
Jung Ryeo Won and Kim Ha Neul Juxtapose City and Beach in Spring Pictorials for Elle and Cosmopolitan — 17 Comments

  1. Hi There,
    Could you tell me why your site has become harmful to my computer when I google you ?
    Any powerful haters out there? Or it is just me being paranoid. Any way just a friendly query.
    Btw I like you site and read your artciles often.
    Thanks for your time and hadd work.

    • According to my IT department at work (yes, I sometimes check the site at work–hey, it’s a security issue–if I did not have Koala at work, I would probably lose my temper!!), someone has hacked into the Koala’s Playground and has attached some sort of ap that redirects you to porn sites and other unsavory places when your computer tries to go here ot to links in the site. My Norton security at home blocks it and so does my new anti-malware at work. However, the sites may still be loaded into your computer’s history. For awhile there I could not get into it at all (that was five days I do not care to repeat since it was during the time of the F4 (Meteor Garden) Chinese New Year concer news!!!).

    • I’ve cleaned it up, it was a hack that came in through a comment. Happened while I was in the air for 12 hours and landed to see this. Sigh. It’s safe now Google will lift the warning in a few hours.

  2. I just developed a huge crush on Jung Ryeo Won after watching King of Dramas. Checked a couple of her interviews. Learned she’s pretty much the artsy fartsy type of girl – she draws, dabbles into DIY-ing accessories, and dresses like she doesn’t care how hideous she looks sometimes. I really like her.

    • She seems like a really chill woman and I’m surprised but at the same time not really surprised that she’s an artsy woman because she picks really unique yet great roles and dramas. I’ve always thought I’d love to hang out with her.

  3. JRW is fast becoming the only other actress that I want to know about more after Shinhye. She has a distinctiveness that is totally her. She looks classy and elegant. Loved her in the two dramas …KOD and SM.

  4. I love both photo shoots, and JRW is now one of my favorite actresses after King of Dramas. What I don’t understand is the need to locate to Paris to do the pictures shot here. I am definitely NOT begrudgiing her a trip to Paris, but I often wonder about such shoots. If all the pictures we see are indoor shots, I feel as if I had been cheated. I know if I was the editor, I would be wondering why I sent all those people (i.e.–paid for all those people to go to Paris) when our in house art department could have created the pictures in the studio. JRW is just glowing in these pictures though.

    • +1

      The weather’s been winter-like in the capital lately with lots of snow and below 0°C temps. She would have frozen to death wearing these outfits. That may be an explanation. 😉


      • But even so, they could have shot the pictures indoors against a window with a Parisian view.

      • Hi Denali,

        I know I ahave been missing for awhile (*licking Miss Rose wounds*), but I have not been looking at any dramas lately; I am trying to be good, so I can get all the teaching and grant work done. Still hoping to have enough funding to study in Korea this summer, but the work must be done now. I no longer can pretend to be studying Korean by watching dramas!

    • Totally Agree about outdoor shooting. Total wastage of money and opportunity of having a unique photo shoot spread by not utilizing the beautiful architecture and surroundings

    • @trotwood: temptation must be strong but the price to pay will be so much worth it once you’ll set foot on the land of the morning calm. Wishing you the best.

  5. JRW is amazingly versatile. I *loved* her in Salaryman. Hilarious, and so different from the stereotypical Kdrama heroine. It was hard to believe she was the same actress who played the wilting flower in Sam-Soon.

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