Fan Video of the Engagement Party Kiss in The King 2 Hearts
I appreciate The King 2 Hearts for being more than just a simple love story, with a genuine sincerity about addressing issues of responsibility, maturity, loyalty, and faith. There are tons of bumps here and there (Secretary Eun letting slip Anmyungdo for a Beatles record, the useless royal guards, and the most recent cringeworthy portrayal of Team USA as racist jackasses), but I find the heart of the story still going strong. Jae Ha, with his faults and weaknesses, is such a compelling hero because he’s not like honorable Jae Kang and requires us to root for him to overcome odds as we put faith in him to succeed. The last two episodes of TK2H was dense with action, so it’s nice to get a glimpse of some OTP cute moments to come. Presenting the fan camera video from the upcoming engagement party where the King and Queen kissed for their subjects. Get ready to swoon.
Engagement kiss fan cam:
[Credit: picture from Baidu Lee Seung Gi bar]
mmm…simply delicious! Thank you Captain!
Where is Earnest Bot in all of this? Hehe. Oh Seung-gi….
I thought I spotted him wearing his lil’ guard hat, after the kiss.
I don’t think that’s him
OMG….this seemed so realllllllllll….I think world just stopped for the moment…
This crowd is my kind of people 😉
And the smile…he enjoys and HJW pushes him back, like she’s embarrass.
now that’s what i’m talking about!
will be rewatching this till its wednesday!
thanks koala unnie!
seung gi looks all shy and giddy as he pulls away, swoon*
irl Seung-gi is a shy person. I remember him being quite shy when he started out on 1n2d…over the years he’s gotten better with it thanx to those variety shows.
So, nerve wracking when the crowd were cheering “kiss, kiss…..”. When he faced Ji-won I was giggling like a little green girl! What have these K-drama kisses done to us…
And, Seung-gi absolutely caught Ji-won unawares. Lurveeeee!! =)
Finally ^^
Yea, what this show done to us?? kekeke~
When one of my routine site update this video, I’m on my way so I can’t watch it. So I text this to my friend: ‘Ya, sent the video to me, NOW!’, and I’m giggling like a little girl 😛
@Reglest: I just watched Equator man ep 14…and wow…the kisss…mind blowing…
Now I can’t sleep…
This dramas are killing me softly 😉
That kiss on EQ was hot. Kekeke…
I don’t think that I’ve ever felt like a giddy school girl since I was… well… in elementary school. K2H, what have you done to us?
@Jowha: let’s share some cute pictures during the WOC…IN THE SEA…
@ Jowha: after this kiss in EQM…I really, really, really like to see HJW and UTW together in drama…I’m curious how she’ll handle him… 😉
Yeah girl. The two leads in Eq Man know how to kiss. I think that I would have a heart attack if there was a kiss like that in K2H.
wow a drama with more than one kiss between the couple :-O loving you k2h
sooo addicted w/ K 2H! LSG & HJW look sooo perfect together, it’s saddening that quite soon this amazing drama is reaching it’s end, HAYSSSHHH!!!! More more more projects w/ these 2 paired together puhleeaasseee! 🙂
Looking forward to the next episodes. More intimate moment. Saw picture kissing inside the tent during the barbecue. IIs this for real.?
i think it’s not real… cause they just rotate the picture..:P
where did you see it?
Me am swooning~~~
Does HJW have a boyfriend in real life? Just wondering. I don’t really think she and LSG have anything going on other that professionalism and good onscreen chemistry.
No she don’t far as I know…
She just admitted she only had been in 2 relationships…
Do we have any idea which episode will this be?