
Arang and the Magistrate Releases First Character Stills of Lee Jun Ki and Shin Mina — 27 Comments

  1. So excited for this after confirming that it does have comedic elements. You can have Jun Ki, Koala. I’ll make do with the interesting premise 😀

  2. Oh, these are gorgeous. They make me think of paintings.

    Not sure how much I am into the ghost thing (I have a low tolerance and level of interest in horror or ghosts) but definitely tuning in for that one.

  3. love the still of the OTP, they look gorgeous..
    I hope the story, acting, directing and editing will be good also ^^

  4. Oh my! Jun Ki’s charisma fairly jumps out of the first pic doesn’t it. Shin Mina looks mysterious in the second pic not so much the first….am so looking forward to this sageuk, if indeed it keeps to it’s promise of a good script, I’m hooked.

    Ms Koala please keep the pics and updates coming, this one is definitely on my watch list!

  5. I love my saejuk drama but not sure of melo fantasy saejuk drama as I kind of stopped halfway due to get me to bored to death. I hope this kdrama prove me wrong. Please do not make me bored to death…

  6. these are by far one of the best character stills ive seen in a kdrama, ever. its so simple yet it sorta comes alive, like one of those haunted portraits in theme

  7. WOW……the scenery……
    If I live on the beautiful set like that, I’ll spend my whole time outside.
    Love the last pic so much……
    Those colorful leaves…..

    • Me too! Where and what is this place(scenery)? Beautiful!

      I love interesting characters, the stills are just perfect.

  8. I keep pinching myself because everything related to this show seems to good to be true…*chants, “must keep expectations down” “must keep expectations down”*

  9. Definitely gonna check this one out! The supporting cast looks great too and I can foresee very solid acting from them.

  10. Oh so excited about this one!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Junki… You’re really back! Can’t wait
    Shin Mina looks so pretty here

  11. Yes u r correct even won bin likes her as u know wonbin is never kiss a girl expect shin mina.looks bts of them .they r the best couple by the way more power for z drama

  12. YAY!!!!!!

    I’m so excited and I will not hide it.

    Can’t wait for this show to premiere!!!!

    Plus I love the casting for the supporting parts.


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