
Sneak Peek at Ariel Lin and Kim Bum Endorsing Clothing Brand Eithtoo — 20 Comments

  1. Well, this is a pairing of favourites that I never imagined. And I adore it. Thankies thankies drama/CF gods for giving us this wonderfullness <333

    • Just so, never imagined them together, but now, seeing the last shot, as Trina mentioned above, why not throw them together and let there be fireworks????

  2. Gah. *can’t. speak* Why so pretty Bummie? And Ariel? You lucky, lucky girl… In a perfect drama land, these two would be an OTP.

  3. I hope he’s putting on a little weight ’cause KB from BOF and Padam, Padam appear
    to be 2 different persons. Personally, the BOF version was my favorite ’cause he’s got
    the cutest dimples 🙂 .

  4. Wow. I love these two actors individually. Kudos to the one who throught of this unlikely pairing – ‘coz it totally works. Kim Bum’s gaze upon the pretty Ariel – whew, melting point!! hottt!!

  5. KIm bummmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!
    He is the only reason why I watched BOF !!
    Sooooo yummyyyyyyyyyy …………..
    They look good together but … sorry … I am SoEul forever!!!
    I want him to do another one with So Eun sooooo bad T_T

    Thanks Captain Koala … missss himmmmmm…..

  6. Wow, these pics are so hot! I can’t wait until all the CF pics are released!
    A drama with these two would be awesome, but I don’t see it happening anytime soon 🙁

  7. I love Kim Bum !!! He is sooooo cute !!! Ariel is adoraBle as well, so… Their photo looks cute and super aweSome, and u know what, my Chinese/japenese crush is also Takeshi Kaneshiro. This is so weird ..… 🙂

  8. I hear f(x) and SHINee use to endorse this brand so if people were kpop fans they’d maybe know this brand… isn’t this a Chinese brand though? Wonder why they went kpop route to start?

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