
Nice Guy Episode 19 Recap — 46 Comments

    • I haven’t picked my “favorite” drama this year. Witness I wrote that Nice Guy is the “best” drama I’ve watched all year. It may or may not be my favorite. I’ll keep coy on that one……… 😉

  1. Regarding JH: She’d rather commit suicide than go to prison for unintentionally killing someone. She’d rather her lover go to prison for that unintentional killing than give up being a reporter. IDK, I feel like she was conniving and manipulative from the get go to escape her bad beginnings. Her self preservation always won out over morality. That’s just plain selfish and self-serving.

    Maru’s outpouring of verbal self castigation rubbed me the wrong way and left me with a bad taste in my mouth. We are all responsible for our own actions and choices. True, we may be influenced by others choices, but in the end it is OUR choice, our decision. So we must accept personal responsibility for those choices and not blame anyone. So for Maru to blame himself for how matters turned out with JH and EG, I don’t buy it. Then to sacrifice himself for JH, what’s the motivation. Because he feels responsible? I’ll have to think this over some more.

    I found it interesting that the pocket watch, has the word “innocent” engraved in the face. Meaning what? You can’t turn back the clock to a more innocent time and REDO, DO OVER?

    It’s been a brilliant drama and the actors have done a superb job. And thank you Ms. Koala for your recaps and your hard work. See you tomorrow.

    • “Maru’s outpouring of verbal self castigation rubbed me the wrong way”
      Me, too! I was squirming at his self-flagellating “if only I hadn’t…” Cause HE didn’t kill the guy. SHE did.
      Add on the pretty picture he had painted for their could-have-been-future to make me even more uncomfortable.
      I was yelling “NO!” to JH after he asked her “Would you have been happy?”
      Wasn’t she already involved with the Chairman at that point? Hadn’t she already made a choice away from Maru? He just didn’t know it.

      Do you think he was counting on JH turning down his offer? He MUST have been expecting that she wouldn’t accept him if he didn’t love her. If not, why did he seemingly change his mind during that convo with EG about following her all over.
      (Loved that scene, btw)

      I know this Show has been smarter than me the whole series, and I realize I cannot see what the writer has up her sleeve for the finale, but I don’t get THIS KMR. I still love him, but he is making me think too much.

      • If you guys remember the preview for episode 19, specifically this portion:

        Jae-Hee: Will you die with me?
        Maru: If you want to die, you go ahead and die alone. I’m not going to die. Why would I? I’ve done nothing wrong.

        Actually, half of what has been shown in the preview was not shown in episode 19. I don’t know if this is Maru crying wolf again but it has a lot of bearing to what he said during the bench scene.

        I was kind of taken a back as well on that scene because Maru was feeling all responsible all over again. The reason why we even have a story right now is because he was feeling too involved in everything and he wants to do it all over again. The worse thing to that is Jae Hee never countered that claim. She just cried and felt happy (probably) that she has her lap dog back to her.

        Since I watched the show last night without sub (couldn’t understand Korean at all) and now that I’ve read what are being said, 2 scenes struck me and find compelling:

        Jae Hee’s line: Why do all people feel responsible over my life?

        and Maru asking Eun Gi to run away.

        The thought may not be delivered well because it sounds as if she’s still blaming others for what happened to her, but Jae Hee’s starting to own up to her decisions. She’s finally recognized that everything was due to her own decision.


        Maru. It’s the first time he felt helpless; he felt that he couldn’t control the situation anymore. And he decided to have a permanent time break from all the shit he has been doing for the past couple of years. He wants to run away and start all over again. Honestly, it’s the best decision he ever made during the whole run. Hah.

  2. Just make sure your laptop has enough battery power for recapping tomorrow’s episode while on a flight. But if that is not possible, do not worry. After all, real life is more important.

  3. fighting unnie ^_^
    we always wait for ur fast recap, especially me 🙂
    I know u can do that.
    hope ur work will run well in DC.
    thanks for recaps that u did, I appreciate.
    God bless 🙂

  4. Thanks for the recap.
    I don’t know what to think right now.
    I want EG to say, “YES!” to Maru’s offer to run away, but something tells me she won’t…
    It isn’t their only chance at happiness, but it sure would be easier than having to face all the chaos I am sure we will see in the final ep.

    This is all making me nervous, and when that happens, I rhyme.

    Time bomb ticking in his head.
    Will he or won’t he soon be dead?
    Last I heard his odds were good
    Had he fixed it when he should.

    But now? Will his hematoma blow?
    Or can Maru escape this woe?
    When will Eun Gi know he’s sick?
    (And when can we kill Ahn, that prick?)

    I cannot wait for this finale.
    I don’t want one like that in Bali.
    Let Maru and Eun Gi end up happy
    And Lawyer Ahn end up crappy.

  5. I’m more than convinced that it would be a happy ending, Eun Gi would eventually give up Tae San, as the still images that shown previously suggests.

  6. Thanks Ms. Koala for the speedy recap.. i love NG and can’t wait for tomorrow.. but I am nervous about the ending… knowing the track record of the writer… hope the ending not similar to MISA or a love to Kill…. a happy ending would be great.. but i would be happy with an open ended ending.. but just don’t kill off Maru.. or another romeo juliet type of ending…

    can’t wait…

  7. Thanks for the recap, Koala! 19 episodes later, I think I’m finally beginning to understand these really, really flawed characters. Kudos to Writer Lee, indeed.

    “…but having spent so long with such well-written characters makes me care about their fictional lives and I want a happy ending to give me a peace of mind.” — Same here. I am so emotionally exhausted on their behalf that I just want a satisfying conclusion and see them happy and at peace for once, so that I can finally let them go as well.

  8. Wow so cool. Maru tries attracting Eun Gi. He tries to show his love by his own way. So that the rockhead Eun Gi will realize it. Whether it will be happy ending or the contrast, I hope the ending will be great. Thanks for share 🙂

  9. You know Miss K, thanks to you a ton! Having read your recap is one of life’s leisure called ‘me time’ and no other reviews; recaps; analysis; point of views or whatever that is better than reading yours here, because your recaps have hooked me since the early episodes of NG.. well give me something for this superfluous compliments, will ya?? LOL

    There’s not much to say, here in ep 19, I’m already planning for the anticipation, mentally prepared for the even the saddest ending ever. They say…things that are kept in your head are the ones that will kill you. You wish you could say all of that out…but you can’t…that’s the worse feeling of all. Maru, Eun Gi and Jae Hee have been in a long misunderstanding, and what they have is an abnormal interaction. Even normal one may cause faulty communication, yet conflicts here really worsen the problem. You’re right Miss K, Maru’s trapped in his own bad choice in the past. He might know what the right choice is, but he had the desire to make the wrong one. Now it’s all about consequences. Until he takes a full responsibility, understands his choices (he’s doing it in this ep), or apologize and explain (this is definitely impossible), the ending will be much more appropriate whether it’s about Maru to die, amnesiac, or worse than any options…

    I must give my 4 thumbs to Lee Kyung Hee :). She portrayed all those feelings and dramas in a way we could all relate in real Life. She had us twirled around her fingers with every episode…tugged at our heartstrings…and she does that in the form of our beloved KANG MARU & SEO EUNGI (and their choice of actors are awesome as well).. What more can be said? She’s perfect! 🙂

    Again, thanks Miss K, you’ve worked hard!

  10. I don’t like this episode.. Because I felt that Jae Hee is told that she is not responsible for her decisions; it’s Maru whose decision to save Jae Hee made her like this. Seriously? That’s bs. Jae Hee is not a kid and can decide her life by herself. Yes, Maru shouldn’t have done that, and that decision had a big impact on his life. He should reflect on that. Jae Hee’s downhill downhill journey from there is not Maru’s fault!! I just don’t like that convo…

    And there’s no remorse from Jae Hee. I don’t like Mau’s condition, either. Maru believes he needs to give her an incentive (that he will stay by her forever) to make her turn herself.. For a person like that I don’t have any sympathy. She is not doing it to do the right thing or repent.

    • yup!!i totally agree wif ur opinion..jaehee can turn to maru long way back before as soon as they meet up..she is not a child anymore,can differentiate the right and wrong!as what to maru had said before anyone can be like her but bcoz they do not want to stoop as low as what she did,they resist maru not be the one to be totally blamed of..

      i think jae hee is really selfish soon as she is fully trapped by the situation,she want to return to maru..we have to consider about the poor eungi as well..she fully loves maru from the start and always waiting for him..

  11. I really dislike how Maru is acting this last episodes.

    Makes me so angry, if he does die I won’t even cry or feel bad, afterall it is his OWN fault. It isn’t like SJS’s character that couldn’t even do surgery to not die.

  12. Maru’s medical condition…I’m assuming is a subdural hematoma. This type of hematoma is deadly when it’s at the acute phase, but if it’s subclinical or chronic, it is less of a threat. Judging from how long he has been dealing with the problem it’s pretty safe to say that he has the chronic variety (uhm…no explosions I think. He needs surgery and possibly rehabilitation after and he’s good a new…unless something goes wrong.

    Thank you Captain for the recaps, I enjoy reading them. I’m not much into melodramas but NG reeled me in.

  13. And by the way.. I think it fits the idea of its story if there’s a song of Dido (White Flag) put in this episode..

    (music)..I know you think that I shouldn’t still love you,
    Or tell you that.
    But if I didn’t say it, well I’d still have felt it
    where’s the sense in that?..I promise I’m not trying to make your life harder or return to where we were
    I will go down with this ship
    And I won’t put my hands up and surrender
    There will be no white flag above my door
    I’m in love and always will be

    I know I left too much mess and
    destruction to come back again
    And I caused nothing but trouble
    I understand if you can’t talk to me again
    And if you live by the rules of “it’s over”
    then I’m sure that that makes sense… (music)

    I think it fits Maru’s personality best; weak inside but look strong and tough outside.. 😀

  14. Ms Koala thank you for the recap. Our journey through NG was enhanced with your commentaries. I seldom thank you for your recaps as I rarely post but lately is a different matter. That said, I’m off to hibernate and enjoy your blog in the background…in others words (stalking, lol)

  15. This is really a worst episode, made me bored..! How about the rating for this episode?

    I hope LJH can finish this drama with a good script although it’s sad ending.

  16. I have to say the part of this episode that got to me was Jae Hee’s talk with her son. I know it was low key and the kid basically said everything we’ve all been saying since the first episode, but gosh does it encapsulate the notion of innocence that has been running through out the story. Every single character has been acting like a child, running after what they want without a thought of the consequences, hiding what they should’t, taking on responsibility that they can neither understand nor belongs to them, and worst of all unable to express their emotions just like a baby. As many have said in the past, we associate childhood and the behaviours children display with purity. Each character (yes even Maru) was pure in their actions, be it for self satisfaction, out of anger, hatred, in search of security and even in love, they all sought after and tried to protect what was important to them in their own true-to-self way, and purity can be defined as such. However, childishness and purity do not equate innocence, and so the only person who could make a clear cut decision and say what needed to be said to these lost adults is a child, who still has that elusive innocence because he has yet to be burdened with the baggage and choices one carries as they grow into adulthood.

  17. Have a great trip in DC! *hugz*

    I’m finally, tardily up to speed. With every ep of late hammering in MR is dying/will die/be stabbed multiple times by many of them…I can’t see him dying. It seems too easy a penance for the mistakes he’s been making and he’s been operating on a too simple, single-lined thought of undoing a wrong = back to innocence and start anew.

    I don’t see/want MR+EG happening, MR is soo drained and fedup and harboring a clinical depression. There is always a switch missing btn them when they truly heck it all and put it in action instead of waxing poetics may it be anger sex or its equivalent of consummation. I need some irrational abandon, really losing his mind, when he’s not preoccupied by all his schemes and martyrdom. As of now, they r off an arm’s reach of what I call falling, with MR’s saintly notion of for her good and protection keeping them a door apart.

    Death is not the way to repaying sins, nor turning back clocks. I can see them all or in any combination dying, but that will be too tired a Kdrama cliche.

  18. Thank for the recap 🙂

    As a med student, I just want to clarify: Maru´s hematoma seems to be a chronic bleeding in the brain and it won´t ever “explode”, that would be an aneurysm. But often it keeps growing and therefore the condition gets worse the longer it is not treated. Sorry for the smart-assery, lol.

  19. I am a little disappointed in this episode because it feels like the mess that they are trying to make us believe feels contrived. It doesn’t seem as believable that joon ha should worry quite so much about something his father had done. It doesn’t seem as believable that jae hee would still think that kang ma ru could switch his feelings to accommodate her demands. It all seems contrived, made to look bigger and messier than what it is.. But not so convincingly this time

    I still look forward to the finale and overall it’s been really compelling. I hope the finale will ring true for me. That’s the most important part. Not so much who is with whom and who dies etc

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