Categories: K-dramas

I Do I Do with Kim Sun Ah and Lee Jang Woo Release First Teaser

It looks like Kim Sun Ah‘s I Do I Do might just become an I Don’t I Don’t for me. No, I’m not trying to be the first person to use that clearly lame pun, I genuinely was bowled over by how BAD the first teaser for the drama was. Terrible music, uninteresting interactions, and ridiculousness all over the place. The only thing I liked was the last five seconds when Sun Ah and Lee Jang Woo drop out of character and banter over what time this drama starts. Other than that, it was blergh. Probably as blergh as the first teaser for Time Slip Dr. Jin, but in a different way. I feel my interest in this drama go from fifty percent to five percent in less than thirty seconds. I hope it’s just a case of bad trailer, great drama, because I doubt either Bridal Mask or Ghost will grab me either in the upcoming Wed-Thurs showdown. A positive note from the trailer is that Kim Sun Ah and Lee Jang Woo totally don’t look icky together despite their vast age difference. Hurray for the little victories? 

Teaser for I Do I Do:


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  • "I do" sounds like "aigoo" to me. And not favorably. ^^

    Why does KSA keep being paired with much younger dudes, no matter how cute/handsome/talented they are? :-/ I want a realistic plot and a sizzling believable chemistry. *pouts* Where is Jo Gukie when he is most needed? -_-

    Le sigh.

  • Clumsy trailer with horrible music. And not that funny, i agree. I really really hope it doesn't reflect the quality of the show and than it's been made by monkeys. I want to have fun with that show. Dramagods please, don't let this show be a train wreck a la Wild Romance. It would be unbearable for me cause i love the all cast and the premise...

    • it's too early to decide for me...I loved the Wild Romance trailer and was sooo disappointed in the drama...I felt nothing for King2Hearts trailer but loved the show to bits, so I don't wanna eat my words....I will def watch as I'm a huge fan of Sun Ah, but I am looking forward to Arang coz it sounds so creepy....I just wanna laugh and cry with I do I do and freak myself out with Arang...

  • Oh my God, so bad! The unforgivable sin is it looks so shrill and if there is one thing I can't stand, it's shrillness. Teasers/trailers are a dead giveaway for me - I can be so-so on a trailer and like the drama, and there certainly have been dramas with great trailers that ended up awful (Bad Guy) but if I hate the teaser, there is no chance I will like the drama (Tamra being the only exception).

    At least for me, I am excited for both Arang and Bridal Mask (and Jin - I don't think it will be good, but I think it will be entertaining). But Koala, are there any summer kdramas left that you want to watch? Because it would be :( if there are none.

    • My #1 Summer K-drama = AAAAARANG! Heh. JunkiJunkiJunkiJunkiJunkiJunkiJunkiJunkiJunkiJunkiJunkiJunkiJunkiJunkiJunkiJunki...

      For the end-of-May/June dramas, my interest goes like this:

      A Gentleman's Dignity
      Time Slip Dr. Jin

      Ghost and I Do I Do I'll check out for the sake of it, and that's about it.

      Faith squicks me out. A friend said "It's not a noona-dongsaeng romance with Kim Hee Sun and Lee Min Ho, it's an aunt-nephew romance". Hah, I totally agree. That pairing stretches my credulity. But I'm sure I'll watch it for Min Ho being all hot General in sageuk with big sword. But Kim Hee Sun is a major fail pairing choice there. If Kang Ji Hwan or even Junki stayed with Faith, I'd be much less weirded out.

      • Junki, indeed!!!!! 100% agreed. Though i hope this outing into period dramas is better than his previous one - Iljimae was an utter mess.

        Re: Faith. Oddly, though I am not big on noona-dongsaeng, the pairing doesn't bother me. In part because I love the writer, so even if she cast giraffes, I'd probably be on-board, but also because LMH looks all manly and all. I can't stand when the dongsaeng is all boyish-looking, which most noona-dongsaeng stories seem to go for (Still Wants to Marry, Moon/Sun, Flames of Desire etc) because it freaks me out a bit, but once that hurdle is gone, I don't mind (e.g., I thought LMH was fine opposite Son Ye Jin in Personal Taste even though the drama was awful). Plus, if you are grabbing a period man, I suppose you need to catch them young before all their teeth fall out due to poor dwntal hygeine and they acquire three wives and 17 children :P

        KHS isn't a huge favorite but I did like her in Smile Again and, I suppose, letting her go at this stage will be rude. Plus, she is only a year older than me, so I feel a bit hypocritical thinking she's too old for LMH (who IS a decade younger) when I drool over him myself :P

        I do wonder if it's the biggest age difference in recent years. Hmmm, Still Wants to Marry had an 11-yr gap and wasn't my thing. OTOH, K2H has a 9-yr gap and works perfectly.

        OK, I am not even sure where I am going with this any more, so I am stopping :)

      • Let's hope the age gap works in a good way like K2H. I really want to have faith on this drama "faith", so please drama god, bring us a good drama.

  • I agree. i hope this teaser is just sucky and not the drama. I love Kim Sun Ah in City Hall and Scent of a Woman, so I'm giving this show a chance.

  • I really like Kim Sun Ah. I even watched WHen Its at Night because of her (and liked it--so sue me), but I could never get interested in the premise of this drama. She has a one night stand when she is drunk and she gets pregnant and feels she must marry the guy? I just don't buy it. She is a successful woman in her 40s, for crying out loud. If she can afford even one of those pairs of shoes she is wearing, she can afford a nanny, a housekeeper. I was so looking forward to seeing her in something that did not make me cry. (Even City Hall had me in tears for a bunch of the episodes) However, I cannot get interested in this. I was hoping the teasers would make me more excited, but . . .

  • I wasn't really planning on watching this anyways...romcoms about older women and younger men have become really predictable to me....that said I did like the very end of the trailer....only drama of the 3 wed-thurs ones that seems to have any potential so far is Bridal Mask which released an awesome trailer yesterday.....other than that AGD seems to have fun teasers too

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