
Nice Guy Episode 13 Recap — 39 Comments

  1. Ah, this drama is gonna kill me I swear! So when Maru finally openly loves her and forgets jae hee, eun gi forgets him?! Lee kyung hee better know what she’s doing. And I’m still expecting my happy ending!
    Thanks for the recap, Ms Koala!

  2. I just hope someone will makes Ma Ru Realise his life not only fill with everyone problem’s. His action, reaction, decision, has always been driven by someone’s problem. His sister, Jae Hee, and now Eun Gi. Poor boy, I just want to scream to him you for once have to think your own desire, your own goal, etc. Be selfish for once. I don’t have enough tissues to cry for you for the rest of the drama, Maru-yaaah.

    • Yes, to this: “I just hope someone will makes Ma Ru Realise his life not only fill with everyone problem’s.”
      He needs to become himself finally. Someone somewhere suggested he go back to med school and finish. That is, if he doesn’t die.

  3. i can’t believe jae hee sat there and watched eun gi eat food that was poisonous to her, even offering her more. if the maid hadn’t come by, she might had gone into full blown anaphylaxis!
    i’m not very fond of this new-found amnesia and i hope there’s a clever plot twist in there somewhere. right now NG is doing very well story wise and the last thing i want is for it to develop into a bumbling mess

  4. thanks KOALA.. you are so fast… just cant barely why this drama so really great.. love Kang Maru and Soe Eun Gi.. perhaps they will be together in every way they could.. MCW plays her role so perfectly.. and why SJK become so handsome and mature in this drama.. cuz as I know he usually had cute childish face once..

  5. I really really really hope Eun Gi is just faking it. In fact, I think this could help her gain the upper hand in all of this, by pretending to be weak and vulnerable. I am just really tired of her suffering and I’m ready for Jae Hee to get her comeuppance. I don’t think she’s completely evil, but it’s clear she’s beyond selfish and willing to do anything to obtain any little thing she feels she’s entitled to.

    On the other hand I wouldn’t be completely disappointed if Eun Gi HAS somehow forgotten Maru. During his voice over in episode 12, it was stressed that no matter what he’s done to push this girl away, she’s come back to him. Now when he’s finally openly loving her and literally and figuratively holding onto her, she doesn’t even know who he is. Even though I love Maru now, remembering how awful he treated her, part of me is like, “You brought this on yourself.”

  6. I agree that Maru should find his own purpose in living.
    I love how he’s opening up his feelings towards Eun Gi. But Eun Gi doesn’t recognize him ): This is depressing…and that’s why melodramas are melodramas. sighhhh
    Still love this drama though! Everything about it is FANTASTIC
    and thanks koala for the recap!! I love reading your recaps! Seriously.

  7. koala sis you are so awesome! fast, super fast recaps does makes all your fans happy.

    i think there is so little that happened on ep13. although i love it that a lot in the emotional front unfolded. first scenes showed us the happiness of Maru and EG. the remaining episode made my heart bleed for Maru already. i am really afraid of what will happen with him. the hematoma is already there but i wish that he should do something about it. i agree with you that Maru should find his purpose in life not dependent on any person. with that he can move on with his life and make a life with Eun Gi. the last scene made me cry so much already. 🙁

    anyways, i posted this on the written preview of 14, hope you guys will like this.

  8. Thanks for filling in the blanks, and your thoughts about this episode.

    I am hoping that it isn’t amnesia on top of amnesia.
    I know people disassociate when faced with dangerous situations, and wall off the horrible incidents creating a second “personality” with separate memories.
    It seems that the writer wants us to believe that faced with harmful (to her happiness) memories of Maru, that EG is blocking ALL memories of Maru.
    It could be a trick for cliff-hanger purposes.
    What I hope is happening is that EG is only asking metaphorically, “Really, whothefrick are you, Maru? Why did you approach me? What relationship did you have with Jae Hee?” and that she didn’t blank on him. She just wants to reckon her picture of Maru as good, kind, helpful to the bad things JH is saying and has said about him.
    That would be too much amnesia to me.

    • This drama is turning into brain injury central. It would have been more apropos for the Chairman to die from a stroke instead what appears to be a heart attack. It shouldn’t be called Nice Guy or Innocent Man, this drama would fit the Brain name even better.

      If I spoofed this drama I’d have Dr. Jin’s brain baby show up in Eun Gi’s brain, hence the memory loss, and then the baby would give her superpowers so she could zap people around that piss her off. She’s telekenetic AND an amnesiac.

      I don’t think she’s faking double amnesia, but I need her to buck up and allowss those memories to come back so she can work through it. The only thing she needs to work through is that conversation on the beach right before the accident, everything else about Maru she’s already accepted before and will again.

      • The conversation on the beach will be crucial to all of this fear she-won’t-love-him-if-she-knows-everything.
        She KNEW everything. She LOVES him.
        It’s gonna be interesting to see how we finally get there, because they keep making the TUNNEL the edge of my brain, just out of sight memory she keeps trying to retrieve.

        PS LOVED how she dissed the little bro right away when he did something that bothered her. It really is the same EG behind all that memory loss!
        I think THAT relationship – EG accepting little ES as her family that will melt us all and allow her to finally forgive [fill-in-the-blank] her father, Jae Hee, her mother.

        Ooooh! That makes me wonder, what if they decide to kill off JH. Like she dies protecting EG for some twist of fate reason?

      • Jin’s Brain fetus… LOL.
        Seems we are still have severe trauma to be jinned…^^
        Thank you Ms. K for the recap!

  9. Thanks so much for the new ep. RECAP….. I don’t understand why Writter-nim decide to made EunGi a far more memoryless person??

    Could someone care to explain :S THANKS SO MUCH ☻☻♥♥♥♥

  10. dear writer-nim

    I want to say thanks because at least you gave us the happiest moment to our OTP in last two episodes. it is ok if you want them suffer for the next episode but pleaseeeeee make it a happy ending for them.


    ms.koala thank you so much for this..I’ve been visit your blog since BIG drama and always impressed by your comment for every episodes. ^^

  11. dear writer-nim

    I want to say thanks because at least you gave us the happiest moment for our OTP in last two episodes. it is ok if you want them suffer for the next episode but pleaseeeeee make it a happy ending for them.


    ms.koala thank you so much for this..I’ve been visit your blog since BIG drama and always impressed by your comment for every episodes. ^^

  12. Was one more episode of all happy Maru & EunGi time to much to ask for? The breakfast scene will have to hold me through. I’m so anxious for what will happen next.

  13. It’s an amnesia… within an amnesia! It’s like Memento and Inception’s lovechild XD

    I have yet to watch this episode so I can’t comment much. I just have one wish for this show, though. I wish that once Eun Gi regains her memories, she and Maru will still have a happy OTP moment/date. Since in their first date(in Aomori), she was unaware that he was just deceiving her; and in their second date(end of episode 12) she was unaware of their past, of what led them to that point even though Maru is sincere with his feelings. I just want the OTP to have a date wherein Eun Gi is fully aware of herself(what she used to be)and of Maru’s feelings. ;A;

    • That and some steamy boating. This drama //needs// one… MCW and SJK have set the screen on fire with their sizzling chemistry from their first scene together, it would be such a waste if we don’t get any action. And for the plot. Of course, for the plot.

  14. I hope this drama aren’t turning into Bad Guy.

    I’m not keen on how Maru suddenly can be part on business management when he didn’t have a any qualification and experiences. It just feeling forced and for the sake of narrative plot.

    • Don’t forget that Maru was a third year medical student with a pretty high IQ (300, I think). He’s probably a very quick study and with Jae Gil’s help, he was able to gain understanding of the business in a short period of time.

  15. i think her memory went back to before she met Maru…it can’t be that she has amnesia on top of amnesia LOL…or else why would she be acting that way without recognizing maru…she’s back to her cold self

    • Usually Amnesia aside being a mental illness, caused by PTSD or other psychological factor, it can be used as a defense mechanism as indicated by Dr. Hyuk. So in her case what caused her amnesia was a traumatic event that was painful like the scene by the beach we all watched between EG and KM, but under the latest stage of the drama Kang Maru has not being mean to her but protective and loving why would she want to forget that? I hope the writer knows what she is doing…otherwise she may loose EG character in her plot to a point of no return…that will be sad to such a great drama thus far

  16. Same writer.

    ATLK, Kang Bok Gu – looks and physical strength, all the women fell in love with him; girl talked to a doll

    NG, Kang Ma Ru – looks and brains, all the women fell in love with him; girl talked to a doll

    Brain injuries in both dramas.



  17. I expecting “who are you?” means she is confused about two opposite Ma Ru personality she has been witness. Her pain ful memory has awaken, And perhaps it will hide her good memories with Maru for awhile.This situation is even worse for Maru’s stand point.
    But it just my speculation.

  18. Thank You for your awesome blog on this Amazing Korean drama, to which Im totally addicted to beyond what’s “Normal”. The comment I have to say is that I’m really hoping the writer knows what she is doing and treats the subject of Amnesia with the due respect that it deserves,not to make fun of the illness or to make fun of the viewers that don’t know anything about it. I never heard of Amnesia on top of Amnesia. In Eun Gi’s case Im really hoping that she is really amnesiac as a defense mechanism as Dr. Suk Min Hyuk has indicated rather that she is faking it…Personally, I will take that as insulting the audience that is viewing the drama and EG using it to her own selfish motives. That would make EG worst that HJH. Within the parameters of EG’s character, I would rather her be a bratty girl, dominant, temperamental character that went crazy out of love as she thought of Kang Maru worth that much to her than a calculating, selfish character like HJH. I would like a happy ending on this drama especially after all the trauma im going through now, week to week waiting for the next episodes…It would be nice to see them both back to normal fighting together as a team against HJH and her Dog, oops Attorney, Ahn Min Young.

  19. helo ms koala..i’m always visited your site..thanks so much for recapping my fave kdrama as of this time..your really the best..cant help my self to not give a comment in this episode..really shocked at end of this episode..
    just my speculation..maybe Eun gi already regain her memory before she knew Maru that’s why she doesn’t know him or as you said she regain it but faking it..can’t wait for the subbed video for this episode..hehehe..tnx so much again ms. koala..

  20. even if JH is the president EG still has majority of the company with her shares. i just don’t get it, so JH is fighting over for what exactly the title?

    • EG can take it back since she is the main heir.
      The Board that voted to take EG off that one project can do the same against JH with cause.

  21. that evil witch! go ahead and tell the whole world! KANG MARU WILL JUST TELL THE WHOLE WORLD THAT YOU ARE THE REAL KILLER! ha ha take that! gosh somebody strike the evil witch’s stupid lawyer too hate his guts, seems like he gonna take over jae hee spot too, he’s planning something and he goes around like he already the boss. that would be awesome if he betray jae hee!!! lol. Eun Gi will regain all her memories and feel all the emotion she had and then realized that wat Maru told her before the accident was a lie, he do truly love her long time but was hiding that fact away from her.

  22. I really really hope Eun gi just faking it her act. She just want to see if Maru really love and care for her or not for this time. This drama killing me softly and slowly! Jeongmallll -,-

  23. to put it in another way, Eun Gi’s confusion in the final scene of the episode may be her way of expressing her doubts and well, confusion. She is confused by all the sudden memories that come rushing back to her. She is hinted by Jae Hee that she should know best that Maru initially approached her with an ulterior motive. And that she has a piece of memory having coffee with Joon Ha while he spills to her about Maru and what he’s really up to. All of these sums up to her knowing well enough to stay away from him. Like how she decided in the very first place that she needed to break up with Maru since she knows that he’s not in love with her but just using her. Once again, it’s still Eun Gi being protective of herself. She knew better than to just jump straight into an oncoming train. But that is merely my own speculation… hee~

  24. Amnesia on top of amnesia?!??!?
    Blah, this drama’s storyline is getting more ridiculous by the minute. And don’t even get me started on the music and the acting…

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