
Annie Chen and Chris Wang Up the Ante with a Sizzling Kiss Scene in Inborn Pair — 46 Comments

  1. First to comment! When I watched the episode on Friday, I was thinking Ockoala is probably going to do a write up about this although she hasn’t been doing regular recaps of The Inborn Pair. True enough here it is! The drama is really pretty fun and entertaining and I do love the OTP. I have only seen Chris on the travel programme and never knew that he could act. His portrayal of the character is just “qia tao hao chu” – right up to the point of perfection.

      • EXACTLY the scene i thought of as well! haha nothing’s original anymore. booo! (but still apprecited the kiss!)

      • I was totally thinking the same thing! It felt like a rip off of the exact same scene in Leap Year. Nothing against the kiss, which was nice, but ugh for the grimace-inducing cheesy background music and the sleazy peeping Toms around them (taking pictures of another couple kissing – slightly weird -_-)

      • I think the older-person-forcing-a-non-couple-to-act-couple-y is a staple in rom-coms, especially Taiwan rom-coms. I remember thinking that when I watched Leap Year (horrible movie, by the way!). I tend to dislike these kind of scenes because they so contrived, but I can’t help but say I really liked the kiss here between annie chen and chris wang. ^^

  2. First found out about this drama here, and I decided to watch it when it aired cause I had nothing else to watch.. I am well and truly hooked.

    IMO Chris Wu is waaaaay better looking and can act better than Chris Wang. Annie’s acting also trumps Chris wang’s.. But I do like the OTP together! Kekeke.

    Honestly their kiss can’t win the kisses in Lie To Me..! Those kisses were sizzling hot!

  3. jeez that’s one passionate kiss…and totally 2-sided, how rare is that! Just piqued my curiosity more…you did. But 43 episodes already?? How long is this drama supposed to be?

    • 80 episodes. 🙂 To be fair, the director said there won’t be an extension. Haha!

      I’ve been watching this from the beginning but you won’t really feel like it’s 43 episodes already. The story’s a bit slow sometimes during the first few episodes, like nothing’s happening, but there are adorable moments. What I like about this series is that they never drag the story, something new is always happening, and no one’s really evil. I’m also watching Wild Romance and that’s one complaint I have against that series. It drags the stalker issue too much.

  4. I knew that you were going to talk about the kiss! I haven’t seen a drama kiss as long and sensational since Secret Garden. The body gestures and shaky camera just added to the overall intensity. When Wei Xiang pulled Yi Jie closer towards him and began caressing her face, I was fidgeting with fangirl delight. THAT is how kisses should be executed. Imagine the result if they were alone in the hotel room together. I can’t wait for tomorrow. Glad to see Wei Xiang finally taking initiative with romancing Yi Jie.

  5. I also saw this on Friday and thought to myself – wow… nice turn of events. Actually, I was laughing quite hard at the owner couple and the other couple as they tried really hard to get those two to show some PDA! 🙂 They were a riot! But it was really good to see a kiss that might actually happen in real life as opposed to those horrible fake-ish ones. I knew that CW would be good at it… but I wasn’t sure about Annie. They were sizzling at the end. 🙂 Go daily dramas!!

    But the older sister and her hubby – ehh… not sure I like where that story line is going. For some reason it reminds me of TFW.

  6. I watched this drama but ot doesnt have SUBTITLES!!!And im reaallly begging someone who can actually do it!!!! Ive went to sugoideas but there’s no subs as well. Like seriously? You guys arr lucky! Another reason why i need to study mandarin.

  7. man thanks for this. I’ve been really wanting to discuss about this. When I watched this I was like ms ockoala is surely gonna write up about this bcause it’s just worth it to write. Fufu I just love them what an otp chris wang is hot too! Heheh, now I can’t wait for the next epi, just wanna see how they react after this :}

    • Urm, i hope Miss Koala doesn’t mind me doing some promotion here. But urm, there are two blogs that are discussing the drama in bits and pieces:

      1. gives a progress update now and then.

      2. is focused more on the female lead character but her posts are mainly in mandarin, though there are some English ones as well.

      Many apologies in advance to Miss Koala if it’s not proper to do this. Do delete this comment if it’s inappropriate.

      And thanks again for writing about Inborn Pair! Makes my heart flutter whenever I see people discussing about it 😀

  8. count me in. totally love this episode and the scene in particular. they have acted the fake and yet starting to fall couple perfectly. so much squeeing, chris wang is so hot, one would wish to be annie eh..

    kudos to inborn pair for keeping us entertained. with still 30+ episode i hope to see more cute OTP moments.

    thanks so much for the update..

  9. I adore how the couple in red are all taking pictures and giggling to themselves while the other couple’s all, “Awww, we were young and passionate like that once!”

    I could use one of those for Valentine’s Day. Sadly, this year my V-Day gift from the cosmos is two midterms and a paper. Somehow, that just doesn’t seem quite as much fun…

  10. I was jumping in my chair when I saw this scene. I’m loving the development of this story. Hopefully YJ realizes she loves WX too! Can’t wait til Monday for an update so I’m rewatching this scene until tomorrow. 😀

  11. OMG….ANYONE WATCHED THE LAST EPISODE OF OFFICE GIRLS YET? it is the most satisfying ending ever!!! so worth the wait despite the fact that the drama was dragged for too long!!! i’m going to miss qi zi and xing ren!

  12. This might be a bit off-topic but I’ll just throw it out there… Why can’t TH and J have a kiss like that! Not that I don’t appreciate or squeal at their kissing scenes or that their chemistry together doesn’t hit right out of the ball park but… Come on! We’ve had six TH and J kisses, can our 7th kiss be like this?

  13. A very awkward situation to be in, but damn, that kiss was hot. If the show promises more sexy OTP times then I will jump back into it in a heartbeat.

  14. Yes I was squeeling and jiggling around during that awesome kiss! Finally they get it right. I always cringe when I watch kissing scenes in Asian dramas as they are so awkward and often have zero chemistry. I esp hate when above the neck maybe you can convince yourself that they’re really into it but then it pans down to full body and they’re practically a foot apart and the female usually has her arms rigidly down against her body. What makes it worse is if this kiss happens at the last episode when they both are supposedly sooo in love and have overcome obstacles the drama gods have thrown their way…
    ok sorry , rant over LOL!

    that’s why this kiss had me cheering and got me hot and bothered too LOL! Love the body language – yes it could be better, both were awkward (esp Annie) but it kinda ties into the story so it was ok. BUt when it went on and on and hotter and hotter …whew!
    I just hope there’s more where that came from LOL!

  15. Just debating watching Inborn Pair because I love those arranged marriages rom/coms. But the number of episodes is daunting. I mostly stick to short (16 – 24) dramas and the exceptions I made to that rule (Horse Doctor and Thousand Kisses) made me dread getting thru them.

    So … to someone who has seen all of Inborn Pair, is it worth it?

  16. I am on episode 35 and am really enjoying this show. I don’t mind that it is 84 episodes but I was getting curious if these two were actually going to fall in love. Which I know they are since they are the two leads but I have watched 34 episodes and they seem to be still unsure of how they feel of each other. I just had to know if they were actually going to ever kiss. Thanks Koala for posting the kiss, now I have something to look forward to!!!

  17. I do like this movie but don’t understand anyone that is 28 or 30 and not know how to act a round a woman, He doesn’t even understand how mean Run Lou can be and what she has all done. He has no backbone when it comes to his mother who is a total bitch, someone should sit her down and tell her where her place should be, oh well, that is my words for the day.

    • I totally agree with you. Grandma had more common sense to make a statement that she trusted Wei-Xiang but not Yun Lou after their fight when Yijie caught Wei- Xiang kissing Yun Lou on the sofa. What man could let a mean woman like Yun Lou drive them to divorce.

      • Yun Lou’s deceptive tactic by feeding info to Wei-Xiang ‘s mom that Mr. Zhao was Yijie’s Xboyfriend plus poisoning the mind if Mr. Zhai that Yijie had a fake marriage led to the series of events that led to their divorce.

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