
Video Preview for Episode 15 of Miss Rose — 24 Comments

  1. Loved the episode!!! It really was a great mix of what MR does so well, the humorous and the sweet!! The kiss was so sweet, loved the looks on SY and CK’s faces afterwards!

    And SJ and XK were cute as well! Happy to see XK pop up again!

    • I don’t mind it go 33 ep as long as ck & SY maintain their sweet times together and that they both love ea other a lot. No ones can disrupt them regardless whether YC or witch Viv attempting to invade into Ck & SY. Bai do bu sheng. As long as the OTP is not being contaminated with the 2nd leads poisons. Hehehe…

    • 33 seems like an awful lot of plot to fill.
      OG wasn’t that long and it slowed down a mite towards the end…

      Unless, of course, we get to see their wedding, honeymoon, children, etc. I’d be fine with that!

      • Yup! Yup! This is good suggestion. Date, marry, honeymoon and producing kids. Humm… Similar to KR drama, “family honor” by Park Shi Hoo. Hehehe…

  2. Thank god mom finally realized to put Cheng Kuan’s happiness in front everything else.
    Cheng Kuan’s candid admission of “I like Luo Si Yi” to mom in the car was direct and non-dramatic moment which i like.
    Love this episode all-in-all!


    okay. I just watched the preview six times, and I have not watched episode 14 yet. I just thought to myself. I need some uplift after grading freshmen essays (yes, it does seem like I am always grading freshmen essays!), and look Miss Rose news. And great news at that. An excellent episode already airing (with the promise of dramafevr people franitcally subbing it as we speak) and this adorable preview. The laughter at the orphanage I have watched even more. Finally. I hope Chen Kuan’s mother is really making a change of heart as everyone is saying. She has got to notice how very little he smiles. He smiles and laughs with SI Yi and the orphans. Maybe they should just run and orphanage.

      • Yes. I am a professor at a small university, and I tell my students they should make sure to come during my office hours for help to save me from my drama addiction. Last year, I had something up on dramafever when a student came in to ask me to take a look at the draft of her paper. I read through it, but when I wanted to talk to her she actually shushed me! She had been reading the subtitles on the screen while she was waiting, and she said that she really wanted to find out what happened. You don’t know how many students have come to confess. . .How they had their laptops taken away when they were in high school. How they promised their parents not watch any dramas during the semester. etc. It is very funny.

      • Ms. Trotwood, here is a brief summary for u on the part of Viv’s dad. Of course I can’t translate good like Ms. Koala, but just a bit to fulfill your craving… J/k…

        V.’s Dad asks CK ‘s mom to help by telling her to convince her to be engaged with V.

        Mom said “let not intervene the younger generation’s relationship. Love relationship can not be forced.” So yes she helps her son as she knows her like SY.

        2nd part
        Ck is suppose to have an interview with a new prospective company’s CEO at the restaurant, he waited and waited, at the end, v’s dad shows up. The dad says to ck, you are a grown up now; your wings r firmed & can fly and that u r so rush to fly away from me. I have spent so much efforts to train & support you. Do you think u can fly away from me this easily kiddo? Don’t u think u may regret in resigning later on in the future?
        ck says: this the best decision for everyone.
        Dad: r u sure u have no feeling w/ V? The gov’t case is now settled. You don’t have to resign. Come back to work for me. 2ndly, V really love u, can u give her a 2nd chance.
        Ck says: she doesn’t love me.
        Dad: she is my daughter, i know her and she told me that she love you and she is willing to change for u. She is very sad.
        Ck says: I don’t want to see her sad because of me.
        Dad: then you give her another chance; try to workout with her. If it doesn’t work out, then I won’t bother u a again. This is a favor I’m asking from u please.

  4. I had to watch it raw, too, but it was very sweet.

    Love how CK reacts after the fake-out head turn/second kiss – that NEVER gets old! His “Yaaaaay!” cheer was all Roy.

      • no school because of the hurricane (east coast U.S.)and instead of studying Korean, I watched it raw, too. Hey, I figured I can study even if we lose power, but I cannot watch Miss Rose without it. Plus, I will be doing research all afternoon.
        I loved the kiss and applauded through every single scene (oh except for the one’s with Vivian’s dad; I really need the subs to figure this one out). My daughter now just laughs indulgently at me. But the kiss!! oh, and I just love Si Yi’s family.

      • Yup, CK & SY are lovely, seam like 3 more kisses coming up ep 15. 1 in rice field, 1 at SY’s home at night and 1 at coffee shp oe convenient store. Aha… I love them so much…

        Ms. Trotwood too bad that u are in east coast. Hope everything be ok for u & family. If you were to be west coast, California perhaps, same home town as go go Giant, world champion series, we can watch the drama together and we can share the enjoyment together as no one at home nor my friends like to watch dramas.

      • Thanks, Pearl, for the good wishes. I am fine and have yet to lose power, but that is not true for everyone else in my town. Thanks also for the dialogue translation between Vivian’s Dad and CK. Does he really believe that Vivian loves CK? More importantly, do we?

        As you said, I wish I could watch this show with someone. Squealing by myself is not the same as squealing, high fiving, and clapping with a group. I love how so many people here in Koalaland admit to applauding at the screen during this show. Glad to know I am not the only one.

      • Ms. Trotwood,
        Yes, you are right on the koalasgroup. I can’t find anyone around me to discuss about tw dramas except koalasgroup.

        No, I don’t think Vivian loves CK, but more of that she can’t afford nor stand to loose for SY whom she thinks is an old maid and low class, just a screw secretary than herself.

        It’s kind of sad for those who are single women in their 30s, start to be considered as an old maids in many countries in Asia. Over here in the U.S., 30s are stills considered young and energetic, still very attractive to many men.

    • Love how he reacted BEFORE the kiss as well. The bike race cracked me up; I just KNEW something that silly would occur, lol.

  5. Just came from watching ep 13. Thank goodness no one was around to witness all the clapping and giggling. OMG how good was today. Seriously. It was so good. Papa Luo was absolutely hilarious. Don’t you guess find it funny his first confession was in front of the dad. The first couple kiss was in front of a whole group of people. Appreciate a good episode without the shrill yelling.
    I didn’t see wrongly right? He was on her bed? Really… like really?????

  6. AHHH loved the motorcycle date! I’m looking forward to Roy showing off the Hello Kitty shirt next episode, lolol. Also very pleased that Shengjun and Xiaoke got some screentime together this episode… Paul Hsu is so darned cute in this drama it’s ridiculous.

  7. Ck showed his being courteous when asking papa lou to grant his request to have a date with his daughter SYwhich is seldom happens nowadays

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