
All Four Leads of When a Man Loves Show Off the Collective Pretty — 30 Comments

    • We need another poem from you… I’m still laughing at the last one..

      How much pretty can we endure if this turns into a complete suckfest?

      • Speaking of suckfest.

        Isn’t it about time we saw THT in a really good kissing scene?
        MP didn’t deliver on that one for me.

    • When A Man Poses For an Automotive Ad at a Windfarm… hard to complain about that one, eh?

      OTOH, I do recognize Guam’s mini Statue of Liberty, so I guess that’s where they meet.

  1. Temperature check? When a Man Can’t Forget His Previous Doctor’s Life…
    He is hot indeed, our SSH. But still, it’s a no.
    YWJ smile works better on me, silly face and all.

  2. Shin Se Kyung looks so… flat. It doesn’t help that her acting is also equally flat. Le sigh. I feel bad for SSH with his seemingly consistent pattern of less-than-stellar projects but dude really needs to triple think his choices in future…

  3. Datum! He is so swoonworthy hot!!!
    I think they will make his wife evil and probably have her have an affair with someone else so that the male lead wouldn’t get any hate for leaving his wife behind.

  4. When I first saw SSH in “Autumns Tale” I was wondering how could there be such a perfect looking man. This guy is seriously hot and getting hotter as he age. His acting though is just average. Shin Se Kyung puts me to sleep everytime I see her on screen. Plus I saw her on “Running Man” and I can’t say I like her.

    • I never remember what his performance is like coz I’m too busy ogling at the man. I like him without the mo ‘tho. Man – he’s good looking!

  5. I am drawn to this show. Hand Towel looks so good. But I am really worried he’ll be stuck in a rut…this is basically East of Eden all over again. So I propose instead a grittier version: When A Man Loves A Woman Who’s A Man.

  6. The grittier version sounds very entertaining in an angst filled melo way (and I can’t even begin to imagine the makjang possibilites!)

    SSH looks great.

  7. Unfortunately, all the pretty in the world may not be enough to suck me into this pending disaster of a plot line. Sigh…When a Man Loves…to pick almost all the wrong dramas to star in.

  8. when I first saw YWJ he looked so familiar and I was sure I had hated hated in whatever show I saw hi in but I just couldn’t remember then it clicked on me. It was from Arang and the Magistrate the cute bad guy

  9. ahhhhhh so dreamy I’m cured 🙂 (after watching JIN everytime i saw SSH I would be reminded of One Piece and god enel’s shocked face, dunno if anyone gets the reference though)as long as he doesn’t make those facial expressions were u feel that his eyes are about to pop out of his face then I can bare with whatever this drama throws at us

  10. is it just me or a man with white t-shirt always make my heart suddenly beat so fast? ssh looks cute…and yummy.:’)

  11. Can anyone please tell me what brand of sunglasses Yeo Woo Jin is wearing on episode 3 when he was wearing that white shirt?

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