
Flower Boy Next Door Episode 16 Baby Recap — 32 Comments

  1. This was such a sweet little drama. I do feel that Watanabe was a completely useless addition. At least Seoyoung and Taejoon (though boring) served more of an initial purpose. I’ll miss this gang and YSY’s red hair; black just doesn’t suit Enrique’s outgoing character as well.

  2. I have to agree with you that this drama is not the best Rom-Com but its mild and meaningful story line and a beautiful ending from your the pics you post..Thanks for you baby recap ,so off to watch the End of FBND..Awaiting for you next drama recap ..I am not watching any latest drama but I am following ‘Hundred years promise’ and ‘Horse healer’ and that is quite a handful for me.I only follow drama of my favorite actresses:PSH,LYW,YEH,KHS.

  3. Thank you for the whole recaps but half way start read from ep 6 to ep 16. I’ll off to watch ep 16 tonite with eng sub:-)Of course I’ll miss FDND after this 🙁 Thank you very much Koala’s Plaground:)

  4. Can’t believe it’s over! Just yesterday we were gushing over those Xmas promos and now 2 months have passed and it’s already time to say goodbye to the adorable characters we came to know and love. I’m not kidding when I say this show made my Mondays and Tuesdays brighter. It wasn’t downright addicting and I could get my work and real life moving, but the best part of the day was always sitting in front of the computer, watching those lovely 45 minutes, coming to this blog and commenting everything with you guys. Really, you are all awesome and I had the greatest time reading your opinions. Miss Koala, thank you for the wonderful recaps! They made the whole journey even more magical! 🙂

    I hate that it ended, but I loved the way it ended. It felt so sweet and satisfying, with every person getting their somehow happy ending. DM and Enrique proved once again how they are made for each other, Jin Rak got his own DM (hopefully this time he will step up his game, lol), awesome editor lady got her sweetheart AND her well-deserved +4 hours of sleep (seriously, she deserves a spin-off!), the security guard got his ahjumma, and Watanabe got… he got… well, he really didn’t have a purpose in the drama so he got to learn korean cuisine, I guess??? At least WE got to see his cute smile for one last time, lol.

    And thank God they didn’t:

    1) Try to redeem Do Hwi. She’s a spoiled brat and will forever be a spoiled brat. Bye.

    2) Remember to bring SY and TJ back. Couldn’t care less about those two! And apparently neither could the writer, lol. Although it would have been nice to see adorable Hippo once again (:

    And, lastly, THANK GOD they did:

    3) Get PSH to kiss properly!!! OMG, I wasn’t expecting that at all! YSY, you are a hero! You have succeded where every other actor had failed!!! 😀 Seriously, great kiss, guys! 😉

    Good-bye, chingus! Hope we get to watch another good drama together soon!

  5. whoa, your amazing Captain K. Your writing dedication is something to behold. Thank you soooooo much. What a beautiful journey I had with this drama and was made more special because of your recaps. Xiexie!

  6. I read your first page recap…..only then…I knew it would be safe to watch episode 16…I know I am a coward, but I have been disappointed numerous times….and after investing so many hours…I WANT a happy ending!

    I so enjoy watching anything with Yoon Si Yoon in it….loved Baker King: Kim Tak Goo and Me Too, Flower. Of course pairing up with Park Shin Hye, (another of my favourites)….it was sure to be a winner! Loved it all!
    Thanks a bunch Koala for your recaps 🙂

  7. and this is the end….omo…i will miss FBND…
    i totally love the ending because there were no loose ends..
    i love how her hair was blowing in that magical kiss…wish dokmi would have responded more to enriques’ kiss since it’s cable drama..
    i love that my Jinrok have found his dokmi2 and parkseyoung was the perfect twin to parkshinhye’s dokmi.
    the funny couple pd and donghoon was forever a big load of laughter.
    i love the tender forehead kiss the most…

    now, if only YSY had black hair like he had towards the end, i may have forever rooted for kegeum and dokmi instead of jinrok and dokmi…only because i thought he was more dashing in that black hair…don’t you think so ladies?


  8. thks for d rider Mrs. K
    I had thoroughly enjoyed it n was waiting in anticipation every week …sad dat it has ended but the whole ride was satisfying. …
    See you in another ride captain 🙂

  9. Sweet feelgood rom com! Just what I needed at the end of a hard day. Yes, he does look better with black hair. Every character in this show is endearing and I don’t even dislike the one bad character that much. Most enjoyable Ms K and it does belong in a quirky little class of its own.

  10. Thanks for the recap and for loving this drama as much as I do. Prior to FBND, didn’t know of YSY, so while waiting for the next episode I’ve discovered Baker King Kim Tak Gu and Me Too Flower.

    I can’t help but wish they’re actually a real life couple. They look good together. And if in real life PSY is more like Enrique and YSY is more like Go Dok Mi, it’s still a perfect fit. They’d complement each other. And didn’t PSY say in that Taxi show that YSY is her “ideal man?” But, I gotta stop these wishful thoughts, it is what it is…an ordinarily extraordinary romantic comedy with two good actors with awesome chemistry onscreen.

  11. I started watching this drama for Park Shin Hye. I ended up enjoying lot more than that which was an unexpectedly present surprise.
    1. It was more than a simple romantic comedy
    2. The characters were well developed and interesting.
    3. The cast was perfectly chosen with amazing acting by everyone ably led by YSY, Park Shin Hye, KHJ in the main roles and KSJ and PG in supporting ones.
    4. The dialogues and monologues have to be one of the best that I have seen in a Korean drama. They were delivered and expressed superbly by Shinhye, YSY and KHJ. It was as if they lived in their roles of DM, E and JR.
    5. Transition of DM was handled beautifully by the writer, director and Shin hye. Her acting has been a revelation to me …a great admirer of her talents. With just her eyes and expressions she has been extremely successful in showing the depth of emotions felt by DM. Similarly, YSY and KJH have really impressed. It was my first time watching them and was so impressed. The scenes involving all three have been memorable because of their acting
    6. The music was great.
    7. The setting of the drama, the apartment buildings with lived in rooms, their getup…..everything was well chosen.
    8. I loved the interactions between the characters. All of them ended for the better as people through their experiences with each other. It happened so smoothly that at the end it was beautiful to see the sincere and honest feelings that the characters had for each other.
    In all if I weigh all of this compared to what I consider minor weaknesses in the plot and a little lagging in pace in certain places, I would say that this drama not only provided entertainment but stimulated my mind to the extent that was very enjoyable. I would be curious all the time about the next moment because this drama has been unlike the typical one.
    For giving me endless moments of highly wonderful time watching this drama I thank the cast, writer, director and all the people in this forum. It has been fun reading the different perspectives and I marvel at the multitude of different thoughts that originated from watching just this one drama. It was an enlightening and enjoyable experience.
    Thank you for your super fast, great recaps and analysis, ockoala! 🙂

  12. Thanks for the baby recap! I was really happy while watching this drama, and the last episode didn’t disappoint me. I think all the main characters grew a little bit, and with the exception of our 2nd female lead, I don’t think anyone’s going to make the same mistakes again. Also how cute is Yoon Shi-yoon with black hair?!

    I loved Park Se-young’s cameo, since I’ve been a fan of hers since she played the queen in Faith. What a great surprise! Kim Ji-hoon’s character is hilarious for having such a specific type of girl he likes :-).

    Another superficial comment – um, I loved loved the wardrobes in this drama. Such beautiful coats and scarves and boots. I don’t even like the cold, but if I had the chance to be magically transported into a Kdrama, it would have to be a winter one just for the awesome clothes.

  13. Thanks for the recap. Although not all the characters ended up in a happily ever after relatioship I was content with the endings they were given. The GoDokMi- Enrique couple was cute but i gotta say it was the DongHoon-Team Leader coupling I found hilariously enternaining XD … As for Jin Rok, I was a bit sad for him at first but hey the guy is absolutely gorgeous he’ll get a girl in no time 😉 .
    This drama is one of the few dramas where I liked most of the characters and found the chemistry between the them evident.

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