
Lee Yoo Bi Joins Gu Family Book as the First Love of Lee Seung Gi — 20 Comments

  1. It’s always a good thing when rookies get a shot, particularly actresses. I think she’ll be better than Suzy at least. Poor Han Chae Ah! Park Eun Bin has already been cast for the role that she left behind in Guam Heo Joon.

  2. I have always liked Kyun Miri since I saw her in both Jewel and Yisan, I didn’t know she had a daughter following in her footsteps. I think she was ok in Nice guy and I’m worried about this show, it seems to be packed with a lot of newbie, I hope they have serious actors in supporting roles to balance it out.

  3. Oooh. I like her, too. Looks like in this role she has to be a badder guy than in NG.
    Hopefully she learned from PSH on how to do “bad” without losing the audience’s sympathy.

  4. She might have connections, but I don’t feel she shouldn’t be acting and is only getting by on her mother’s fame. I liked her in NG. Not really her character, but you could tell she was a decent actress when used correctly. The side characters were so pointless the first half of the show you can hardly blame her, but I felt she came into her own near the end. Funny about her being 4 years older than Suzy since she looks about the same age. I’m interested in seeing her play a more sinister character in GFB.

  5. I was kind of surprised to hear she had some work done but I guess who hasn’t gotten anything done these days?

    But anyway, I like her. She seems like she has a lot of potential.

  6. I saw her in nice guy…..her acting was good…she looks so young ….hope she achieve success and acclaim with this drama….looking forward to “gu family book” …..just can’t wait for april the drama to air….lee seung gi come soon …..

  7. Hurray for a show where people are OVER their first loves and move on. Yippee. I was not sure I was going to follow this show as much as I like LSG (K2H Forever!), but I might watch just because of this.

  8. I don’t like her acting in Nice Guy but I’m willing to give her the chance. Maybe she’ll be good playing a villian. I can’t wait for this drama too. How I wish it’s April already!

  9. LOL i’m sorry this is the first i’ve heard of suzy being a cross dressing martial arts instructor… not that i don’t think she can pull off the martial arts part. this is going to be a wacky show!

  10. Lee Yoo Bi’s acting in Nice Guy was passable for me, I believe she has the potential. It’s refreshing that Lee Seung Gi is working with two younger actresses in GFB. But whoaa Lee Yoo Bi is 4 years older than Suzy? She definitely looks much younger.

    Didn’t know that Kyun Mi Ri is Lee Yoo Bi’s mother. She first impressed me as the antagonist Lady Choi in Dae Jang Geum, so hopefully she’ll give her daughter a very good pointer for her first sageuk drama.

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