Teaser and Stills from All About My Love with Shin Ha Kyun and Lee Min Jung
I haven’t written much about upcoming political rom-com All About My Love with Shin Ha Kyun and Lee Min Jung, other than to note that it went through three potential leading ladies (Im Soo Jung, Gong Hyo Jin, and Han Hye Jin) before securing this current cast. This is actually the Wed-Thurs drama I’m most interested in of the upcoming lot – When a Man Loves will be good for the snark and checking out Song Seung Heon’s abs and gangster acting, and Heaven’s Mandate will be interesting for Lee Dong Wook’s first foray into the sageuk genre and its Fugitive bent. But nothing beats the possibility of seeing Shin Ha Kyun and Park Hee Soon together onscreen, and in a rom-com no less! I like Lee Min Jung, but I don’t see her as nearly in the same league acting-wise as her two leading men, but I also think acting opposite them in an adult story will elevate her rather than expose her limitations. She’s been pidgeon-holed as the bumbling earnest girl for too long now, it’s time to play in the big leagues and act a character written with a personality closer to her age. The first teaser and poster-shooting stills are out, and the cast looks fantastic together. I have a soft-spot for political K-dramas since City Hall is my favorite K-drama of all time and that was a simplified version of a political themed love story. In ABML, two newly elected members of the legislature from opposing political parties butt heads at work but find themselves attracted to each other and end up secretly dating. The concept is nothing new so it all hinges on execution. The PD-writing team did the workplace rom-com Protect the Boss two years ago so hopefully they’ve learned from that drama on what to replicate that was done right and what to avoid that ended up dragging down PTB towards the end. Also joining Lee Min Jung as the ladies of this show are Kim Jung Nan (from A Gentleman’s Dignity) and Han Chae Ah (of Gaksital).
Teaser for All About My Love:
yay for normal hairstyle
LOL! I think SHK’s leaves a little something to be desired, but at least none of the leads have a WTF-hairstyle. Dramaland has been so full of them lately that it truly is a relief to see that there aren’t any in this drama.
I love LMJ but I’m also worried about her ability to come across as being a good match for SHK. I hope she can expand her rage to include some gravitas, but I’m not seeing that in the trailer. Fingers crossed though, and I’m super excited about being able to watch SHK do his thang again.
Oh, how I wish I could watch City Hall again for the first time…
actually i should have written ‘yay for normal hairstyle, of the female leads ;)’
Really, dont’ask me why but they look adorable together and I believe we are in for words fights (on and off duty) and staring contests of mega proportions. Intensity!
If they manage to treat the political shenanigans in an exciting and thoughtful way, we should have a lot of fun. Can’t wait!
I love both lee min jung and shin ha kyun so will watch this drama for surrrrre!!!!!
Hmmm… Interesting. I do hope it will be good drama. However, I love love City Hall. That is one of the best kdrama and LMJ drama Smile, You. I love that drama too…
I LOVE HIM!! They are cute together.
Did I mention that I LOVE HIM!?
SO CUTE! Their smiles bring a smile to my face too…there were more BTS stills from the poster shoot with Park Hee Soon taking selcas of the four of them which was just so adorable….I’m more excited about this than I am about all the sageuks that are airing on M-T and definitely more than WAMLAW (terrible abbreviation)…also Shin Ha Kyun’s she likes me, she likes me not makes my heart flutter
Shin Ha Kyun!!!!!!!!!! I love this guy so damn much. Still can’t believe I’ve only gotten to know him in Brain.
I plan to watch for SHK but all I could see from LMJ was her typical “wide eyes, wider eyes, even wider eyes” style of acting. I hope this teaser is misleading.
I have a fondness for her, I know she’s been typecasted a lot but she’s likeable and if given the right role I think she could do well.
This drama does interest me, I’ll check out the kdrama remake of haken no hinkaku but it already bothers me that they had to add a love interest.
Heavens mandate is another one that I’ll be watching.
shin ha kyun!!! i’m in.. absolutly!!
can’t wait… ^^
Love Love SHK he is so sexy, Loved him in Brain and cannot wait to see him again. He is the Best!!
I forgot how great he is playing drunk, too.
I wore out my laptop replaying the “tie” scene in Brain where he shows up teaches her the trick, and she finally gets it. I can’t even tell you how many times I replayed ALL of their romantic scenes, but THAT one was my favorite. Imma go watch it again now.
Episode 5, btw, 36mins 50 secs…
I’ll leave this show… LMJ didn’t bring me an ‘a good match’ with SHK.
sounds interesting of all the lot that’s premiering soon!
I think we need to pre-emptively petition for no extensions! No ifs ands or buts about this! Extension is the major factor that killed Protect the Boss.
As for SHK, just jumped on the Brain bandwagon, and I mean last week. Late for Brain, but just in time for watching SHK in All About My Love!
I am in love with him after watchin BRAIN a few days ago!
just wished he’d kept his brain hairstyle instead of this wavy fringy thing he has got goin in all about my romance.