Sneak Peek at Ariel Lin and Kim Bum Endorsing Clothing Brand Eithtoo
In yet another meeting of Koala favorites, Ariel Lin and Kim Bum met up in China two weeks ago to film an ad campaign for the clothing brand Eithtoo. I have never heard of this brand in my life, but now I know it, thanks to Ariel and Bummie modeling their clothes. Good one, formerly obscure brand. Ariel has been in China for quite some time now filming King of Lan Ling with Feng Shao Feng and Daniel Chan, but she was thrilled to work with Bummie and practice her rusty Korean with him. Apparently she told him he gave off a very Takeshi Kaneshiro vibe, which made Bummie quite tickled pink to be thus complimented. I think these two would be wonderful in a modern drama together, but alas, I’ll have to be satisfied with this endorsement pairing for the time being.
[Credit: all pictures as marked via Baidu Ariel Lin bar]
I love love love the last picture of them…. =D Please have them in drama together… =D
Well, this is a pairing of favourites that I never imagined. And I adore it. Thankies thankies drama/CF gods for giving us this wonderfullness <333
Just so, never imagined them together, but now, seeing the last shot, as Trina mentioned above, why not throw them together and let there be fireworks????
To beautiful to watch…¤glasses…better.
Perfect Boyfriend is Perfect <3
Haha… omg I turn so weird sometimes ^cringes^
Gah. *can’t. speak* Why so pretty Bummie? And Ariel? You lucky, lucky girl… In a perfect drama land, these two would be an OTP.
Ariel is gorgeous a ever but Kim Bum is to skinny. He looks old and haggard.
I hope he’s putting on a little weight ’cause KB from BOF and Padam, Padam appear
to be 2 different persons. Personally, the BOF version was my favorite ’cause he’s got
the cutest dimples 🙂 .
Kim Bum looks really hot here… A bit of James Dean vibe.
Yes, hasn’t he grown up nicely…those eyes.
wow, they look good together. Familiar shaped face. I want to see them in a drama together. ^^
they look sooooooo good together. I’ve never seen Kim Bum so hot before.
Wow. I love these two actors individually. Kudos to the one who throught of this unlikely pairing – ‘coz it totally works. Kim Bum’s gaze upon the pretty Ariel – whew, melting point!! hottt!!
I thought the girl was Kim Tae Hee at first!
KIm bummmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!
He is the only reason why I watched BOF !!
Sooooo yummyyyyyyyyyy …………..
They look good together but … sorry … I am SoEul forever!!!
I want him to do another one with So Eun sooooo bad T_T
Thanks Captain Koala … missss himmmmmm…..
Wow, these pics are so hot! I can’t wait until all the CF pics are released!
A drama with these two would be awesome, but I don’t see it happening anytime soon 🙁
I love Kim Bum !!! He is sooooo cute !!! Ariel is adoraBle as well, so… Their photo looks cute and super aweSome, and u know what, my Chinese/japenese crush is also Takeshi Kaneshiro. This is so weird ..… 🙂
I hear f(x) and SHINee use to endorse this brand so if people were kpop fans they’d maybe know this brand… isn’t this a Chinese brand though? Wonder why they went kpop route to start?
Gosh Ariel looks super gorgeous!