
Nice Guy Episode 5 Recap — 42 Comments

  1. My god this otp is made for each other. I wholeheartly believe tat they r each others only salvation. I just want to wack jae hee with a scorching heated up frying pan…repetedly. Eun gi is so broken but her style is not. After hang ah, i seriously lust after her wardrobe. She binges on alcohol and looks fantastically stylish at the same time. Soong ki is being painfully hot right now. Ep five kiss scene whooo hoooo!!!! As far as i hope, everyone is playing everybody else. Let the manipulations begin!!!!! May the odds be on the otp being alive by the end of this series. Btw, joon ha i love, is he the next soldier of my heart after eun suk, definitely!!!

  2. Thank you for this recap and thank you for also hating/disliking JH. I really can’t stand this woman anymore! Seriously a suicide attempt to show how much power she still has over Maru!? That’s just urgh! I really tried to see if there is some humanity in her but I gave up after episode 1.

  3. oh Jae Hee that bitch, she knew Maru would save her, this bitch!

    Or if she didn’t knew, doesn’t matter, just show how selfish she is, if she dies what happenes to her son? doesn’t she think in this at all?

    also what happens to Maru? He’ll never forgive himself……

  4. I know that the kiss of the bridge was likely more of Maru womanzing his way into Eun Gi’s heart, but part of me wants to believe that every little bit he does to win her heart will only ricochet and make him open his heart up to her as well.

    I believe that kiss on the bridge was impulsive on Maru’s part, and no, I don’t believe it was part of his plan to seduce Eun-Gi. That assumption just doesn’t seem to match the state he was in, by the time he finally arrived on this date. He just had yet another ugly brush with Jae-Hee, who’s not only content to erase the woman he remembers, but is also USING him to get what she wants, thinking that she can manipulate him. Reminds me of what dangermousie said about their confrontation in ep. 4 and the follow-up scene with Eun-Gi, that Jae-Hee’s poison and how refreshingly different Eun-Gi is. I think it’s the same here, where Eun-Gi and her faith in him, her innocence in love, acted like a little antidote to what he just went through with Jae-Hee. Another fan (and this was a SJK fan) commented earlier she’d have kissed Eun-Gi too in his place, and I don’t think in this case Maru was any stronger. They’ve been tiptoeing around for some time, and for once, he gave in.

    • I do want to believe that it was something he did on an impulse but he stares into space or at someone coldly after that kiss which sadly frustrates me. Don’t know if you’ve seen the teasers but they’ll show it in ep 6. Also about him using her or deceiving her into loving him is true its clearly evident in this ep, believe me I had my doubts too but this ep sealed that sad fact *the forehead kiss and ‘I came because I missed you’ endearments were all pretense on his part* and I think the director made it obvious enough for us to know it too. Although he seem genuinely affected by her at times. And I agree with you that they’re completely drawn to each another, Maru can deceive her or himself but we know he’s also overwhelmed by her innocence and well eventually he may fall in love with her but we never know. Like koala says and I totally agree, Eungi is someone who is emotionally still a child, its endearing yet sad.

      • I haven’t seen the ep6 teasers but there was almost the exact same scene in A Love to Kill (same writer), where Bi kisses a post-vomiting Shin Min Ah passionately (yuckyyuckyyuck) and then chillingly holds up a cellphone to record the whole thing for nefarious reasons….

        But maybe Maru kissed her on impulse and then midway through tried to rein himself in? (if it was her first ever date maybe she wasn’t good enough yet to make him lose track ;p)

      • I do want to believe that it was something he did on an impulse but he stares into space or at someone coldly after that kiss which sadly frustrates me.

        You’re thinking of the highlight reel, I’m talking about the actual episode (ep. 5), and the ending is very different, ie., differently edited from the highlight reel. There’s no cold stare, there’s no voice-over, it’s that “passionate kiss” (as worded in the script) in the gorgeous surroundings, that’s it. It’s too long-winded to explain it here (differences btw the scripts and the broadcasts), but I have a couple of posts on that issue on my tumblr (link underneath my name) if you’re curious.

  5. maru is almost as bad as JH when he only uses eun gi 🙁 guess eun gi finds out maru’s intention eith her is related to JH and in herpain she has an accident and loses her memory ^^

  6. Park Si Yeon is really good at playing with this kind of character. It has some similarities to the one she played on “A Man’s Story”. Her manipulative ways just make you want to choke her, but that just make her the right woman to play the part because we know she’s doing a fantastic job portraying it.
    I’m worried for EunGi, she seems to have fallen hard or about to fall madly inlove with Maru that you wonder what will happen to her already vulnerable soul when she finds out what Maru is up to.
    SSK/Maru is freaking baby face and adorable and heck, he is the right man to play Maru!

    • I would say that Park Si Yeon has improved so much from “A Man’s Story.” In “A Man’s Story,” she still shows awkwardness and sometimes the acting is uneven. But in Nice Guy, I have to say that I look forward to her screen time more than anyone else,except SJK of course. This is a not carefully written character, but PSY nails it wit perfection. I think after marriage,PSY exudes a kind of confidence and ease that she had never had before. From the interviews, she said she didn’t care about anti-fans (because anti-fans are also fans). All she wants is to portrayal the character well since she feels for JH. I am rooting for her.

  7. I’m so curious about the location they shot the kissing scene from the looks of it they’re in kumamoto castle but then again all the castles in Japan looks the same.

    Thanks for the recap.

      • LOL, the fact that the drama keeps mentioning the resort is in Aomori, it would be teleporting for that scene to be filmed in front of Kumamoto Castle, all the way down in Kyushu! Which is not even on the same island. Kumamoto also has two main towers, one large and one smaller. This castle only has one main tower.

  8. Damn it, why didn’t I get my wish that MaRu just walk away while skanky ass drowned. I know I’m not the only one who would have cheered.

  9. LOL at Jae Hee’s “manipulative skank ass.”
    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate her hate her hate her hate her.

    Why couldn’t he have let her die? Seriously. She keeps effing up, and he keeps saving her. I hope the final blow to end her life, or lifestyle is Maru letting her sink like the trash she is.

    I love SJK with all my parts, but I do NOT like Maru manipulating EG. We know he is a genius womanizer, and capable of fake affection, but what did EG ever to do deserve this treatment? He knows how vulnerable she is. He MUST also know that jumping into the water to save JH will get back to EG! No?
    His days are numbered as far as his pretense of being some random knight in shining armor for EG.
    So what’s his plan? Is it simply that the JH/Maru connection will be discovered by all of EG’s people, including her father? That JH will be revealed to be the manipulative skank that she is?

    I was much happier when I thought EG knew who he was. Now I think she is going to be in for a world of hurt.

  10. I am losing interest on this show because of the poor narrative. I know what LKH wants, the fundamental aspect that she wants to showcase in this drama is really compelling. Unfortunately, how she handled it with her narrative is just bad. Time after time, we see details that we can’t just brush off because it’s so awfully thought of. A medical student who ask for help from a business graduate solved a financial case or whatever you call that but a Harvard graduate with a long experience in business couldn’t. We could argue that probably Eun Gi is just stressed out. But cases like these are like miracles and we see a lot of almost miracle like cases in these story springing out from time to time. I tried to ignore the stupidity of Maru from the start of the series because I accepted that flaw the time I started watching the show. They have to come with a beginning and that’s the perfect way they can frame a revenge-not-so-revenge theme. But seeing more unrealistic scenes to pop up is just meeeehhh…

    The only thing I am looking forward to now is that other side of Chairman Seo. He’s the other one who knows what really happened 6 years ago. He’s the one connected to all the three leads (well, not directly with Maru but Maru took the blame of the crime that should be for Seo and Jae Hee). I believe he didn’t marry Jae Hee because of love. He married Jae Hee because he’s protecting his interest and Jae Hee’s. Both of them are involved in the crime. I have been thinking that when he asks Ahn if he can trust Jae Hee, it is not really that he’s assessing his trust and belief in Jae Hee but in Ahn. Ahn has been on his side all this time and he’s the one he trusted the most. But now that Eun Gi is in danger and it seems that he is genuinely scared for his daughter, he gave the protecting job to Joon Ha. It could be because Joon Ha has been the trusted assistant for Eun Gi but I think there is more to that and that’s because Ahn is no longer trustworthy.

    Another thing to ask is why how Jae Hee became connected to Seo. What was their initial relationship prior to the killing and now that they are married? Questions that loom and I hope that they will answer it. Of course, they will.

    I hope Seo’s character can clean some mess that has been happening around. Really! Make your death something worthy Chairman Seo. Not just for your daughter but for the story itself. You’re still the grayest of the characters and I hope you save this show from derailing even further.

  11. Cringe-worthy English aside, this drama is seriously causing my blood pressure to rise! Everyone is playing everyone, I don’t know what to believe anymore. That’s not true, I do know that I’m rooting for Eun Gi 100%.

    As much as I want her and MaRu together, a part of me also wants cutie lawyer Joon Jae to just take her away from the craziness of it all. I actually almost teared up when the Chairman asked him to be Eun Gi’s protector no matter what. You are right Koala, perhaps there’s a tiny part of humanity the Chairman after all, no matter how horrible he’s treating his daughter. And MaRu, argh…I just don’t get why he didn’t let that b*tch drown. I mean I get it, he wouldn’t be MaRu if he’ll just walk away from the woman he’s given up his life for but seriously, how much self-sacrifice can one person do, really? I want MaRu, for once, to love himself a little more and forget about putting other people first.

    This is why I ought to stay away from melodramas. Too much for my mental health. The preview for tomorrow’s ep is not looking good either. I’m so worried for Eun Gi. (Sigh)

    • “Cringe-worthy English”…hahahaha so true!!!

      “how much self-sacrifice can one person do”?
      If Maru would’ve let her drown he would loose another part of his humanity.
      I wish Jae-Hae her bitch-karma too. But not at the expense of Maru’s last good parts.

  12. I don’t know but this drama is really taking me on the edge & stressed everytime i watched it! Song JongKi is super handsome & his acting is so true i can almost touch it! This drama hooked me up 2 the point that i patiently watch it even without the Eng Sub haysh!

  13. Haha, I was thinking the exact same thing when they said they prepared a buffet for the CEO. Buffet? Seriously?!

    & Song Joong Ki’s engrish is horrid. I could understand Eun Ki’s & Jaehee’s but I have completely no idea what Maru was saying. I need to watch it in English subs when it’s released. Thank you for the recap! I was dying to know what he said that drove the CEO away xD

    Eun Ki ftw! Can’t wait for the next ep.


  14. Thanks for the recap ockoala. 🙂

    I sooo love this drama! but of all the characters, i love Eun Gi the most! i somehow hate Maru..and super hate Jae Hee! grrr!

    But why do i still somehow think that Eun Gi know something about Maru and Jae Hee from the start before she started to ge to know she using him too? hmmmmmmm..i think she is now starting to fall for Maru (go to hell Maru if you ever dare hurt Eun Gi!), which has a good impact to her as it reveals her good side and true self, which i think she also realizes..

    It was a relief in this episode that the Chairman do have a concern for Eun Gi, entrustung her to Joon Ha is a teary eyed moment for me..I think the Chairman being mean and hard to Eun Gi is his way of tecahing her on how to be strong in the world they live in, so that no one can hurt her once his not around anymore..

    Why is it that i want to see a Eun Gi, Maru and Joon Ha triangle..hahaha! i like Joon Ha, i know she has pure concerns and intentions to Eun Gi not like Maru which I could see will give her so much more pain in the coming episodes..But i am having so much hope that Maru will eventually change and realize that she really love Eun Gi..once that happens I will very well root to the Maru-Eun Gi OTP!!!

    For Jae Hee, can she just get lost! hahaha..her being manipulative irritates me a lot and her ways to get to the top and achieve her goal is so annoying..

    Oh well, looking forward to the coming episodes of Nice Guy! 🙂

  15. Koala i totally agree with you!! Thanks for the recap, loved it.
    My thoughts on this episode, firstly i am sourly disappointed with the direction this drama is taking slowly. Maru is a character i’ve truly come to despise and he’s no different than jae hee uh! well unless our writer does something with him. And yeah i’ve woken up from my dream of high expectations, i’ll just have to settle for a ‘just’ ending for Eungi now!
    I cried when the chairman had that convo with lawyer joon :'( eun gi will be better off with her lawyer!!! Anyway i hope ep 6 gets better and i like the fact that eun gi will find out maru’s dirt soon, just hope the ep doesn’t end there though cause then i’ll explode and the amnesia thing makes me sad hmmm. I don’t want to believe the fact that the writer may kill either of the two main cast but yeah well i’m kinda sure of that now.

  16. WYSIWYG does not apply to this drama with all the manipulative ways and late revelations. Making assumptions is risky but let me make a bold move here. Seeing how tortured the writer is, I foresee lots of angry viewers comments with the finale, a la Bad guy or else.

    I can’t help but be puzzled over Park Si Yeon’s wardrobe: is she preggers? That would make sense given her marriage recently. Unless this has to do with eating disorders, a standard amongst former models/pageant beauty contestants.

  17. Is the drama off its rails already?

    The business deal never should have involved MR in the manner shown to the audience. It lacked creativity and realism. Has the writer forgotten that she wrote MR’s character as a promising medical doctor and EG as the MBA Harvard grad? Ugh.

    I don’t understand why MR saved JH just to show her how defiled and jaded they both have become. Whuh?

    The only character I care about is the MR character. EG’s character…I’m not sold on this idea of child-like innocence from a female business executive and really don’t want to see it on the screen.

  18. Re. the power water: Wasted Vitamin Water promo opportunity! Surely they’d be happy to sponsor SJK?

    But it’s totally not random. Dude drinks the water and has energy to hop on a plane, a cab, AND stay up all night saving a resort with nary a biz101 foundation class to his name. Behold the magic of Power Water! :p

    Snark aside, thanks for the recap … so pleased to find a well-written recap up so early! 🙂

    • Lol this recap was like a refreshing oasis … I’m grateful for live recappers and their awesome dedication when there’s a crack drama and I just can’t wait a few more hours for the subs, but it’s a shame that their reliability usually comes at the expense of readability. Thanks again ockoala! 🙂

  19. not only the recap, the comments are also fascinating to me..’making me fear how she might crumble once she learns Maru’s connection with Jae Hee.’, yeah i have the exactly same opinion .really waiting for ep6, bcoz of the preview in ep 5…

  20. are we supposed to root for this guy and enjoy him getting his “revenge?” I for one think hes a dumb little kid who needs to grow up and move on. The revenge I want to see is Eun Gi destroying Maru, her sorry excuse of a father, and Jae Hee. But instead we are getting this girl who falls for a guy in a matter of seconds and who is letting her heart be trampled by this little moron. Maru and Jae Hee deserve each other.

  21. That was some really cringe-worthy acting during the contract signing scene with the foreigners. I think it’s both the script and the acting. I think I’m going to drop this drama and maybe pick it up if I’m bored.

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