
Yun Zhong Ge Chapter 22: Two Shadows in the Window — 61 Comments

    • Being first showed how much I have waited for this. Need my dose of YZG sooooooooo badly. The wait is worth it, love LFL.

  1. Gosh! I love this chapter. LFL and YG are so perfect for each other. A man who knows what a woman needs and feels is the best partner!

    Thanks a lot! I was waiting all week and this chapter did not disappointment me.

    • agree.. i feel the same.. although this fall in line with the narrative (and allow us to see how awesome LFL is), still i thought it could be a bit more dramatic..

  2. Thank you! I love reading your translations. 🙂

    “Meng Jue cheapened that friendship.” Wow. The hairpin he gave Yun Ge was of the honeysuckle / lover’s vines. Talk about cheapening that experience too.

  3. Yehhheeeyy ! New Chapter ! Ah , Meng Jue and Yun Ge met again ! Now , I’m sure , I’m shipping Ling gege and Yun Ge !!!! Ah , Ling gege is such a wonderful guy ! no words needed , he understood yun ge’s feelings ….
    Thank you , Koala san ! Koalan san daisuki !

  4. Why did Ling Gege did not do anything and just wait?
    “When she exited the building, she saw Muo Cha and Fu Su unconscious on the ground. No wonder Meng Jue could quietly walk up behind her.Yun Ge’s heart thundered. Meng Jue was that daring and bold. This place was the Imperial Palace!”

    -What does it mean? Meng Jue knocked Muo Cha and Fu Su unconscious? if there are secret guards watching, how could Meng Jue do that?

    • Meng Jue comes in and out of the palace because he’s probably on official business, and no one was expecting him to do that, so he had a first mover advantage. LFL didn’t ask the guards to apprehend him because he wanted to see when Yun Ge would do.

    • The Emperor has tacitly allowed MJ to meet Yun Ge. When Yu An reported to him about MJ approaching Yun Ge, he chose not to do anything, hence Yu An understood that the Emperor wanted to allow MJ to see Yun Ge and let the two of them sort things out. This is yet another reason why I love Liu Fu Ling so much. He never forces things, he allows Yun Ge to make choices with full knowledge and without his interference.

      • you’re so right there, K. i love how LGG let YG sort out her problem herself eventhough he’s not onvinced YG will not leave him by the time their agreemtn ends.

        this act of LGG just shows you what a wonderful and great character he is.

      • Couldn’t agree with you more Ms K! Is there truly such a wonderful man around somewhere in this world or does he exist only in the imagination of Ms TH?

  5. I <3 Ling gege :)! I want one too. Please get me one for my Birthday. LOL. I love reading this story and reading/watching Korean drama recaps. All the guys are just perfect and lovely. We need more guys like that. If half the guys on this planet were to read/ watch cute things like this, we would have more perfect guys and maybe better relationships.

  6. Thank you to translate this novel for us !

    From some of the fact below,
    I thought that Liu Fu Ling arranged to make Yun Ge to meet up with Meng Jue . Liu Fu Ling is a gentleman and wants her to be happy. He gives her a chance to make a choice.

    – Initially he wanted to leave Yun Ge in Lu Mountain, but he thought that people were bound to find out sooner or later, so he might as well make it known earlier. What was most critically was that he was not certain he could keep Yun Ge beside him after their year was up. Since they had been separated for so long already and had barely reunited, he was reluctant to be apart from her anymore. So he coaxed Yun Ge to return to Chang An with him.
    – When she exited the building, she saw Muo Cha and Fu Su unconscious on the ground. No wonder Meng Jue could quietly walk up behind her.
    – Liu Fu Ling’s heart hurt and he quickly said “No need to say anything. I understand , I understand everything. If you don’t want to see him, then I won’t allow him to appear before you again. Don’t say anything, just take deep breaths and keep breathing…….”

  7. – There were no more officials waiting outside of the Great Hall. Normally at this time, Liu Fu Ling would leave and head to the book repositories to pick up Yun Ge and they would return to Xuan Shi Pavilion. But today, he ordered Yu An to bring some summons over and he started to go through official paperwork.

    – Yu An knew there were people secretly keeping watch, and if Yun Ge even called out once for someone, she would be protected and nothing would happen. Nevertheless, Yu An was worried. Yet the person who ought to be the most worried was instead calmly reading official documents.

    – Yu An sighed. No wonder there was that old saying “The Emperor doesn’t fret, the Eunuch frets to death first.” It’s not that eunuchs are more nervous, its that Emperors have such deep thought processes. But there was still something improper about it. Despite Yun Ge not having an official title, she still couldn’t be meeting with someone privately in the Palace.

  8. Beautiful. Bravo, YG! Thank you, thank you Ms. K for this riveting chapter as the Empress and MJ finally learns the truth about their respective “significant others.”

  9. thanks !! loved it!! my jaw dropped low when MJ suddenly appear. so ling gege confirmed that YG will not leave him right?

    aww…can’t wait …just reread DMY, will start rereading YZG again.


  10. I didn’t expect YG’s reunion with MJ so soon, nor did I expect for the author to say six months of YG’s year with Ling gege has already passed. Thanks to Koala’s preview of an upcoming chapter she posted awhile back, I know there’s going to be a dramatic event that causes YG to make up her mind once and for all. But, I feel kinda cheated out of a cutsey chapter of Ling gege being the perfect Emperor-boyfriend. (IMHO)

    Anyways…YG continues to hide or run away when MJ is around is due to something other (or in addition) to being coddled & naive. Her feelings are still in a jumble and she probably can’t face MJ and remain dispassionate without breaking down or displaying her lingering attachment. And it must be a little disconcerting for her to not feel in control of her emotions and she doesn’t want to show that to MJ.

    One day she should be able to pass him on the street and not feel everything as painful and raw as it was the day she hid in the water jar. But not yet. Now YG still needs to flee. I’m sooooo glad Ling gege is there to steady her.

  11. Thanks, Ms. Koala! Now Yun Ge is finally in the Palace! Props to Ling gege for being assertive in keeping Yun Ge by his side. I like how uncertain Ling gege is that he can keep Yun Ge by his side, but how he is willing to fight for their love in trying to win her heart. And he does it honorably without forcing her. I can see what you mean of how he does it in such a “Ling gege kinda way..”

    Poor Xiao Mei; she was so excited to see the Emperor and then she find him with another girl! So many firsts for her there.. First time to sit across from the Emperor, and first time seeing him smile…Probably the first time experiencing some jealousy as well. Yu An was smart though. His comment to her, “The Emperor brought Your majesty here so that Ms. Yun could meet Your majesty.” It allowed Xiao Mei to assess the situation and how important Yun Ge is to the Emperor.

    LFL is just so wonderful! He understands that YG will need to deal with MJ sooner or later. It’s not like LFL orchestrated it that they met, but more that MJ was already determined to see if the girl was YG and was already getting closer to finding YG and LFL just allowed for the encounter. His worried heart was so cute! His eyes lit up when he knew she came to see him and didn’t leave with MJ. =)

    Haha! thinking about YG reading all those documents made LFL’s head hurt! I can totally understand why too… =P Poor Ling gege… But if YG is ever able to survive in the Palace or in the political intrigues of the Palace, then maybe being aware of the history of all the past kings, queens, sons, daughters, officials, etc. might not be a bad thing considering how ignorant she is…

    Ack! How dare Meng Jue kiss Yun Ge!? And in such a situation and at such a place!? I wonder how LFL would feel about that if he found out? Yes, Yun Ge pretty much sums it up… “Yun Ge’s heart thundered. Meng Jue was that daring and bold. This place was the Imperial Palace!”

    But I have to admit that it did make me a little sad when MJ realized that he has lost YG when he found out that she knows everything. His look of despair and not wanting to let go of her hand was pretty heartbreaking. Still, I love Ling gege! But it doesn’t mean that I would turn heartless towards the other!

    Oh Yun Ge, Yun Ge, you give me mixed emotions.. and so do you, Meng Jue. But Ling gege, you just make my heart melt with your every word, action, gesture, and expression.

    • Hmm.. I might be thinking a little too much into it, but I wonder if Meng Jue was initially upset because Yun Ge disappeared for so long and he finally finds her in the Palace or that he is upset that she is with the Emperor. Meng Jue is a very smart guy so he should know that she’s with the Emperor since there has been gossip that a girl came back with the Emperor and Yun Ge is definitely at a place where no normal girls could wander off to… Come on, Tian Lu Ge where secret and precious texts were kept. And he did knock out Muo Cha and Su Fu who was certainly serving and watching over Yun Ge. If that is so, then Meng Jue was trying to put on his charms to charm her to leave with him knowing that she is the Emperor’s woman (or kinda since she technically is not formally the Emperor’s woman..yet.)! And how charming he really tried to be! Wow, how bold of him! Haha, that would be worrisome for Meng Jue then. If Meng Jue could fall for Yun Ge, definitely the Emperor can too! In his eyes, Yun Ge is one of a kind. And how do you fight against the Emperor?

    • Xiaoyi, agree with you absolutely about poor SGXM – my heart goes out to her. She and LFL are both similar in being victims of their birth and circumstance. Sadly, even if there were no YG, I doubt if LFL would have anything more than platonic affections for her.

  12. In a way, this chapter highlights how the two male leads are so different from each other. They may be both handsome suave etc, both probably love her equally but what is essential is what cannot be seen. Ling gege is the real deal.

    Thanks for another exquisite chapter, Koala. I am probably as riveted to this story as you are to K2hearts. For me, there is something extra when I read a story and let my imagination do the rest as opposed to actually watching it. Somehow the underlying feelings get intensified.

  13. i agree with your assertion, ms K. from what little has been written of LGG in this story, we could have clear picture of how his personalities are. i’d say jiu ye is like him in sacrificing themselves for the one they love.

    i like how YG let MJ know what he did that turn her run away from him. i hope by the way she’s running directly into LGG rather than waiting for him to pick her up, she’s already realised what her true feelings are. as LGG said
    “The things in the past we cannot change, but the things in the future, we will make our own choices.”
    hope YG relaised her feelings for LGG soon and brace the future bravely for 2 of them to be happy (at least before the sad ending … so wish Tong Hua made a twist in her re-written ending by letting LGG live)

    • I actually thinks LFL sorta feels like HQB. In a way that they don’t try to shield their love and let the girl decide herself. MJ and JY both wanted the girl to do what they think is best for her. JY want her to not be with her *at first* and MJ want the opposite. HQB although actively pursue YE but he let her decide.

      • technically, HQB didnt let JinYu decide. He did let her decide 99% or the time, but the 1% was at a pivotal time as well. I said HQB really played his card right.

  14. What a wonderful read! Both LGG and MJ in one chapter, interacting with YG on separate occasions. I must say that I am starting to like MJ more in this chapter than in any other previous ones. Stripped of his veneer of gentility, he comes across as surprisingly sincere and touchingly human. I like the fact that he no longer needs to put on a mask in front of YG and that probably started even before this encounter – when he confessed to not being able to taste food. The rough and rugged side of MJ is infinitely more attractive to me than the smooth and sleek one (Mr Teflon man!) I believe that if there were no LFL, and YG finds it in her heart to forgive him, MJ may just turn out to be loyal and true, definitely worthy of her love. However, there is LFL and honestly, after this chapter, I can say that there is no competition that comes close to LGG!
    Never before has it been made more obvious that YG and LFL are soulmates and kindred spirits. What was that old saying that if you truly love someone, you will set them free. If they come back to you, then it is meant to be. LFL attitude to YG and MJ’s relationship so closely reminds me of YG’s own feelings when she advised XPJ to give LBY some space (or something to that effect!). These two are meant to be – I love their companionable silences and TH has taken pains to tell us that they are best friends, if not lovers at this stage. Little wonder then that they should strike a chord when they met as children. Lest anyone dispels these childhood romances as pure fiction, I know of at least two couples who met as young children and have stayed together ever since.

    Thank you for a great read, Ms K. I can’t wait for the next instalment. I only hope that LFL and YG get to consummate their love (at least once!) before the great inevitable takes place!

    • 2 couples who stayed together are you talking about LFL and YG..
      But there is some tragedy right.
      And many things are gonna happen..

      • @ran. No, I was actually talking about real people. Yeah… sad that LFL and YG won’t have a lifetime together but I suppose it’s the quality of the time rather than the quantity that matters.. right?

    • @Darcy: Yeah, I agree that YG and LFL’s relationship is very much like best friends; they find comfort and solace in one another in deeper levels. They just understand each other like no other and complement each other in their need and weaknesses. They both aim to make the other person happy. It makes me think of their “Go” game. It’s just beautiful to watch.

      I still haven’t gathered my thoughts about MJ. I like him at times; I don’t like him at times. If you just take it as it is, then I like MJ. But then I concoct all these scheming into it and complicate the matter, so I can’t get myself to trust him. Talk about over thinking! However, his selfish motives don’t bother me as much as those downright evil manipulative characters in general who will do anything and everything to get what they want. At least there is a ray of light in his character which is love; he can selflessly love YG. Due to that, I cannot hate him. Also, I do believe that if YG really loved MJ and there was no LGG, then she would’ve forgiven him. That is the power of love – love covers all transgressions. But there is a LGG.. and one whom Yun Ge has loved for pretty much more than half of her life and he is exactly as how she has imagined him to be……….

    • I agreed that LFL and YG are soulmate more than lovers at this point.
      Funny how people think soulmate is the “one”, but it doesnt have to be in the form of a lover. What LFL and YG share is much deeper. I always think soulmate are people whose fates from their last lifetime have yet unfinished, so their fate continue in their current lifetime. And that is what I feel toward LFL and YG, and even their fantasy-like meeting. Their relationship feel out-of-this-world. They are two peas in the same pod, two separated but identical twin of fate.

      When I think about MJ, i think about him – his past, his ambitions, his determination, his manipulative way. I think of him as a fascinating character.
      But when I think of LFL, i cant think of him as one person, a separated identity. When I think of LFL, I think of YG. Like they are one – if i understand LFL, i can almost understand Yunge and vice-versa. Maybe that’s explain why although little had been written about LFL but I felt he has always been together with us from the beginning and every step of the way. He is presented through YunGe. Sometime, they feel like the same person. 2 person who long for love, for honesty – 2 looking at the same sky and counting the stars, singing the same song and having the same thoughts.

      • @Annie: I really like your analogy on soulmate. I never really thought deeply about what that meant since I don’t believe it soulmates. But you have described it very beautifully and understandably and in context for this novel, which now allows me to enjoy the interaction between Ling gege and Yun Ge even more. (= Thank you!

  15. I knew what will happen to LFL, thus reading this chapter and seeing how happy he is with YG made me even sadder. The fact that TH can come up with this painful love story is really beyond my imagination.
    Thank you Koala san for translating ^_*

  16. Thank you so much!! I was waiting eargerly!! This chapter is SO GOOD! I cant wait for the next one now.. >__< 🙂 Thanks!

  17. Thank you. Oh my god, Meng Jue really dug his own grave. Now she won’t even listen to his explanation. He loves her but she is angry and going to forget him. The Emperor loves her but she doesn’t really have him in her heart again. Aigoo, now everyone is hurting. And this is not even the chapters where things gets complicated right?

    Oh dear.

  18. TH did a great novel….sometimes I wonder whether she did travel from the past…I am marvelled how she could weave love story in between real historical life.

    • ooohhh….really? LGG will have a Real talkies with MJ…..hope, it will go like this: MJ, ” u know we’re engage since so so age….i got a pearl green shoe from her” then, LGG will reply, ” u know, i also got a pearl green shoe from her and we also slept together under the stars….and, she first sang to me….how can u beat that? ” lolz! more LGG. ” deal with in man….YG is mine! ” *swoony!* ” she doesnt want your user friendly heart….u smoozey with HCJ, u lose!” MJ retorted, ” face it man….U cant marry her! and I can!”…..and added, ” dont care if ur soul mates coz im more bold and brazen than you….ur like my adoptive father but im more like YG’s father….what’s your take on that? ” *hawt!* lolz

      Thanks msK for a wonderfully translated chapter *hugs*

  19. Such a lovely chapter with tender moments between LGG and Yun Ge! LGG is so perfect, perhaps impossibly perfect as it’s hard to think as any real life man who thinks and acts like him

  20. Nice chapter! Thanks Koala!

    It occurred to me during the week how similar Meng Jue is to Emily in ABC’s revenge show. Their parents were murdered by the people in power. Their childhood stolen from them. They both used other people to achieve their goals e.g. Meng Jue used Yun Ge while Emily is using Daniel to get back to his family. They both faced a dilemma to choose love or ambition (Menj Jue choosing between Yun Ge and HCJ while Emily choosing between chilldhood love Jack and Daniel). Both want power so that they could have their vengeance and not allow anyone to take advantage of them, etc… Does anyone else see the similarities?

    Poor Empress!

  21. I hope with the little time they had, Yun Ge will make Liu Fu Ling happy.
    I’m so mopey when it comes to LFL. I think I understand why TH wrote a letter for him. Do you have plan to translate the letters miss koala?

  22. oh man I was waiting for that exchange between yun ge and meng jue from the moment she decided to leave him.

    Gah I just love how they really don’t need to say anything and still understand what they are thinking. The way he allowed her to settle her own problems and not try to force anything with her is just so marvelous.

    Here’s to hoping that she can return his affections more freely now that she’s had that exchange with Meng Jue. Although perhaps I would like to hear what Meng Jue has to say now that he knows that she knows….

  23. Thank you again for another fantastic chapter. I’m saddened to know that LFL is somehow going to meet some sort of tragedy as he and YG make such a great couple. Even though they are only good friends now. Life has an uncanny way of throwing in the unpredictable but I wish we get to see YG and LFL live to a ripe old age. What I would like to see…is LBY ascend the throne and LFL and YG live out a peaceful life, juz like HQB and YE.

    • I think that is what most people would like to see.. Unfortunately, TH isn’t that nice. I sometimes wonder if she’s a sadist and enjoy writing these sad endings (minus DMY and probably other books, but I’ve never read them so I wouldn’t know..). Then again, it is hard to change a story and stay within the confines of history. Since she already did that with HQB, it’s a little hard to do that with LFL. And LFL is an emperor, not a commoner. He has responsibilities. If he has given up the throne just to run away with YG, then you would call him an irresponsible emperor, which he is not. Since we already know the ending in respects to that, then I think it’s right to say that we should just enjoy and cherish the moments that Yun Ge and Ling gege have together. =) Though in the back of my mind I still wish that they will just travel away in the setting sun together, that Ling gege will finally be able to travel the world instead of reading discovery and expedition books so that it would just feed into my unreasonable desire… I guess it’s a good thing that Ling gege requested for a year so that we could have the one year of unforgettable courtship between those two. But it is rather bittersweet………

      I do thank Ms. Koala in warning us that it’s not a happy ending (for everyone it seems), else the shock from the devastating ending would probably make me want to throw my laptop across the room. I just hope I can make it to the end…..

      • I’ve already accepted the fact that TH is not going to change the course of history and LFL will die young. So once, this is a given, I can enjoy the story and make the most of the OTP’s special moments together. What I do like about the story is that the character of LFL does seem to be consistent with the very little we do know about him (from history) – that he is not reactive, is not easily swayed by popular opinion and that he is known to be exceptionally insightful, even from an early age. However, as YG and MJ are both the children of Ms TH’s creative imagination, I would hope that TH could make things a little easier on them and give them a happy ending after they suffer the usual trials and tribulations of young love. However, I can guess from the numerous comments that this is also not to be.
        Aaaargh TH, what is so wrong about a happy ending?

  24. I’ll confess I got a bit tired of waiting for the next chapter the past few days and googled and found the ending to the book on another site.

    I am totally devastated by the ending – it is far worse than I expected. Wished TH would just throw us a bone and give a character who started pooly in life a good ending or least a reprieve from his suffering. Bah, no such luck.

    Thank you Ms Koala for the translations so far. I may come back and read bits and pieces every now and then.

  25. I just wish MsK will release another chapter before wednesday comes *wink* pls? he he he

    yeah….it is indeed will be a sad ending as msKoala already forewarned. but, i’ll still stick on msKoala’s translation and live on my own imaginations on how things will be going 🙂

    • Agree! I don’t want a Reader’s Digest version of the story (i.e. an executive summary). I’d rather wait to read it slowly – chapter by chapter and let the story unfold fully. Thanks Ms K!

  26. I still like MJ. And feel like I have a soft spot for him. He just seems more real to me… which is funny, cause only him and yun ge are fictional characters. At this point in the story, while I enjoy the earlier interaction between LGG and YG as children, as adults I haven’t swoon after LGG yet. And so I’m still waiting….TH however, really spent time getting me invested in my feelings for MJ. I guess I’m one of those weird chicks that likes a little fire in her man. MJ is both bad and good… perhaps that’s why he feels more real to me. I’m glad TH didn’t allow YG to totally get over MJ yet.

    I f I had to make an assessment, I would say MJ is more like HQB in his aggressiveness towards what he wants. And LGG is more like Jiu Ye in his gentle sweet ways.

    • I agree with you, MJ is more like HQB in his aggressiveness towards what he wants. And LGG is more like Jiu Ye in his gentle sweet ways.

    • MJ is very human and flawed. He probably did not even though how much he really loved YG until she disappeared. He can be ruthless but his devotion is genuine. We love him because he is real to us.
      I love LGG because he is so perfect in every way but in portraying him this way, TH has made him unreal because no one can be so wonderful. He is our ideal man and therefore unattainable.

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