
Yoon Eun Hye Models Cartier for High Cut Magazine — 19 Comments

  1. Now I want to dye my hair that color. SOOOO pretty. I <3 YEH, and I'm anxiously awaiting the news on her next project. It can't come fast enough.


  2. I can not help admiring her, she is my goddess certainly miss her a lot I want to finish school and start as soon as possible a drama.

  3. regal as ever, she is every day more and more beautiful, I want what everyone wants to see her again in a drama or movie.

  4. My favorite captain Koko, say what? You bought something from the Juste Un Clou line? Nicee. Im jelly ofcourse. I mean, I want one because Eun Hye is modeling it and girl makes anything look good, but darn. You work hard for your money so congrats to you.

  5. I live in the States and started watching foreign films from all over the world. My very first Korean Drama was Coffee Prince with YEH. I was so impressed with this young lady who is a singer, actress and model. She does the young women of Korea proud and should be thanked for it. There are wonderful actresses in the States who are multi-talented too…she if she chooses will fit in with them nicely.

  6. I really admire this beautiful lady, the way she dress up, her hairstyle, i Love everything about her…I almost copied her hairstyle in Lie to me…

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