
Gong Hyo Jin and Ha Jung Woo Playfully Grace Vogue Korea for Love Fiction — 14 Comments

  1. What is that third outfit on GHJ? I can’t figure out if that is supposed to be a wedding outfit with the veil? Just weird…a veil, a cape, a pantsuit that is not zipped and the huge chunky bling. Like a reverse vampire meets queen elizabeth…just wrong.

  2. Jung woo’s voice reminds me The Voice:D

    btw, isnt the man on the plane right next to Jung Woo is the father from PTB? LOL

  3. Ever since watching Ha Jung Woo in The Chaser, I can’t imagine as anything other than a mild-mannered yet violent serial killer…

    • I was going to say something similar…
      After watching HJW in his films where he is one or all of:
      1. running 2. sweating 3. bleeding 4. murderous 5. covered in grime
      6. lying 7.being chased 8. desperate 9. confused 10. sexy

      It is soooo nice to see him still sexy but cleaned up and just a human with a pretty girl.

      No matter what, though, he is HOT.

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