
Gong Yoo, Lee Min Jung, and Suzy Promote Big in Japan — 16 Comments

  1. I was just reviewing some of my Big screenshots…sooo cute…
    And yes, Shin’s whole attitude as KJH sold the story’s concept. In the few scenes he had with LMJ, I truly believed she could fall for him.

    What is that weird stain looking thing across
    GY’s suit-front?
    I think Gong Yoo is best served with NO clothing, don’t you?

  2. Since Jomo and Denali would not let me give the industrialized package of socks I bought at Walmart to Kim Ji Hoon, can I give them to Gong Yoo? I am sure that he has been “mined” a thousand time over, so we can just be friends. I am only worried about how cold his ankles might be in the winter. That’s it people. Really that is all. He can have all my socks if he wants. I am plenty warmed by that smile. I’ll even take his suit to the cleaners for him.

    I must be old. I do not get the socklessness with suit thing, especially with short pants. We know that Gong Yoo has long legs. This makes his legs look short(er).

  3. I’m kind of hoping Big would be remade in Japan and that then the flaws could be cleared. Because I think Japan did a better work with their version of You’re beautiful (Ikemen desu ne)
    It started out good and then became a whole freaking train wreck,seriously I really love the Hong sisters so it was a big let down.

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