Song Joong Ki and Park Bo Young Light Up Busan for Wolfboy
Park Bo Young and Song Joong Ki are seriously soooooo cute together I’m thisclose to shipping them in real life. Sorry Moon Chae Won, I love your Eun Gi, but in terms of off screen chemistry these two get my vote. These two have been doing the interview circuit recently for the movie and I love their playful banter, especially when Park Bo Young calls Joong Ki oppa and then looks all giddy that they got to act together. Can the drama gods be good to me and let them do a drama together in the near future? Please, pretty please with a cherry on top? With respect to their movie Wolfboy, the cast was in Busan this week to premiere their movie domestically at the Busan International Film Festival and was greeted with a thunderous crowd and lots of snapping shutterbugs. The movie already premiered internationally at the Toronto Film Festival last month, with the reviews coming in with the general consensus that its pretty to look at but the story isn’t all there. After watching Song Joong Ki marinating in pain for the past 5 weeks in Nice Guy, it’s a breath of fresh air to see him shed his Kang Maru image even for a day to hop onstage with his Wolfboy costars and have a good time.
Song Joong-ki and Park Bo-young look adorable together! He’s such a goof, haha. And I seriously want her dress. It’s so cute!
Her dress also immediately caught my eye as well! Beautiful prints and very cute cut.
Too stinkin’ CUTE!! LOVE that SJK can play any type…from innocent, to hot, to evil, to cute…to what have you!
They are pretty adorable. But I think my Joong-ki oppa and Moon Geun-young would have even better chemistry. I surely hope they end up doing a drama together as the OTP very very soon.
That is one of my holy grail pairings. ‘Nuff said.
Been dreamin’ for their pairing too. A Korean version of “The Notebook” maybe.. Yay!
I love the dress! Might as well ask my mom to copy that. Just need to find a similar fabric. Hehe.
I love them as siblings though. Their chemistry is more in oppa-dongsaeng type than lovers. At least for me.
Love SJK hair btw. He’s more mature looking now with his hair more sleek. Gives him a sharper look.
@ Jushi –
You read my mind re: SJK’s hair. This is the first time I’ve seen him look like an adult instead of a cute kid –with adorable chipmunk cheeks! I recently found out that he’s 28 (already!) so this mature look is right on time. NOW he has my attention. 😉 LOL!
Ah….so cute! Apparently Joong Ki addressed the fanboys and said, ‘She’s mine!’. 🙂
I don’t know though, he looks good with everyone. I liked him with Ji Hyo in Running Man, too. But he kinda smolders when he’s in close proximity with MCW. Haha. Or maybe my drama fangirling is playing tricks on me. Either way, as long as Joong Ki’s happy, it’s all good. 😉
My thoughts exactly!!! The way he looks at her and swallows (eh that sounds weird) but well you know what i mean right? His adam’s apple etc etc *drool*
I’m dying to see MR&EG’s intimate scenes in the coming episodes 😉
@sk..yep. That’s why I chose the word “smolder” because there’s an undercurrent sexiness when he looks at MCW in the BTS vids. I’ve never seen that version of Joong Ki before. Haha. But maybe he’s just in character with Maru. 😉
omg i agree with you, i like Park Bo Young w/ Joongki but there’s a degree of tension between him and MCW too! oh well i guess drama fangirl in me stays true w/ Eungi and maru
This boy has chemistry with EVERYONE. Even Moon Jae-shin, haha. What a force of nature.
He and Park Bo Young are incredibly adorable in these photos, though. That 5th photo? LOVE. I am head over heels for this guy. OMG.
@rearwindow, I forgot about Yoo Ah In! Haha. Yes, he does have chemistry with everyone! A male equivalent of Ha Ji Won. And speaking of HJW, I want to see them together in a movie or drama, too.
Oh my god, a Ha Ji Won and Song Joong Ki pairing would make me explode from happiness. My screen would melt from the heat. Please, please, please let that pairing happen.
I can’t quite see them together. Ha Ji Won looks her age and SJK looks even younger than his…
@Rina: I think HJW looks younger than her age, but it would definitely have to be acknowledged as a noona-dongsaeng romance. The age difference couldn’t just be ignored like it was in The King 2 Hearts…although I remember that people were dubious about her pairing with Lee Seung Gi, and look what that brought us :).
Teehee. I was waiting for someone to mention his chemistry with Geol Oh. 🙂
@ rearwindow, I guess that would be reasonable. I’ve kind of had it with noona-dongsaeng romances though. Why is it that Korean writers all seem to latch on to a topic at the same time? Maybe this is just my Western perspective showing but I’ve never seen the big deal about such relationships. Yeah, they’re pretty uncommon, but a few years here or there shouldn’t be a deal breaker.
Me encanta ver a Songo Joon Ki por un momento tan distendido, relajado luego de verlo en Nice Guy.
Él y el elenco son siempre tan feliz que no puedo creer cómo pueden ser asi, con toda la tensión in el drama.
To me, he and MCW are the perfect OTP. That’s probably because MCW is one of my favorite actresses. xD
So damn cute.
Thanks for the pics.
She looks like a little girl.. They look cute in the pics, never seen them onscreen, so I wonder about the chemistry. My favorite SJK pairing has to be MCW. Cute is pretty easy to achieve but they look intense together..
Yes, I agree. They actually look…similar. Don’t you think? So cute!
still SJK & MCW all the way baby! I really see some attraction! <3 For me, it looks like he just treats PBY as his dongsaeng
Oppa never looked better, they look so pretty!
Joong Ki and Bo Young were absolutely amazing together in Wolf Boy! When you actually see the movie, you will see what I mean.
Though I really thought Bo Young looked like Moon Geun Young at times in the movie…
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Yehaa, The Notebook en versión coreana seria excelente … aunque no se si con ella… pero definitivamente el si seria el personaje principal….el es muy lindo