Spring 2013 has Arrived with Fun Bean Pole CF Featuring Kim Soo Hyun and Suzy
OMG I can’t even – this is soooooo precious and adorable I actually got cavities just by looking at the pictures and watching the videos. The long-awaited (by me) Spring 2013 outdoor brand Bean Pole‘s ad campaign featuring Kim Soo Hyun and Suzy have just been released last week. Last year found the two of them in New Zealand and this year the couple was sent to Thailand to showcase a more flirty and fun vibe. I think the ad campaign is all about “glamping”, which I’m going to take as a newly created concept aimed at promoting glamorous camping. LOL, whatever that is, if Soo Hyun and Suzy are doing it, then it’s all good with me. I’m slightly distracted by Soo Hyun’s hairstyle for this spread, it’s curly and permed on top with buzzed sides. I can’t figure out if he looks like a small broccoli head or that it actually works on him? I’ve noticed that Suzy has sported the exact same long hair style since she debuted 3 years ago, not that there is anything wrong with it since it looks great on her, but normally its the ladies who get saddled with different hairstyles from ad campaign to ad campaign. I love how the pictures look, with this gauzy finish and some great Spring colors of green and soft yellows. I really don’t notice the clothes AT ALL, but then having them does add brand awareness big time. It’s going to be hard for me to wrap my head around Suzy working with Lee Seung Gi next in the upcoming fantasy sageuk Gu Family Book. It’ll totally feel like she’s cheating on her Soo Hyun oppa with her Seung Gi oppa. And then I realize how totally and completely jealous I am of her, getting to work with some of my favorite leading men. It’s good that I like her so much since she’s not the best actress so if I disliked her onscreen presence it would drive me bonkers to have her land such prime acting gigs. With this new Spring ad campaign, I do feel like a soft warm breeze has wafted through the computer screen and brightened up my day considerably. That, and the mega watt happy smiles on Soo Hyun and Suzy’s face when they are hanging out.
Bean Pole Hyunzy Spring 2013 photoshoot:
Bean pole Spring 2013 CF:
Bean Pole news coverage BTS:
They look so cute together. Please be dating – if not now, in the future!
OMG, i just watched dream high again yesterday. Wonderful!
Absolute perfection. Just absolute perfection. Never really noticed until now that they look really similar to each other and don’t they say the most compatible couples usually resemble each other :D. It makes me sad that they will probably never act together again but I guess this is better than nothing. For now I can just fabricate in my head that this is what Hye Mi and Sam Dong do on their weekends whilst on a break from their Grammy winning careers…sigh.
I feel bad saying this but I see like zero romantic chemistry between the two, they seem to be have fairly comfortable platonic chemistry though…I know korean culture is different but that type of electricity translates beyond anything…just my opinion…they are an attractive pair though!
You are not the only one. Truly they are attractive
Love the photos and the colours.
And those 2 bring a smile to my face every single time you post a photo of them. Absolute genius pairing them up.
OMG…i can’t stop smiling after watching the BTS video. They’re so cute. “her Soohyun oppa…her Seunggi oppa” *sigh* lucky girl! Suzy is much comfortable here with Soohyun compared to their Winter CF last time.
I love Suzy’s hair 🙂
they look so cute ♥
Pretty and cute. However, can someone, please, explain Suzy’s popularity to me. I don’t get it. From what I’ve seen she’s not even a good actress, I don’t know if she does well in variety. She’s just beautiful. But then again, all idols are. What’s so special about her?
Korean people love beauty, whether it’s plastic beauty, and even more natural beauty, which is rare. Suzy is what they call a natural beauty, and they adore her for that. It doesn’t even matter if she’s good or bad in acting, they just love her for being her natural self.
Maybe because she’s always being true to herself. She’s a pretty girl but never act like one.She seems to have a cool personality.She’s always blunt about her choice. She’s different from her nation first love’s image.So it’s refreshing i think. She’s also never afraid to embarrassed herself.She also has the best fan service..lol Idk..i think Koreans just like her for being herself. She’s just likable. It’s either u like her or u don’t.
I have to agree with orenji, though I had the same issue for a log time, when she blew up with DH. I didn’t care for that drama, her performance or pairing but what saves alot of K-actresses is their RL personas. She’s an adorable girl who is just that, a “girl,” she never tries to be more than that and it’s appreciated. I also believe that is why her hair has remain unchanged.
Suzy is very young but her face and body don’t reflect that. Therefore, I won’t be surprised that when she’s actually out of “illegal” territory they chop her hair or revamp her look.
OMG…that’s what I am really seeing every time I saw this couple…You know after being a K-Drama fan since 2004…only 3 korean drama who make me an avid fan of those couples…(YEH & JJH of Goong/Princess Hours, LDH & LDW of My Girl, and SHK & Rain of Full House), then after that I still watched K-Drama (now I had nearly 100 K-Drama collection at home) but aside from the 3 I mentioned above, there’s no more drama who got me addicted…I don’t know why? Until I’ve watched Dream High last year (August 2012)…at first I doubted I will love the series, though I read a lot of comments online & previews that it was a great series…I still didn’t expect more about the drama (aside from they are newbies, it was a K-pop drama also, and I am not a K-pop fan before) but out of curiosity since I heard a lot about this Dream High series & about Miss A Suzy, I brought the DVD and watched it..to my surprised only the 1st &2nd episode I don’t want to end watching the whole series…that’s TRUE! I was really addicted, every episode is worth watching, it didn’t got me bored…and Miss A Suzy & Kim Soo Hyun was just so PERFECT for each other…I’m dying with their chemistry, don’t ask me why, because I don’t know why they leave that IMPACT on me, I just feel it…and if I had enough money, no more second thought I am going to PRODUCE another DRAMA for this two! This is what I don’t like about Korean Couple, rare couple on screen are been given the chance to work again together in a drama or series…but I am still happy that even after two years Kim Soo Hyun & Suzy are still keep in touch with one another…they really look good together…why can’t they be REAL? *sighed*
*laughs like a crazy person just by seeing those pics..
Lol I love your saying “glamping” Ms. Koala. If only real camping was like this comfy (and clean!), but then it wouldn’t be as fun. The ad looks like a fashionable retro picnic in the park, nothing about product endurance etc.