
Ji Chang Wook Denies Report that He was Cast Opposite Moon Geun Young in Goddess of Fire — 27 Comments

  1. If JCW confirm this saeguk then i’m going gaga like whole night. I always want him to get good role but apparently luck hasn’t reach him so far.
    So i really want this otp to be true

  2. I liked Ji Chang Wook’s performance in Five Fingers so it’s okay with me if he is cast as the male lead in this new drama. But my wish is a drama with Moon Geun Young and Jung Il Woo as the OTP.

  3. I’m still thinking casting a Japanese actor would be the best choice, or then cast a Korean actor but please don’t make them speak cringe worthy and very bad Japanese. Because no Korean actor is fluent (except Kim Jae Wok)or even conversational in Japanese.
    But MGY was amazing in Painter of the wind, seriously her chemistry with MCW was incredible.

  4. I LOVE JCW but if i have to choose someone then i want Song joong ki…then I can see both Geolrim couple but in diffrent dramas ^^

  5. Can’t she take all tri at once? 😀

    KJW should get Moon this time 🙂
    SJK should go after Moon already 🙂
    JCW should have fun having Moon by his side 🙂

  6. How about Im Ju Hwan? I think he is really good in sageuk costume. And I find his Park Kyu is mesmerising. And he’s out of the army. And his last works are all modern, which I found less captivating. But I am under his spell now (rewatching both Tamra and What’s Up several times last 10 days!!!). I found MGY is a really good actress and I wish IJH can act opposite her. But if it is SJK, I have no complain neither!

  7. Usually, rumors become reality..especially for the case of MBC. For example YEH and Suzy. Both of thier management initially denied casting rumors .. but it turns out to be true

    I am fine with JCW or another actor to get pairing with MGY, as long as not idol singer. It will be wasted for MGY’s talent

  8. Or it could be Ji Chang Wook’s agency trying to get him in the running for a role that he was never in contention for – a la Han Hyo Joo with Chuno.

  9. Finally, there’s some news on Moonie’s new drama. After CDDA there’s been a drought of news on her apart from her fan meeting. Anyway, I am really thrilled on the prospect of her new drama and here’s my wish list for her male lead (sorry, JCW is out for me):

    a. Jung II Woo
    b. Kim Soo Hyun
    c. Yoo Seung Ho (too bad he’s in the army)
    d. Philip Lee
    e. Lee Jun Ki
    f. Jaejoong
    g. Bae Soo bin
    h. Jo In Sung

    There is no priority ranking to the list but some of the names I would like to see pairing with Moonie. For me I would like to see a brooding guy with intense gaze and screen presence with my Moonie, hot enough to melt the screen.

    Counting down to June.

  10. OMG if SJK was cast I will DIE OF HAPPINESS. Too much awesomeness. Not against this pairing but there are more potential epic pairings in my opinion which they should aim for…

  11. My first reaction was “Noo!”…mostly because I really wanted Im Joo Hwan to get this part, I think he and MGY together have the potential to blow our minds….and Ji Chang Wook…….I don’t know how I feel about this…I liked the guy a lot in his debut in Sons of Sol Pharmacy house but I haven’t seen that much of him since he broke out, I’ve seen bits and pieces of him in both WBDS and 5F and he’s still good but I feel like he was overshadowed in both shows by the performances of his costars (Yoo Seung Ho and Joo Ji Hoo) so I’m a little worried that MGY would be a more charismatic onscreen presence…that said if they’re considering him, at least the production is on the right track…well at least I’m hoping they are

  12. Haven’t watch him on screen yet but he’s pretty handsome and I heard some good reviews about him. I’m just anxious to have my Moonie back.

  13. I’m ok with this. I still want KJW. But I like JCW and I loved him in Baek Dong Soo and would really like to seem him in something else that doesn’t suck. I watched Bachelor (unfortunately). Yuck. But no way I was going to watch 5 Fingers – a 50 ep makjang – over my dead body. So I don’t hate this casting. And at least it gets us away from the whole Jaejoong rumor. And since I really like JCW my fingers are crossed for the kid.

  14. I really like him as an actor and I already adore her so this pairing would work for me. It’s just unfortunate that neither have had “good” dramas lately. Hopefully if he is cast, this will be a break for them.

  15. I also adore MGY & JCW. Both have pleasant looks and personality. Confident both of them would have great chemistry onscreen. Cross my fingers that they would accept the roles.

  16. plz plz moon and JCW i love him in Warrior baek dong soo my opinion he is one of the best actor …..his acting skills are amazing …if would be the best pairing <3<3<3<3

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