
Final Set of Lighthearted BTS Stills from Nice Guy — 29 Comments

    • “I’m sorry. I’m currently out. For those who have urgent matters, please call me. Seo EG xxxxxxx” <– (phone number)

      • At first when I saw the X’s on your translation, I was thinking “Kisses!” which made me LOL at the turnabout from how we met SEG!

  1. *sigh*
    Thanks for the extended collection of nice faces.
    So nice to see MCW smiling a LOT.
    I agree that it ended when it needed to and I feel satisfied with the whole story.
    I will miss seeing SJK’s beautifulness, but if IMY does what I hope it does: Put YESH! on my screen. That will fill the pretty void.

    Dude- Doesn’t My Joong ki have a major Park Shi Hoo ‘do in the 3rd from the bottom photo?

  2. Thank you for posting this pics!
    It was such an amazing drama! I think I will rewatch it sometimes.
    Perhaps it seems to be a dumb question. And I know I read this before. But what does BTS mean?

  3. I do miss them but I’m already looking forward to seeing what MCW and SJK pick next….I really hope MCW picks a fluffy romcom nxt!!

    • Wanna see MCW on badass mode again well may be action drama but rom-com is a must for her too (no more melo dear you need a rest). I love her smile so action rom-com should be good. What a pity the timing is not right if only she was cast in Secret Agent with JW I will super happy.

  4. thank you for these! it’s nice to see so many smiling faces under NICE GUY

    I don’t plan to watch IMY but will tune in only for my baby Yoo Seung Ho ^ ^
    can’t wait for Park Si Hoo .. counting my minutes….tick tock…

  5. I miss NG! I love that the cast gets along well behind the cameras as well. I am so happy that I stumbled upon this drama. I have sworn off kdramas since nothing ever held my interest long enough. But NG brought me back to loving it. I hope that something good will come up soon. I will swear off melos since NG, for me, is enough for now. I will forever love SJK and MCW because of this series. I wish them more success and hope to see them in future projects together.

  6. Awww, cuties! I miss them. Looking forward for their next projects! MCW seems like such a nice person to have aroud, always calm and caring and smiling in the pictures, while still holding a professional vibe. I didn’t know much about her before, but now I love her! And SJK… I’ve always had an eye on him. And he proved me absolutely right with such an outstanding performance. Hope they work together in the future, although unfortunately K-entertainment industry isn’t fond of repeating pairings.

  7. huaaa.. i’m in process to let NG go and move on while waiting PSH in AC. but this still bring the NG feeling again.. i miss this drama. i hope my decision to watch MY for YSH’a sake can fill the empty side that take by NG.. MCW, i hope she will back to drama.. action maybe?

  8. thanks Ms. Koala…MCW such a beautiful smile..cant wait for her next drama/rom-com…the BTS shows how relax the main characters are with each other 🙂

  9. I already have my pair dream for SJK and MCW comeback..I miss them
    I think both MCW & SJK will be back in dramaland next year..
    and I dream to see noona dongsaeng pairing,Song Joong Ki-Ha Ji Won in rom-com..
    and of course the King & Queen of Saeguk pairing Kim Soo Hyun-Moon Chae Won in Saeguk..Please…,make my dream come true!!

    • i want to see KSH and MCW too, please kdramaland..
      i think there so many who want kim soo hyun to pair up with MCW.. and they will someday

      • Totally agree with both of you. Moon Chae Won has been my top fave since The Princess’ Man and I’m wishing for a best pair for her. But aside from pairing again with SJK and be with KSH, I like to see her again with LMH. She’s becoming good and good in her skill every year.

  10. Ms. Koala, just want to ask…..
    how come in my own opinion , Song joong Ki based on some interview, like Park Bo young more than Moon Chae Won?

    because he said,as what I understand, Park Bo Young is more approcable or he find Park Bo Young more comfortable than Moon Chae Won. With this I am so sad…. I like Song Joong Ki and Moon Chae won …and I hope they will become Kang Maru and Seo Eun Gi in real life…. i mean i hope Song Joong Ki will realized that he has feeling for mon Chae Won.

    • SJK has known PBY for years, so it is different. He didn’t say much about MCW and keep it as professional as possible. Not bad at all as he said he respects & admires her a lot for her professionalism and being a hard working actress.

      • thank you cleo for reply……

        i read from net also …that yesterday 21.nov.12, when MCW was interviewed, she said that she just realized that SJK was charming when she watched wolf boy after they finished NC.

        i hoped someday, SJK and MCW will like each other and become a couple for real….

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