
Flower Boy Next Door Episode 1 Recap — 31 Comments

  1. Thanks for the recap! Before now, the premise sounded fun and all the promised flower boys couldn’t hurt either. I had planned to add it to my see eventually list, but Park Shin Hye’s expressions made me feel sympathetic toward her character right away. There’s also alot of funny there that I won’t want to miss! What’s up with the new guy floating outside HER window?

  2. What a wonderful analysis!
    I loved all the characters thanks to some very natural acting that brought them alive. With so many of them, I had wondered if some would be superfluous but the writer and director did a wonderful job of producing a smooth cohesive and absorbing 45 min of drama. All show promise and are believable. Nothing seemed forced. The relationships are interesting.
    PSH was just great. She made the introverted girl so likeable. Just because she is a social recluse does not mean there are no positive aspects to her personality. I am really looking forward to the development of all the characters AND as this highly absorbing drama unfolds in the coming episodes.

  3. Park Shin Hye’s character kind of reminds me of the one Jung Ryu Won played in a movie called “castaway on the moon”, you know, the never leaving the apartment thing, the peeking out of the window, the room full of water bottles, etc…

  4. *doing my little happy dance of joy* I liked it, I really, really liked it! “Relaxed”, “cute without being precious”, spot on descriptions. I loved Dok Mi, Enrique is adorable, and Jin Rok has me seriously in danger of second lead shipping. If Enrique wasn’t exactly what DM needed in her life I might already be there.

  5. I pretty much enjoyed everything in this first episode, even the boring Perfect Boyfriend. LOL. The one who annoys me is the assistant/side-kick: I hope he will have another meaning in the story apart from sticking around. I like the mix of realistic and drama-esque. As expected, the actors are all good in their roles: PSH’s character is so close to me than I feel in good company.
    I’m so happy to have a good unpretentious show on the burner. *Sigh of relief*.

  6. I watched without subs and the first minutes i was like, crap i don’t get what they are saying, but then i got involved in the story. It was fun to watch and kjh’ s character is so cute, Enrique isn’t bad either…So far so f****** good.
    I hope it gets good ratings 🙂

  7. Thank you Koala Unni for the recap. I tried to watch the first episode without raws but the YouTube video was so fuzzy. I got so frustrated that I almost smash my iPad. I do hope viki get this license so I can watch it with subs.

  8. Can someone explain, what is the issues to make they protest? is it correlated with banner in the building at the beginning of episode??

    And who draw the cartoon pic in dokmi’s milk cartoon?

    This drama is really funny, but yet have secret stories
    Me like it 😛 😛

    • I think the story is rich so interesting I love secrets make me want more to know to reveal it like puzzle 😀
      Thank you koala for recap I am happy to start watching something cute, Funny,lovely and beautiful 😀

    • They were protesting the rising cost of utilities at their apartment.
      DM’s bills are low, we see, because she doesn’t use any!!

      • I mean demonstration conducted by all residents in that apartement. Do they ask about compensation?

  9. I watched it raw and boy I love it.Thanks for the recap ockoala I’m totally going to watch this till the end.I agree with you I did not like Flower boy Ramyun shop too..but this was quiet but so touching..Park Shin Hye totally convincing, can’t wait to know why she became recluse.Thanks again you’re awesome.

    • @greenp: ‘DOA’ means “Dead On Arrival” like they say in hospitals but in this case, the girl meant they have no good storyline for their ke’s not worthy enough, so don’t need to submit it..

      I really like it, thanks for the recap, we sure don’t know how long it’ll take for someone nice enough to sub it esp since Viki is still in ‘licensing’…sure hope it’ll be approved for North America…

      i must admit, all the guys are all ‘flower boy’ worthy…esp our second lead…i don’t know why I wanted to see JiHoon with ShinHye, I seem to prefer his looks and character than the bubbly main lead…but let’s wait and see because i know how great they are as dramatic actors…

  10. Oooh, just finished this one with the biggest smile on my face. It’s just so adorable and charming and cute and… I could go on forever! ^^ The cast is fantastic and has plenty of chemistry, and I’m already head over heels for the OTP. PSH is doing a great job portraying a rather complex carachter, and YSY is once again showing what a charismatic actor he is. Enrique is soooooo adorable! The scene where he greets his (boring!) cousin had me giggling. I wanna squeeze him!

    KJH is gorgeus and Jin Rak seems like a nice guy, but way too much classic 2nd lead-ish for me to root for. Will chatch up episode 2 to make further assumptions, but Seo Young was already able to annoy me in her 3 minutes of screen time, lol.

  11. Ep 1 is subbed up at Gooddrama, btw.

    Thanks for the recap! I liked the feel, too.
    PSH in this is playing big physical comedy, but doing a beautiful job here. Totally agree that overacting is not usually the actor’s fault. The director should have rehearsed his actors well enough before shooting and explained what he wants. I get the impression he is allowing the actors to be themselves as much as they can in their roles.

    The camera work is very fluid and efficient. I like how he frames the shots, and without changing what is IN the frame, tells the story by simply moving the focus very quickly from character to character.
    Result is without a lot of dialog, we learn things very quickly about the characters, with seemingly little effort.
    The actors and cameraman have to be in synch for this to work because the timing has to be spot on. The dynamics between the players must be clearly portrayed. There must be a lot of planning and storyboarding.
    I wonder if the fact that it came from a visual source, rather than a verbal one helps.
    (I know I am not doing a good job explaining this!!)

  12. Yay~This is subbed.

    I found this watch to be cute and fun. I rather like the oddball heroine and cast of characters orbiting her “village” in this episode. Let’s see what the future holds for her shall we? I hope good things.

    Her conversation with the man on the street [with no lens in his eyeglasses?] was intriguing….

    • The conversation was so cryptic, then personal, I thought she was imagining him for most of that scene.
      The no lens part was so funny.

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