying to squeeze out some tears. But, it’s not really a big deal to me. It’s a good drama and I’ll continue watching.

  28. I have no problem with HGI acting in fact I do not have problem with the whole cast, I simply enjoying an awesome drama with an open mind,we are viewers not director.
    I don’t expect HGI expression be like Princess Minwah or Eunuch Hungsun, I think she did a good job and careful by not over acting,She looks very young and innocent in tis drama most of the time she uses her eyes to express.

  29. i hope na sana ibalik niyo ang moon embricing the sun dahil na kakakilig ang kwentong ito ang saya ko talaga dahil nag comment ako sa inyo salamat and god bless you all of the cast.

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