
Kwon Sang Woo Follows up Two C-movies with C-drama with Wang Ya Jie — 12 Comments

  1. Intriguing. But darn there such is a flood of Korean actors in Chinese dramas. It’s fondant garden airing which I’m looking forward to. The only issue I have is the dubbed voices of the Korean actors/actresses. That’s my only gripe


    Goo Hye Sun is doing Absolute Boyfriend with Jiro Wang, honestly, I’m watching for my hottie Jiro. plus, Fahrenheit did the opening song, and Jiro did the ending. I can’t help it, I’m a sucker for anything Fahrenheit does, and since they’ve been dangling their never coming album in front for so long, I have to watch the damn drama just to get my Jiro fix.

    also, the drama is funny as hell, it’s hilarious how Taiwan tries to stick to the manga, but knowing it’s a taiwanese drama, they can’t help but throw ridiculous amount of snark for the robot Night to say with a complete straight face

  3. All this is good, but the question arises why are they invading the Taiwanese/Chinese movie/drama market. Apart from broadening their range, what makes it more appealing with this influx?

  4. Also – actors can inject a sense of zing into their careers by going overseas and being popular in such a huge market (and that can/will lead to more $$ overseas and back in Korea, probably) so win-win for everyone.

    I am watching FG… and loving it! 🙂 PHH – step it up and prove yourself! 🙂 I am looking forward to that. Sometimes, I think the episodes need some sound editing tweeks, but otherwise, his dub for chinese isn’t bad, at least it’s not as horrible as some of the others that I’ve heard. AB’s GHS’s dub is terrible fit for her IMO. Made it hard for me to watch.

    • I find the men’s dub voice harder to handle than the girls, probably because I really don’t care who the female lead is, I watch Fahrenheit’s dramas for, well, the boys, and the songs.

      Mr. Perfect gets suck in your head, and you find yourself humming to it nonstop…

  5. I watched Pain/Pained this week and the pangs for the missing Kwon Sang Woo were evident. But I’m glad that some of Korea’s best talent, along with some of their not so best (sneeze: Dennis Oh) have taken to sprucing up China’s entertainement market with a bit of diversity.

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