Lee Seung Gi Represents Samsung for the Olympic Torch Relay in London
For all you UK drama fans, I’m sorry I was rather preoccupied lately and couldn’t give you the heads up that Lee Seung Gi was going to be in your neck of the woods this week. My adorable boy was there to carry the Olympic torch on behalf of Samsung, where he is one of their primary star endorsers, and Samsung is one of the sponsors for this Summer Olympics in London. Seeing in him in the Olympic sweat suit just brings back memories of the early episodes of The King 2 Hearts when Jae Ha was training for the WOC reluctantly with his teammates. I don’t care if Seung Gi ran 50 yards or 5 miles with that torch, he looks genuinely thrilled and honored to be there, and I believe him when he says this is one indelible memory he’ll treasure forever. Samsung couldn’t have picked a better representative than to send South Korea’s national little brother to dazzle the world with his mega-watt smile and effortless charm. Go Seung Gi, unni cheering you on forever! Btw, is it just me, or is that torch really blinged out? Fancy.
[Credit: all pictures as marked of the respective news agency]
Great pictures-thanks Ms. Koala!
Is it just me or does he look like he’s photoshopped in at the first pic?
i thought its only me who noticed it. hahaha!
I actually watched the Live Feed and these photos must have been taken seperately or have been photoshopped. During the Live Feed of the Torchrelay there were two yellow busses and a police car in the background, he was surrounded by four official grey clothed runners and it way raining quite a bit while he was running his 3 minutes through Rochdale. There was no blue Samsung personnel in sight – which I assume must be due to the fact that no advertising activity of any kind was allowed.
Here’s a fancam video showing when the first picture was taken:
Hahahaha! They just stuck him in there. 😉
HAHAHA good catch. I didn’t notice it because I was busy staring at his face. 🙁
Does that mean when I see the Olympic torch is coming to my area he’s coming too? Or has he done his part of the run?
Cos it’s coming to my area on 7th July!
Too bad dear, he had done his part…he is on trip back to Korea
aw Thank you Great pics
another picture of him, at dinner party (my boss was there, behind him)http://tryp96.wordpress.com/2012/06/24/12-06-24-lee-seung-gi-at-a-dinner-party/
Euro trip, Euro trip, Euro trip!!!!!
Thank you Ms. Koala. He looks so happy.
Awww puppy so happy!
Awww….. his smiles & reaction really do seem genuine. Samsung couldn’t have picked a better representative! I would liked to have been there, but I’m on the wrong continent for them to run through my neighborhood. LOL
Love him, hate Samsung, wish he’d get out of bed with them.
Thanks for the info, I miss him so much, hope another good drama for him coming too!
He had so much fun on this trip. From spectating at the Euro quarter-finals in Poland to being taken aback at being recognized on the streets in Poland and England. He had fans welcome him at the Warsaw airport:
As much as I cringe fan girl’s behavior, they lent a lot of support to him at his torch relay. Now he knows that although he isn’t an ‘idol’ the international crowd adores him as well.
Why why why does all these have to happen AFTER I left London for good??
wow.. so proud of Seung Gi.
This is the official video from Samsung
@ Osi –
Thanks for posting this video. It’s even cuter than the stills. XD
I think you’ll appreciate this as well.
Awww….he looks so happy and thrilled to be there! And back to being puppy again. 🙂
Oh, forgot to say that I really love his tousled hair and make-up free look. So gorgeous and natural!
He’s alternating between puppy to errr, ‘sexier’ puppy. Who knew THIS is that he was hiding under all those slick suits?! umm, that back…
i I wish I was in London to see him …..:))